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Great Success and almost Gold for Croatian Men's Youth Hanballers in Bahrain 2007
By Nenad N. Bach | Published  08/4/2007 | Awards , Sports | Unrated
Sustavnost donosi rezultate

The crowd at the nearly complete Manama hall felt all ecstatic about the great performances of both youth teams.

An amazingly thrilling final saw the Danish national team claim the Mens Youth World Championship title. Croatia managed to catch up from seven goals behind in the final stage of the match to reduce the margin to one single goal. With 20 seconds to go, they even had the chance to equalise but finally had to give in 26:27 to leave the title to the Danish side. The crowd at the nearly complete Manama hall felt all ecstatic about the great performances of both youth teams. Danish Casper Ulrich Mortensen with 9 goals to his credit became the match winner. Manuel Strlek and Hrvoje Tojcic scoring 7 goals each made the Croatian side shining.

Favourites Sweden overcame Argentina 34:27 (15:11) in the match for the bronze.

All parties involved attending the victory ceremony and the closing ceremony in presence of Sheik Fawaz were really delighted with the II

Mens Youth WCh in Bahrain.

The following players earned a nomination to the tournaments All-Star Team: Niklas Landin Jacobsen (DEN), Manuel Strelek (CRO),

Jensen Rasmus (DEN), K. Abdel Rehim Zeidan A. (EGY) Shin Seung-Li (KOR), Duvnjak Domagoj(CRO), Federico Vieyra (ARG)


Hrvatska kadetska reprezentacija osvojila je srebrnu medalju na Svjetskom prvenstvu, koje se održalo u Bahreinu. U finalnom susretu mladi hrvatski rukometaši izgubili su od Danske s 27:26 (13:13). Tako su Danci uzvratili hrvatskim vršnjacima za poraz u finalu prošlogodišnjeg Europskog prvenstva.

Pad koncentracije polovicom drugog dijela odnio zlato

Prvo poluvrijeme bilo je vrlo izjednačeno i nijedna momčad nije uspjela povesti s više od dva pogotka razlike. Nakon što je prvi dio završen s 13:13, mladi hrvatski rukometaši bolje su otvorili nastavak i poveli s 15:13.Izjednačena borba vodila se do polovice drugog poluvremena, a tada dolazi do velikog pada u igri Hrvatske. Danci u samo 12 minuta napravili seriju od 9:2 i u 54. minuti pobjegli na gotovo nedostižnih sedam pogodaka. Mladi hrvatski rukometaši ipk se nisu predavali te su umalo napravili preokret. Sa šest uzastopnih pogodaka opasno su zaprijetili, ali su na kraju ostali na samo jednom pogotku zaostatka. Najbolji u hrvatskim redovima bili su Hrvoje Tojčić i Manuel Štrlek s po sedam pogodaka, a vratar Ivan Pešić skupio je 13 obrana. U današnjem susretu zakazao je najbolji hrvatski rukometaš Domagoj Duvnjak, koji nije postigao nijedan pogodak, iako je igrao svih 60 minuta.

U borbi za treće mjesto Švedska je pobijedila Argentinu s 34:27 (15:11).

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  • Comment #1 (Posted by V. Calvert)

    Congratulations on the courageous and skillful play by the Croatian Youth Team which nearly earned them the World Championship title.
  • Comment #2 (Posted by siani rodriguez)

    wow this is cool
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