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Hagen Iserlohn 2011 call for submissions
By Marko Puljić | Published  12/2/2010 | Bilingual , Culture And Arts | Unrated
Attention young Croatian artists submit your work by December 18, 2010

Natjecaj i izlozba likovne umjetnosti hrvatskih ucenika iz citavoga svijeta  odrzat ce se u Njemackoj uz suradnju: H.K.M. Hagen, SD. Croatia Hagen,Caritas Hagen, Matica Hrvatska za Rursko podrucje i Hrvatska matica iseljenika.
tema natjecaja:Ja i moja obitelj(na proslavi moga rodjendana,na godisnjem odmoru i dr.)
autori: slobodna umjetnica Ankica Karacic i dipol.oec Ante Karacic.
slikarska tehnika: kombinovana tehnika (mix media) kolaz, boje, tus, flomasteri,.
format: Din A4
prijava za sudjelovanje:prijaviti se mogu djeca Hrvata u iseljenistvu kao i djeca iz Hrvatske u dobi od 1 do 8 razreda.Radove treba slati na adresu:

Ankica Karacic
58640 Iserlohn Stormstr.3.

rok 18. prosinca 2010.

napomena: svaki ucesnik na poledjini rada mora napisati: Ime i prezime,adresa,grad i zemlja iz koje dolazi,razred te naziv Hrvatske udruge,skole,katolicke misije u kojoj djeluje. navesti i ime ucitelja pod cijim je vodstvom rad uradjen.,bilo bi dobro na poledini zalijepiti i malu fotografiju.

Proglasenje najboljih radova i otvaranje izlozbe obavit ce se 11.Veljace 2011 u 18 sati u prostorijama:

ALLER WELTHAUS--Kultur und Bildungszentrum Hagen

Bit ce nagradjena najmanje po tri ucenika  u kategoriji 1-4 i 5-8 razred.

Medijski pokrovitelj: HIC-portal  i HIA -portal
Za vise informacija kontaktirati:
Ankica i Ante Karacic
58640 Iserlohn   D
The Hagen Iserlohn-2011 contest and exhibition of Croatian student's art  from around the world will be held in Germany in cooperation with: HKM Hagen, SD. Croatia Hagen, Hagen Caritas, Matica Croatia for the Ruhr area and the Croatian Heritage Foundation.
Topic of the competition: Me and my family (to celebrate my birthday, on vacation, etc.)
Authors: freelance artists Ankica Karacic and dipol.oec Ante Karacic.
Art submissions: mixed media (mixed media), collage, paint, ink, markers. format: Din A4

Registration for participation: report to be children in the emigration of Croats and Croatian children from age 1 to 8 razreda.Radove should be sent to:

Ankica Karacic
58640 Iserlohn Stormstr.3.

Submission deadline: December 18, 2010.

Note: Each contestant must write on the back of their work: name, address, city and country of origin, class and name of the Croatian associations, schools, the Catholic mission in which it operates. specify the name of the teacher under whose guidance the work was done ., it would be good to stick a small photograph of the artist on the back as well.

The judging of the best works and the opening of the exhibition shall take place February 11 2011 at 18:00 hours at:

ALLER WELTHAUS - Kultur und Bildungszentrum Hagen

at least three students will be awarded in the categories of 1-4 and 5-8 grade.

Media sponsors: HIC-portal and HIA-portal

For additional information contact:
Ankica i Ante Karacic
58640 Iserlohn    D

Ankica Karačić, chief promoter of collecting and exhibiting works of Croatian children

Ljerka Galic from Matica hrvatska interviewing Ankica Karačić on the occasion of the opening of the exhbition of works of Croatian children, December 1st, 2010.

Ankica Karačić in Croatian Heritage Foundation - Matica iseljenika in 2010

Kiti Koosz (7th grade), Totszerdahely, Hungary

Aleksa Sos (3rd grade), Totszerdahely, Hungary

Ana Mamić (7th grade), Tasmania, Australia

Antoni Senjanin (1st grade), Romainville, France

Cesar Nicolas Cardenas Levin (5th grade), Punta Arenas, Chile

Daria Kaim (5 years), Vienna, Austria

Dominik Schvarz (4th grade), Totszerdahely, Hungary

Emily Curak (2nd grade), Tasmania, Australia

Emma Bralić (4th grade), London, UK

Ivana Barbir (7th grade), Sindelfingen, Germany

Klara Skrbin (4th grade), Illingen, Germany

Kristina Božić (4th grade), Munich, Germany

Kristina Casiddy - Barišić (5th grade), London, UK

Marijana Čosić (2nd grade), Bremen, Germany

Marija Stojić (5th grade), Dusseldorf, Germany

Marin Bosnić (4th grade), Hagen, Germany

Marko Grmić (2nd grade), Donji Tavankut, Serbia
Tavankut is a town placed in the fertile region Bačka.
Academician Ante Sekulić, who celebrated his 90th anniversary in 2010, always names Bačka as Bačka Hrvatska (Bačka Croatia),
as it was officially called in his youth.

Matea Klarić (7th grade), Leukerbad, Switzerland

Mirjana Sestrić (7th grade), Stuttgart, Germany

Nina Turul (1st grade), Totszerdahely, Hungary

Roza Ana Cassidy - Barišić (4th grade), London, UK

Stipe Mamić (7th grade), Tasmania, Australia

Szabina Kuzma (7th grade), Totszadebely, Hungary

VIvien Dzsupin (8th grade), Totszadebely, Hungary

Formatted for CROWN by   Marko Puljić
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