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 »  Home  »  Entertainment  »  Miro Gavran's plays BEER and ICECREAM online with English subtitles
 »  Home  »  Education  »  Miro Gavran's plays BEER and ICECREAM online with English subtitles
Miro Gavran's plays BEER and ICECREAM online with English subtitles
By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić | Published  01/12/2021 | Entertainment , Education | Unrated
Miro Gavran is the greatest contemorary Croatian writer, translated into 41 languages worldwide

BEER, with English subtitles

ICECREAM, with English subtitles

Theatre Gavran will put their two hit comedy plays by the Croatian hit playwright Miro Gavran on the digital platform. The plays are ICECREAM and BEER and the recordings will be available on Saturday, March 13th at 8PM, the city of Zagreb local time.

BEER is a gentle comedy about a Father and his Son, two starring roles by Zlatko Ozbolt and Jakov Gavran. The play is directed by Helena Buljan. This awarded comedy premiered in 2015, and is still performed throughout the world with over a hundred reprises.

ICECREAM is a comedy with Mladena Gavrana and Ana Vilenica as a mother and her daughter in their most dramatic moments. Humour and emotions are intertwined in this story portraying a relationship of two women, who are so different and so alike at the same time. This awarded play was directed by Boris Svrtan. It had over 150 performances.

Both plays have English subtitles.

The digital platform of the Theatre Gavran will be available at at scheduled times:

13 March, 2021, Saturday, 20h (i.e., 8:00 PM, Zagreb local time), BEER

14 March, 2021, Sunday, 20h (i.e., 8:00 PM, Zagreb local time), ICECREAM

19 March, 2021, Friday, 20h (i.e., 8:00 PM, Zagreb local time), BEER

20 March, 2021, Saturday, 20h (i.e., 8:00 PM, Zagreb local time), ICECREAM

TIME CONVERTER (please, take care also about the dates):
20h or 8:00 PM (Zagreb) =
7:00 PM (London) =
2:00 PM (New York) =
11:00 AM (San Francisco) =
4:00 PM (Buenos Aires) =
9:00 PM (Haifa) =
10:00 PM (Moscow, the next day) =
12:30 AM (New Delhi, the next day) =
4:00 AM (Tokyo, the next day) =
4:00 AM (Seoul, the next day) =
3:00 AM (Beijing, the next day) =
6:00 AM (Sydney, the next day) =

The Theatre GAVRAN was founded in 2002, with an aim to produce communicative and artistically worthy plays with the best actors directors and associates.

Razni prijevodi Gavranovih djela s hrvatskoga jezika
  1. albanski
  2. arabski
  3. azerbajdžanski
  4. bugarski
  5. katalonski
  6. kineski
  7. češki
  8. danski
  9. nizozemski
  10. engleski
  11. esperanto
  12. estonski
  13. flamanski
  14. francuski
  15. talijanski
  16. njemački
  17. grčki
  18. hebrejski
  19. hindi
  20. mađarski
  21. japanski
  22. karnatački (Indija)
  23. latvijski
  24. litvanski
  25. lužičkosrbski
  26. makednoski
  27. maratski (Indija)
  28. norveški
  29. perzijski
  30. poljski
  31. portugalski
  32. rumunjski
  33. ruski
  34. slovački
  35. slovenski
  36. španjolski
  37. švedski
  38. teluguški (Indija)
  39. turski
  40. ukrajinski
  41. valonski (Belgija)

Various translations of Gavran's works from Croatian language
  1. Albanian
  2. Arabic
  3. Azerbaijani
  4. Bulgarian
  5. Catalan
  6. Chinese
  7. Czech
  8. Danish
  9. Dutch
  10. English
  11. Esperanto
  12. Estonian
  13. Flamish
  14. French
  15. Italian
  16. German
  17. Greek
  18. Hebrew
  19. Hindi
  20. Hungarian
  21. Japanese
  22. Kannada (India)
  23. Latvian
  24. Lithuanian
  25. Lužičko-Sorbian
  26. Macedonian
  27. Marathi (India)
  28. Norwegian
  29. Persian
  30. Polish
  31. Portugese
  32. Romanian
  33. Russian
  34. Slovakian
  35. Slovenian
  36. Spanish
  37. Swedish
  38. Telugu (India)
  39. Turkish
  40. Ukrainean
  41. Walloon (Belgium)

Nenad Bach and Miro Gavran in Zagreb in 2008. Many thanks to Mr Gavran for the photo.

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