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 »  Home  »  Community  »  Croatia Today - Embassy of the Republic of Croatia's Newsletter, October 2006
Croatia Today - Embassy of the Republic of Croatia's Newsletter, October 2006
By Josip Babić | Published  10/31/2006 | Community | Unrated
Joe Sakic Reaches Milestone, Hollywood in Croatia


Open Newsletter in the Attachment at the bottom of the page

Prime Minister Sanader's Visit to the U.S. 2-3


U.S. - Croatia Excellent Defense Cooperation 4


U.S. Interested in Croatian Energy Projects 4


Croatian Parliamentarians Lobby for Croatia & NATO 4


Croatian Congressional Caucus 4 Urges U.S. Support to Croatia at NATO Summit 4


Senators Move Bill Supporting Croatia's Entry into NATO 4


Prime Minister Sanader Receives Vittorino Colombo Award 5


Barr Buys Pliva


Croatia Defeats England 5


Toni Kukoc Retiring, Janica Kostelic Taking a Year Off 6


Joe Sakic Reaches Milestone 6


Hollywood in Croatia 7

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