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Dora Pejacevic's music played by Yoko Nishii in Nasice
By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić | Published  07/15/2017 | Music , Education | Unrated
Dora Pejacevic 1885-1923 is the first internationally known Croatian woman composer

Yoko Nishii had a pianist concert in the town of Našice, Croatia, in July 2014,...

as well as in September 2015.

Yoko Nishii playing in Našice on the piano of Dora Pejačević.

Yoko Nishii and Dora Pejačević playing on the same piano.

Portrait of Dora Pejačević that Yoko Nishii obtained as a gift after her very nice concert in the Pejačević Palace in Našice.

Photos by the courtesy of Yoko Nishii.

Yoko Nishii with the mixed tamburitza orchestra in Našice.

Yoko Nishii by the portrait of Dora Pejačević from 1905.

Yoko Nishii with her hosts in the town of Našice. To her left:
prof. Marina Kopri (director of the Primary Music School "Kontesa Dora" in Našice) and prof. Daniel Kopri (president of the Dora Pejačević Memorial).

Yoko Nishii in the Našice park.

Yoko Nishii Piano Recital, Našice, Croatia

date: Sunday, July 13th, 2014
start: 19:30
venue: Zavicajni muzej Nasice (Dvorac Pejačevic)
Spomena-soba Dore Pejacevic
Trg. dr. Franje Tuđmana 5, Našice


Dora Pejacevic (1885-1923)

Sechs Phantasiestucke / Mastanja / Six Fantasy Pieces Op.17 (1903)
  1. Sehnsucht / Čeznja / Longing
  2. Leid / Patnja / Grief
  3. Frage / Pitanje / Question
  4. Klage / Tuzaljk1a / Lament
  5. Bitte / Molba / Plea
  6. Wahn / Tlapnja / Delusion

Vier Klavierstucke / Cetiri skladbe za Glasovir / Four Piano Pieces Op.32(a) (1912)
4. Abendgedanke / Vecernja misao / Evening Thought

Zwei Intermezzi / Dva Intermezza / Two Intermezzi Op.38 (1916)

Zwei Klavierskizzen / Dvije skice za glasovir / Two Piano Sketches / Op.44 (1918)
  1. An Dich! / Tebi! / To Thee!
  2. Vor deinem Bild / Pred tvojom slikom / Before Thy Picture

Blutenwirbel / Cvjetni vrtlog / A Whirl of Blossoms in E-flat Major Op.45 (1918)

Zwei Nocturnes / Dva nokturna / Two Nocturnes Op.50 (1918, 1920)

Sonata za glasovir u B-molu / Piano Sonata in B-flat minor Op.36 (1915)
  • Con fuoco ma non troppo allegro
  • Andante con molto espressione
  • Rondo. Allegro risoluto

On this concert I will play lots of Dora's music on Dora's own Bluthner in her memorial room within the Native Museum at Nasice, Croatia!

A view to the town of Našice.

Dora Pejačević

Dora Pejačević zauzima istaknuto mjesto u hrvatskoj kulturi. Bila je prva hrvatska skladateljica, a njezin je rad prihvaćen i izvan granica Hrvatske. O svojem je stvaralaštvu Dora napisala:

Zapravo sam samo tjelesno ovdje, sve što u sebi osjećam kao življenje i doživljavanje lebdi iznad prisutnoga i vidljivoga i u nekoj dubokoj i lijepoj beskonačnosti vidim u zrcalu svoga osjećanja pokretačke snage u liku ljubljenih bića i tisuće sjećanja izranja poput vodencvjetova na glatkoj površini jezera. U tu beskonačnost osjećaje slijede i misli i tamo promišljam svoje najbolje, jer sve što je dobro i veliko izrasta iz ljubavi. Odlebdjevši u taj najnevidljiviji svijet najosobnije unutarnjosti, postajem tek tada posvema svoje Ja, i to Ja, koje se tada u toj nebeski dalekoj skrovitosti osjeća previše ispunjeno sobom samim, traži izraz, traži odterećenje od toga visokog duševnog pritiska, koji je sam po sebi neka vrsta oduševljenja -€“ i to se oslobođenje ostvaruje kada nastaje skladba!

Tamburitza Orchestra "Dora Pejacevic", Nasice

The neo-Gothic chapel built in 1881 to Hermann BollĂŠ's design.
(From Koraljka Kos: Dora Pejačević, Muzicki informativni centar KDZ, 2008)

The grave of Dora Pejačević in Našice.

Dora Pejačević

In keeping with her own wishes, Dora was buried outside of the family crypt (mausoleum). The bust Tuga (Sadness) dates from 1906 and was the work of the Serbian sculptor Đorđe Jovanović:

The original is kept in the composer's room in the castle, just as it ws during her lifetime, and the sculpture at the grave is a copy. Data about the composer's life is given in Latin on the back of the gravestone, while only DORA is inscribed on the front with the phrase Ruhe nun (i.e., Rest now, in German) from the song The Loneliest from her late work Three Tunes Op. 53, to F. Nietzsche's verses.

Source: Koraljka Kos: Dora Pejačević, Muzički informativni centar KDZ, 2008

Dora Pejačević - Ave Maria, interpreted by Chordes trio - Zagreb:
Nina Kobler - soprano, Krešimir Marmilić - violin, Biserka Krčelić - harp

Yoko Nishii with her host in Našice, Silvija Lučevnjak (director of the Našice Museum), in front of the grave of Dora Pejačević.

Dora Pejačević, portrait by Maxo Vanka, distinguished Croatian painter

Formated for CROWN by Darko Žubrinić
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