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Teddy Bear Hospital in Zagreb inviting children from 3-6 years of age, June 16 2009
By Eugen Divjak | Published  06/13/2009 | Events , Entertainment , Education | Unrated
Bring your favourite teddy bear, horsy or other toy to the doctor

A young doctor in Zagreb examining his teddy bear.

Students of the School of Medicine of the University of Zagreb explaining how to heal a teddy bear.

Another toy to be cured.

Draga djeco i roditelji, ako vaš omiljeni plišani medo, konjić ili druga igračka u zadnje vrijeme kašlje, ili ga boli trbuh, dovedite ga doktoru 16. lipnja u 9 sati na Cvjetni trg!

Europska medicinska studentska asocijacija,
Studentska sekcija Hrvatskog liječničkog zbora,
portal i časopis "Moje dijete"
vas pozivaju na zabavu i druženje u Bolnici za medvjediće!

"Bolnica za medvjediće" održat će se u utorak, 16. lipnja 2009. s početkom u 9 sati na Cvjetnom trgu u Zagrebu!

Uz zabavni program namijenjen djeci predškolskog uzrasta i njihovim roditeljima, organizatori su za najhrabrije osigurali brojne darove sponzora, diplome za hrabrost i prigodan program. Uz velik broj roditelja i djece, očekuje se i dolazak osoba iz javnog života s njihovim mališanima.

"Bolnica za medvjediće" je međunarodni projekt kojeg u brojnim zemljama diljem svijeta vode udruge studenata medicine, a usmjeren na djecu od 3 do 6 godina. Projekt za cilj ima zdravoj djeci pokazati da se ne treba bojati doktora, a izvodi se na način da se djeci na njima prihvatljiv način približavaju liječnici i liječenje i to kroz "liječenje" igračaka koje djeca donesu.

Dear children and parents, if you have recently noticed that your favourite teddy bear, horsy or other toy is coughing, or his tummy hurts, bring him to the doctor on June 16th, 9 a.m. at Flower Square, Zagreb!

European Medical Students' Association, Students section of Croatian Medical Association portal and "Moje dijete" (My Child) magazine are inviting you to have fun and socialize at Teddy Bear Hospital!

"Teddy Bear Hospital" will be held on Tuesday, June 16th 2009, beginning at 9 a.m. at Flower square, Zagreb!

Program includes entertainment for pre-school children and their parents. Organisers have secured sponsored gifts for the bravest kids, courage certificates and other occasional facilities. In addition to large number of parents and children, organisers expect this event to be also visited by some of Croatian celebrities and their juniors.

The "Teddy Bear Hospital" is an international project held by medicine students' associations worldwide. The project is aimed for children 3-6 years of age. The main goal is to teach healthy children not to be afraid of a physician: doctors and healing are presented in a way comprehensive to children, through "healing" children's toys.

Students of the School of Medicine of the University of Zagreb having fun with children and their sick toys. The names of students and description of their work with children can be seen at .


Eugen Divjak, Zagreb

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