Croatian American Times (Cro-AT) is the only WEEKLY INDEPENDENT newspaper in North America that serves Croatian Americans. The Times is bilingual, being published in Croatian and English, and international in scope. Daily contact is maintained with journalist and reporters in Croatia and America. Circulation to Croatia is 5000 weekly. Cro-AT is published with the intention to provide business, cultural and social information and news to the American and Croatian community. It provides business and trade opportunities for Americans, Croatian Americans and Croatians in Croatia. Cro-AT reports on all historic, social, benevolent, church and other activities within the Croatian American community and promotes, thru advertising and articles, Croatian American and Croatian enterprises. Their advertising rates are reasonable and affordable. Subcription is $95.00 per year or $2.50 weekly. Write or call Croatian American Times at 44-37 Douglaston Parkway, Douglaston, NY 11363; Phone 718-819-0401; Fax 718-819-0407; Call or write for a free sample.