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Ivana Marija Vidovic member of the jury of the International Music Competition in Kaunas, Lithuania 2019
By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić | Published  12/15/2019 | Music , Education , Culture And Arts | Unrated
Ivana Marija Vidovic a member of the jury presidency for all five categories in the piano section from age 5 to 23

Ivana Marija Vidović, Croatian pianist, a member of the Jury at the Sonorum Competition
in Kaunas, Lithuania, 2019, delivering a closing speech.

The Kaunas Philharmony Hall
The table of the members of the Jury in Kaunas, Lithuania.
Sitting at the piano, Aliaksey Yarshou from Bielorussia, competing in A category (5 years).

VELIKA ČAST - Pijanistica Ivana Marija Vidović u žiriju međunarodnog natjecanja za klasičnu glazbu

Nesvakidašnja serija događanja koja zasigurno zaslužuje veliku pažnju na svjetskom nivou jest Međunarodno natjecanje za klasičnu glazbu pod imenom Sonorum International Music Competition koji se održava u prosincu u gradu Kaunasu u Litvi.

Velika čast zapala je dubrovačku pijanisticu i pjesnikinju Ivanu Mariju Vidović da bude u predsjedništvu žirija za svih pet kategorija u sekciji za klaviriste. Natjecanje broji petu ediciju i niže velike uspjehe, održava sjajan nivo, spaja glazbom narode i države i stvara krunu uspjeha za koju su potrebni mladi
talenti prepuni discipline i velikog entuzijazma te su sukus odličnog obrazovanja.

Gradonačelnik Kaunasa, litavskog grada koji se nominira da bi 2022. postao prijestolnicom europske kulture Visvaldas Matijošaitis obratio se brojnoj publici u jednoj od dvije večeri finala i dodjele Grand Prixa i čestitao svim sudioniima te stručnjacima u žiriju. Zastupljeni su bili učenici i studenti podijeljeni u pet kategorija prema godinama. Natjecali su se pijanisti, gudači, pjevači, puhači i harmonikaši.

Natjecatelji su došli iz brojnih, raznih krajeva svijeta. Osim domaćina iz Litve nastupili su još sudionici iz Poljske, Bjelorusije, Estonije, Latvije, Norveške, Francuske, Belgije, Rusije, Švedske, Slovenije, Finske, Njemačke, Izraela, Ukrajine, Egipta, Koreje i Kine. Izvedbe su se odvijale u glazbenoj školi (grad Kaunas ima 200.000 stanovnika i 4 glazbene škole!) te u dvoranama Glazbene gimnazije i u dvorani Kaunaske filharmonije.

Grand Prix pripao je pobjedniku E kategorije (od 19 do 23 godine) među klaviristima mladom studentu iz Kaunasa Lukasu Gedvilasu. Oduševili su i ostali finalisti za puhačke instrumente i to vrhunski mladi već formirani umjetnici, oboistica iz Rusije Varvara Petrova, harmonikašica iz Bjelorusije Anna Saykovskaya, za gudački dio kineska čelistica koja studira u Njemačkoj Yeosol Lee, a za vokalni dio mladi pjevač iz Litve Domas Saulevičius.

Pijanistički žiri uz Ivanu Mariju Vidović sačinjavao je i profesor s Akademije u Grazu Otto Niederdorfer te direktor Kaunaske filharmonije, maestro Justinas Kre„—pšta. Ivana Marija Vidović imala je i dodatnu čast te se na finalnoj večeri dodjele nagrada i priznanja u ime stručnog žirija obratila publici u prepunoj dvorani Kaunaske Filhramonije.

A GREAT HONOUR - Croatian Pianist Ivana Marija Vidovic as a member of the jury of the International Competition

An unusual series of events that certainly deserve a lot of attention at the world level is undoubtedly the international classical music competition named the Sonorum International Music Competition, which takes place in Lithuanian city of Kaunas during month of December.

It was a great honour for the Dubrovnik pianist and poet Ivana Marija Vidovic to be in the jury presidency for all five categories in the piano section from age 5 to 23. The competition has the fifth edition this year and indeed wonderful successes, maintains a great level, blends with the music for numerous nations and creates a crown of success that requires from young talents to be full of discipline and ethics, great enthusiasm and are the epitome of excellent education and spirituality.

The mayor of Kaunas, a Lithuanian city that is nominated to become the capital of European culture in 2022, Mr. Visvaldas Matioshaitis addressed a large audience in one of the two evenings of the Grand prix and the finals and awards and congratulated to all: numerous participants, warm audeinces and the judges and jury experts. Pupils and students were represented in five categories according to their age. Pianists, strings, singers, wind instruments and accordion players competed.

The contestants came from numerous, different parts of the world. In addition to the hosts from Lithuania, participants from Poland, Belarus, Estonia, Latvia, Norway, France, Belgium, Russia, Sweden, Slovenia, Finland, Germany, Israel, Ukraine, Egypt, Korea and China also competed and performed. Performances took place at the music school (Kaunas city has 200,000 inhabitants and 4 music schools!) and in the halls of the Music High School and in the Kaunas Philharmonic Hall.

A young pianist from Kaunas Lukas Gedvilas was awarded a Grand Prix and is a winner of the E category (from 19 to 23 years old) in the piano section. Other finalists from other sections were also great and completely delighted the audience. For wind section an amazing oboist Varvara Petrova from Moscow, an accordion player from Belarus Anna Saykovskaya, for the strings a cellist Yeosol Lee, and for vocal part young singer from Lithuania Domas Saulevičius.

The jury of the Piano section was composed by maestra Ivana Marija Vidovic, professor from the Academy of Graz Otto Niederdorfer and director of the Kaunas Philharmonic Orchestra, maestro Justinas Kre„—pšta. Ivana Marija Vidović also had the additional honour of addressing on behalf of the jury the numerous audience of the crowded Kaunas Philhramonic Hall during the final concert, awarding of all this year's awards and this year's Grand prix.

Ivana Marija Vidović with Varvara Petrova, amazing oboist from Moscow.
The Kaunas Castle

Ivana Marija Vidović with young Lithuanian pianist Lukas Gedvilas,
winner of the competition in E category, and the recipient of Grand Prix.

Ivana Marija Vidović with Mr. Mindaugas Labanauskas,
director of the Music School in Kaunas.

Aliaksey Yarshou from Bielorussia, the winner of the competition
in A category of youngest competitors (5 years)

Piano Jury in Kaunas, 2019: Ivana Marija Vidović, Croatia, with professor Otto Niederdorfer, Austria,
and director of the Kaunas Philharmonic Orchestra, maestro Justinas Kre—pšta (on the right)
Ivana Marija Vidović with H.E. Mr. Krešmir Kedmenec,
ambassador of the Republic of Croatia in Lithuania.

Palace on the islet of Trakaij on the lake of Galve, Lithuania.
The Doors of Dawn, a famous icon of Mater Misericordia (Mother of Mercy)

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