A detail from memorial-book of participators of the First Croatian Savings Bank general meetings 1900-1904
source: Jozo Ivanovic, Croatian State Archives, 2006, ISBN 953-6005-78-6

Croatian Working Society Progress (Hrvatsko Radničko Društvo Napredak), Kotor 1901
From the front cover page of Stolačko kulturno proljeće, Godišnjak za povijest i kulturu, god. VII., 2009.

Croatian tamburitza players in Kotor in 1901

Left half of a postcard from 1901 with Coat of Arms of United Kingdom of Croatia, Dalmatia and Slavonia

Ethnographic Museum Zagreb (detail from the building built around 1903), Mazuranicev trg 14

Croatian coat of arms on the main building of the Croatian Railway, Zagreb, 1903, Mihanoviceva 12

Vitezović, Croatian monthley dedicated to heraldic studies, Zagreb 1903, edited by Emilij Laszowski. Source [Galović]

Decorated clay furnace (detail), with the Coat of Arms of United Kingdom of Croatia, Dalmatia and Slavonia,
beginning of 20th century, town of Krapina near Zagreb

Greeting card from 1904: Hrvatska Hrvatom! (Croatia to the Croats)

Razglednica iz Zagreba upućena Milanu Šufflayu 1905., izvor [Darko Sagrak]

Razglednice Zagreba s početka 20. st. upućene Milanu Šufflayu, izvor [Darko Sagrak]

Diploma issued by the Union of Croatian Falcon Societies to the Crotian Falcon of Belovar, Zagreb 1906

Croatian Reading Room, Odzak 1906 (now in BiH)

Details from Hrvatsko kolo, 1906, journal published by Matica hrvatska (Matrix Croatica)

Nevio Šetić: O periodičkom tisku za hrvatsku mladež u Istri početkom XX. stoljeća [
PDF], ČSP, br. 1, 249-293.

Honorable Diploma from the Exhibition of Ilok products and cattle in Zagreb in 1906

Flag of the University of Zagreb from 1907

Napredak, Hrvatski narodni kalendar za 1907., Sarajevo (detail from the cover page),
source [Maric, Pregled...]

Croatian coats of arms, 1907, in the Greek Catholic church of Sv. Antun Pustinjak (St. Anthony the Eremite)
in the village of Kast, Zumberak, Croatia;
many thanks to Mons. Mile Vranesic, Zeljko Pajic (Sosice Dean), Rev. Milan Stipic,
and to Mr. Vlatko Bilic for useful information.

Very nice Coat of Arms of Zumberak

A small barrel for wine with Croatian coat of arms, 1907, Zumberak, Museum of the Basilian Nunnery in Sosice

The town of Karlovac and its Korana river spa,
(coat of arms of the town of Karlovac on the front page)
printed in Zagreb, 1908.

Cup with Croatian coat of arms, 19th century

Picture of Josip (Joseph) Mikulec in possession of Dr. Ante Cuvalo, Chicago

A detail on his breast: Croatian Coat of Arms
Croatian adventurer Josip (Joseph) Mikulec set out to circumnavigate the globe on foot in the span of five years.
With the start of this journey he became a perpetual wanderer.
Mostly hiking, he traveled the world some 28 years and achieved a degree of fame
for having collected more than 30,000 autographs of world-famous people.

Joseph Mikulec with Croatian Coat of Arms.

Croatia Coat of Arms carved in stone 1909, in the village of Višnjica of the Ledinac parish, south of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Carved by Ivan Zadro according to the sketch of his brother Nikola Zadro, professor of history in Banja Luka and in Zagreb.
Source of the photo Milka Tica:
Stećci od Zgošće do Ledinca, naklada Jurčić, Zagreb 2011. Many thanks to prof. Milka Tica for permission.

Croatian Bokelj Music in 1910 in Kotor (source: Milos Milosevic, Tripo Schubert: Tri hrvatska glazbenika i skladatelja, Hrvatska revija, 2, Zagreb 2007, pp. 49-58)

Croatian Educational Society "Zrinski - Frankopan", Hrvatski prosvjetni klub "Zrinski - Frankopan"
St. Louis, Missouri, USA, founded in 1910, photo from 1918.
Note the young tamburitzans and the Croatian flag on the right.

Society "Ljudevit Gaj" in Rijeka and Susak (detail), 1910

Zagreb, 1910. Notice the flag Zagrebacke gospodje - Zagreb Ladies.
Kept in the Zagreb City Museum

Nevio Šetić: O periodičkom tisku za hrvatsku mladež u Istri početkom XX. stoljeća [PDF], ČSP, br. 1, 249-293.

The First Zagreb Fair, 1910, one of the earliest ones in Europe.

Jeka (Echo), Croatian emigrant calendar 1910. Source [Carmen Verlichak Vrljičak, Hrvati u Argentini, p 56]

Sports society Croatian Falcon (Hrvatski sokol), Krapina, 1911,
on the occasion of blessing of the flag of the society (detail)

Honorary diploma of the Croatian Falcon Society from 1911. On the left below the City of Dubrovnik.
Kept in the Zagreb City Museum.

A detail from the title page of Vjekoslav Klaic's "Povjest Hrvata" (History of the Croats), Zagreb, 1911

2nd All Falcon Meeting in Zagreb 1911

2nd All Falcon Meeting in Zagreb 1911

Zemljopisni atlas (Geographical atlas), Zagreb 1912

The Karlovac Water Supply, 1914

National Gazette, New York, 1908
(the first Croatian daily newspaper in America; Croatian coat of arms on the right)

Application for membership in Croatian Community of Illinois, USA, 1911

Zora - The Dawn, Croatian newspaper in Australia, Auckland, 1914

A painting of the Liverpool camp in Australia by a Croatian intenee during his internement there in 1916, ie in the course the First World War. Coats of arms represent Dalmatia, Croatia and Bosnia, with the text below "Zivila Hrvatska" (Long live Croatia). Potos from [Sutalo, pp 70-71]

Australia, 1916

Kolendar (Calender), New York, issued by Croatian printing and publishing company,1921

University Library, Zagreb, built in 1913,
now Croatian State Archives

University Library, Zagreb, built in 1913,
now Croatian State Archives (HDA); a detail from the main hall (with kind permission of HDA)

Ivo Kerdić: Medal of the Society of Hrvatski Sokol (Croatian Falcon) 1914.

Ivo Kerdić: Medal of Croatian Home-Guard, 1915 (Hrvatska domobranska pješadija, 26. pukovnija)

Calendar from 1917, kept in the City Museum of Zagreb.
Dol na Hvaru (Dol on the island of Hvar), Croatia, a monument to the victims of the First World War.
Photo by A. Orsini, source Mladen Klemenčić

University of Zagreb Medical School, Department of anatomy

Flag of the Croatian Educational Catholic Female Society
(Hrvatsko prosvjetno katoličko žensko društvo) in Karlovac, 1919,
See Lucija Benyovsky: Društvo Katarina grofica Zrinski, Hrvatska revija, no. 3, 2007, 86-100

Etnographic Museum in Zagreb, founded in 1919. A detail from a ceiling of a hall in the museum.
Etnografski Muzej u Zagrebu, osnovan 1919.; pojedinost sa stropa dvorane na prvom katu

Napredak, Hrvatski narodni kalendar za 1922., Sarajevo (a detail from the cover page),
source [Maric, Pregled...]

Competition of Croatian Falcon Societies in Zagreb (Hrvatski sokol), 1925
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