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Istrian American Cultural Day, November 26, 2006
By Maria Santalesa | Published  11/23/2006 | Community , Events | Unrated
Our second Istrian Cultural Day will be on November 26, 2006

Istrian American Cultural Day, November 26, 2006


Our second Istrian Cultural Day will be on November 26,06
    PLACE: Istria Sport Club
   Time: 2:00pm
       donation $20.oo
We have a speaker Lidija Nikocevic curator of the Pazin Museum and wine tasting with Lidia Bastianich. ( )

I hope you can attend and enjoy. Maria Santalesa

The address of the Istria Sports Club is
             28-09 Astoria Blvd.
                            Long Island City, N.Y. 11102
     718 728 3181

For Reservations and information about dinning please call: Zlatko (after 4 p.m.) -718.728.3181

For our Youth and Adult soccer contact:
Carlo Bucich - 718-424-3454

For Next Generation contact
John Paul Bucich - or

Formated for CROWN by Nenad Bach
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