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 »  Home  »  Culture And Arts  »  Epidaurus Festival organized by Ivana Marija Vidovic for the 15th time in the town of Cavtat
Epidaurus Festival organized by Ivana Marija Vidovic for the 15th time in the town of Cavtat
By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić | Published  08/24/2021 | Music , Education , Culture And Arts | Unrated
Ivana Marija Vidović is the founder and artistic director of the Epidaurus Festival since 2007

Ivana Marija Vidović, Croatian pianist and poet, the founder and artistic director of the Epidaurus Festival in Cavtat

Kud plovi ovaj brod? Where does this ship sail?

Ivana Marija Vidović, Croatian concert pianist and poet (on the photo), is the founder and director of the Epidaurus Festival in Cavtat, a beautiful town south-east of the city of Dubrovnik, where she was born. In 2021, the festival is marking its fifteenth anniversary.

We owe her our deep gratitude for great efforts and love, which has connected so many Croatian and foreign artists, especially musicians. The burden of its organization is shared by her mother Franica, as well as by her father, and a small number of faithful colleagues and friends. In 2021, a special guest of the festival will be Radojka Šverko, distinguished Croatian diva.


ushićena sam da mogu najavit 15. festival Epidaurus u Cavtatu!

To je mali jubilej, a za nas toliko velik i znatan. Toliko je truda, entuzijazma i rada za nama. Ponajviše pregršt predivnih projekata koji su nam doveli većinu vodećih imena iz skoro svih grana umjetnosti u naš čarobni Cavtat. Pored domaćih, zavidan je broj inozemnih umjetnika koji je u proteklih 15 godina sa svojim talentom i umijećem pohodio Cavtat i naš festival. Hvala svima koji su do sada nastupili u sklopu Epidaurus festivala, hvala svim mojim suradnicima bez kojih bi sve moje ideje i želje bile teško ostvarljive. U ova teška doba, kad se u sektoru kulture osjećamo usamljeni i često napušteni, hvala hvalevrijednim potporama i sponzorima koji i dalje čvrsto stoje uz nas i koji su krenuli s nama i na ovogodišnju petnaestu plovidbu.

Festival će u predivnom ambijentu predvorja cavtatskog Kneževa dvora otvoriti sjajna glumica Ksenija Prohaska, prvakinja splitskog HNK sa svojom vrhunskom interpretacijom Marlene Dietrich. Prohaska je Cavtat već očarala pred dvije godine s ulogom Clare Schumann. Uz nju nastupit će darovita Danira Ipavec na harmonici i klaviru.

Plesni studio iz Dubrovnika dovodi nam u Cavtat balerine i ples s krasnim koreografijama...s posvetom Olgi Solovjevoj na novootvorenoj pozornici Ljetnog kina u Cavtatu. Ovogodišnji mladi talenti Epidaurusa predstavit će nam studentice Glazbene akademije u Splitu i to Mariju Kristinu Tomić kao sopranisticu i Anu Kačić Barišić na violini uz uvijek vještu, nepogrešivu pratnju Konavoke Nene Ćorak.

A za kraj?

Za kraj imamo jednu od najvećih hrvatskih pjevačica svih vremena, istinsku divu Radojku Šverko koja je svoje impresivne uspjehe ovoljetne turneje odlučila okrunit baš u zagrljaju rujanskog Cavtata sa svojim vrhunskim glazbenicima uz proslavu 50.godišnjice svoje pobjede na Splitskom festivalu s neodoljivom pjesmom Kud plovi ovaj brod.
Dođite u Cavtat da zajedno "viramo ankoru" našeg broda kako bi zaplovio na moru ljubavi na svoju petnaestu plovidbu.Tu-tu...

