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 »  Home  »  Sports  »  Ivica Kostelic Croatian skier celebrates 10th World Cup slalom victory
Ivica Kostelic Croatian skier celebrates 10th World Cup slalom victory
By Prof.Dr. Darko Zubrinic | Published  01/18/2010 | Sports | Unrated
10th career FIS Ski World victory on men's FIS SKi WC slalom in Wengen (SUI)

Wengen (SUI), January 17, 2010.

FIS Ski World Cup, slalom (men)
Kostelić celebrates 10th World Cup victory!
Ivica Kostelić has come to his 10th career FIS Ski World victory on men's FIS SKi WC slalom in Wengen (SUI). By reaching a final 18th place, perfect day for Croatia's alpine skiing was in Wengen completed by Natko Zrnčić-Dim's best FIS SKI WC slalom result so far.

  1. Ivica Kostelić (Croatia) 1:40.34
  2. Andre Myhrer (Sweden) +0.29
  3. Reinfried Herbst (Austria) +0.51
  4. Benjamin Raich (Austria) +0.70
  5. Julien Lizeroux (France) +0.71

Interview with Croatia's Ivica Kostelic, winner of an Audi FIS World Cup slalom in Wengen, Switzerland. Also, Ivica during his National Anthem, with sister Janica and saluting Croatian fans.

17.01.2010 Ivica Kostelić osvaja slalom u Wengenu! Ivica Kostelić nije suzdržavao emocije Jubilarna, deseta pobjeda našeg skijaša

Johny be good, Ivica Kostelić singing and playing guitar

BIS: Janica Kostelić and 2002 Winter Olympic Games in Salt Lake City

All of Janica's victories at the 2002 Winter Olympic Games in Salt Lake City. Janica won 3 gold medals (combined, slalom and giant slalom) and a sliver medal (super g) making her the most succesful female skier in history.

Formated for CROWN by prof.dr. Darko Žubrinić
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