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Efforts to build the Church of Croatian Martyrs in Udbina
By Prof.Dr. Darko Zubrinic | Published  09/15/2007 | In Memoriam , History , Education | Unrated
The Krbava Battle, September 9th, 1493.

The tragic Krbava battle with the Turks in 1493. has been taken as a symbol of Croatian Martyrdom throughout its very long history. The Church of Croatian Martyrs has the goal to maintain remembrances to numerous known and uknown victims of historical misfortunes.

Croatian bishops in Udbina, September 9th, 2007, near the huge Krbava Field.

Let us build the Church of Croatian Martyrs in Udbina.
The project has been initiated by bishop Dr. Mile Bogović, bishop of Gospić-Senj.
Sermon of Dr. Mile Bogović in 2003 on the Krbava field (in Croatian).

Dr. Ivan Devčić, Archbishop of Rijeka, and a breathtaking view to the famous Krbava field on the left.

These are stones from various places from Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Slovenia,
representing only a few out of numerous places where people were disappearing in the 20th century,
without the right to be ever mentioned or remembered, and even without the right to be burried.

The accompaning cultural program included the famous gusla players from Duvno, BiH, 
in Croatian national costumes.
Note the Croatian Coat of Arms on the body of gusla, and on a small shoe woven for children.

Singers from Vinjani, BiH, singing ganga.

Tamburitza players from Remetinec near the city of Varaždin.

The Church of Croatian Martyrs in 2007; behind is a view to the Krbava field.

Croatian soldier and a man from Duvno, BiH, with traditional suit. Note his small red cap.

The monument dedicated to innocent Croatian victims killed near the Gospic cemetary immedately after the WWII "ended".
The monument has been damaged during the Serbian aggression on Croatia in 1990s.

The village of Lovinac in Lika, one of the symbols of Croatian past tragedies.
A renewed Church of St. Mihovil, built in 1704,  renewd in 1989, has been totally destroyed in 1991 during the Serbian aggression on Croatia.
The church has been renewed again from various sources, including donations by Ivica Zdunic from Toronto, Canada, and by Đurđa Hrgetić from Venezuela. The church has been blessed in 199 by Dr. Antun Tamarut, the Rijeka Archbishop.

Interior of the renewd church in Lovinac.

Two bells, damaged during the Serbian aggression in 1991, are exhibited in front of the renewed church. Croatian Catholics dedicated this bell to God, for saving their souls, and to their Croatian Homeland.

The second damaged bell, dedicated to a famous Croatian intellectual and martyr - Stjepan Radić, killed in 1928 in the ex-Yugoslav Parliament in Belgrade.

The valley of the Gacka (Gatska) river, a jewel of Lika.

The town of Brinje in Lika, the Middle Age Frankapan fortress on the right.

Formated for CROWN by prof.dr. Darko Žubrinić
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