S ljubavlju i sa zahvalnošću,

Ivana Marija Vidović, koncertna pijanistica i
Umjetnička direktorica Epidaurus Cavtat festivala

Ivana Marija Vidović in her native city of Dubrovnik, Croatia

International Festival Of Music and Arts

28.8. - 04.09.2021. Cavtat, Hrvatska / Croatia
Program / Programme

28.08. subota / Saturday
20.30h / 8.30pm
Predvorje Kneževog dvora u Cavtatu / In front of the Rector's Palace, Cavtat

PLAVI ANĐEL - MARLENE DIETRICH / Marlene Dietrich - The Blue Angel
Otvaranje 15.festivala / 15th Opening To The 15th Happening

Redatelj/director: Ivan Leo Lemo
Tekst/text: Ana Tonkovic Dolencic, Vlatko Broz
Scenograf/Scene: Ivan Leo Lemo, Kostimografkinja/Costumes: Vedrana Rapic Prga
Marlene: Ksenija Prohaska
Harmonika i glasovir/Acordion and piano: Danira Ipavec

30.08. ponedjeljak / Monday
Ljetno kino Cavtat / Cavtat Open Air Cinema

20h30 / 8.30pm

OLGA SOLOVJEVA, cavtatski labud / Olga Solovjeva, The Cavtat's swan

Plesni studio DuPoint / DuPoint dance studio, Dubrovnik

01.09. srijeda / Wednesday
Predvorje Kneževog dvora u Cavtatu / Frontyard of the Rector's Palace, Cavtat

20h30 / 8.30pm

MLADI TALENTI TINU PATTIERI / Young talents remember Tino Pattiera

Marija Kristina Tomić, soprano/sopran
Ana Kačić Barišić, violina/violin
Studentice Glazbene akademije u Splitu/Studentesses from the Split Music Academy.
Glasovirska pratnja/piano: prof. Nena Ćorak

04.09. subota / Saturday
Ljetno kino Cavtat / Cavtat Open Air Cinema

20h30 / 8.30pm

GALA KONCERT ZATVARANJA/Gala closing concert
KUD PLOVI OVAJ BROD / Where does this ship sail
RADOJKA ŠVERKO & Band Vladimira Babina

Ljubazno molimo da poštujete potrebne mjere prema preporuci stožera civilne zaštite Republike Hrvatske.
We kindly ask you to clean your hands and take your masks with you.

Ulaz slobodan / Entrance free
Epidaurus festival srdačno zahvaljuje svim sponzorima, donatorima, izvođačima i publici! We kindly thank to all our donators, sponsors, performers and audiences.

Sve informacije pratite / All info at:

Dobrodošli! Welcome

Fantastic concert by Radojka Šverko in Cavtat, closing the 15th Epidaurus Festival.
Accompanied with a group of seven top musicians from the city of Rijeka, directed by maestro Vladimir Babin (on keyboards on the left).
Vladimir Babin is a professor of piano at the Academy of Music in Zagreb.

Natives and guests of the city of Cavtat, of all ages, enjoing the concert in the open,
under the stars, between the crystal clear sea and the Meštrović Mausoleum (with amazing view to the city of Dubrovnik).
The program covered some of the best known world standards from rock music, jazz, to some classical pieces, as well as
her unforgettable Croatian songs. We should mention in passing that Mrs. Radojka Šverko is great-grandmother!
Ivana Marija Vidović (concert pianist and poet, director and founder of the Festival Epidaurus),
with Mr. Božo Lasić (president of the County of Konavle, the South-East region of Croatia, close to the city of Dubrovnik).
both expressing their deep gratitude to Radojka Šverko. On the right, a young man in a typical Konavle dress.
Radojka Šverko and Ivana Marija Vidović spontaneously waving to a plane
descending to the Dubrovnik Airport near the town of Ćilipi, not far from Cavtat. Photo by Hrvoje Đurković.

Ivana Marija Vidović: O Festivalu Epidaurus (video)

Epidaurus Festival - A Meeting Place for Artists from Arround the World [PDF]
(in Love with Konavle, 2021, an interview with I. M. Vidović conducted by Ivica Puljić)

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