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(E) Looking for afordable accomodations in the USA
By Nenad N. Bach | Published  05/22/2003 | Classifieds | Unrated
(E) Looking for afordable accomodations in the USA


U potrazi za prihvatljivim smjestajem 
Looking for affordable accommodations in the USA

(English version at the end)

Postovana gospodo,

lijepo Vas molim za nekoliko informacija. Zovem se Zlatko Greguric, student
sam financija i informatike na Sveucilistu u Zagrebu. Ovo ljeto provest cu u

SADu, radeci i putujuci vecinom po zapadnoj obali. Imam studentsku J-1 vizu
koja mi dozvoljava legalan rad, a najprije cu raditi u Montani gdje vec imam
posao. Medutim, svakako zelim proputovati i ostale drzave, a to ovisi o tome
hocu li naci odgovarajuci smjestaj. Buduci da ce smjestaj biti ipak najveci
trosak, odlucio sam unaprijed potraziti neki pristojan i jeftin smjestaj, a
nakon toga i posao u tom podrucju. 

Lijepo Vas molim za pomoc - informacije ili savjet: kako bih mogao pronaci
neki jeftini smjestaj za dvije osobe (sa mnom putuje i moja djevojka, takoder
student) u bilo kojoj drzavi tijekom ovog ljeta? Dakle, trazim smjestaj za 20-60
dana (ne znam jos tocno) tijekom kolovoza (August) i rujna (September).

Svaki savjet je vise no dobrodosao. Velika hvala unaprijed! Lijep pozdrav iz


S osobitim stovanjem,
Zlatko Greguric 

Dear Sir or Madam

I kindly ask you for a few information. My name is Zlatko Greguric, I am a
student of finance and computer science on University of Zagreb. I will
spend this summer in the USA, by working and traveling mostly on the west
coast. I have a student J-1 visa that allows me to work legally, and for start
I will work in Montana where I already got a job. But, I definitely want to
see and travel through other states as well, but that depends on finding appropriate
accommodation. Considering that housing is the greatest cost, I decided to look
for some decent and cheap accommodation in advance,
and afterwards to find a job in that area 

I kindly ask you for help information or advice: where/how could I find

some cheap accommodation for two persons (my girlfriend is traveling with
me, she's also a student) in any state this summer? So, I'm looking for
an accommodation for 20-60 days (I'm not sure yet) in August and September.

And advice is more than welcomed. Thank you very much! Nice greetings from

Yours faithfully,
Zlatko Greguric 

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  • Comment #1 (Posted by adrienne)

    that is so cool, Montana isn't far from Washington state, you should deffenately drive the 8 hours to see this beautiful state! you go through idaho as well. if you do make it to WA you should come to wenatchee! you could find work and cheap housing. you could probably find a 1 bedroom apartment for about 350 to 450 a month and electricity is cheap because of all of the dams. i would love to go to croatia because that is where my great grandparents are from, it would be so cool to be able to live there.
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