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Nenad Bach International Newsletter No. 55: Livestream
I will perform a few songs starting with a ping pong game that will go to 11 points, just one game then a song on a guitar, move to piano and at the same time you can send your questions opinions, desires, concepts, recommendations, connections etc., all live. The times for the livestream on Saturday April 25, 2020 will start at 10:00 a.m. New York Eastern Standard Time. This will be Midnight in Sydney, Australia, 11:
Luka Krilic poslao otvoreno pismo predsjedniku Republike Hrvatske i predsjedniku Vlade
Luka Krilić: Stručnjaci se slažu da će se svijet poslije ovakve krize definitivo mijenjati. Moramo vjerovati u bolje, nadati se tom boljitku, toj promjeni na bolje, ali to jako puno ovisi o političkim elitama i tome hoće li biti spremne suočiti sa sa ovakvim izazovima. Narod je uvijek spreman ako ima one koji ga dobro vode, ako ima vođe koji osobno daju primjer da se treba zalagati za opće dobro i djelovati na zajedničku korist i
Croatia 2 - 1 England media reports from the FIFA Word Cup semifinals in Moscow 2018
EUROSPORT: What an incredible achievement! Croatia are into their first ever World Cup final as a nation. England just couldn't see the game out. They had chances in the first half, Kane in particular missed a sitter, but you have to admire the way Croatia wrestled back control over the course of the match. "For Croatian football and for Croatia as a country, this is history being written," Coach Zlatko Dal
Luka Krilic: DIJASPORA Kuda idemo? Što možemo učiniti?
Kao pripadnik Dijaspore osjećam dužnost izraziti nekoliko misli o tome da je došlo vrijeme da mi iz Dijaspore pođemo ususret realnosti; moramo se suočiti sa golom istinom i sagledati stvarnost baš onakvom kakva ona jest, jer nalazim da je prijeka potreba i nužnost da pokušamo naći pravilan i dobar smjer koji smo, prema mome iskustvu i saznanjima, odavno izgubili. Ako je Država u krizi moramo priznati da to vrijedi i z
Nenad Bach interview - Glazba je jezik duse
Od svih hrvatskih umjetnika čija su imena postala poznata još početkom Domovinskog rata svakako je najpoznatije ime Nenada Bacha, rođena Zagrepčanina, odrasla i školovana u Rijeci. Bach je nadaleko poznat je po svojoj pjesmi Can We Go Higher?, koja se izvodila širom svijeta i upoznala tada taj svijet s ratom u Hrvatskoj i Bosni i Hercegovini. Nenad Bach surađivao je s brojnim umjetnicima kao što su Luciano Pavarotti,
Nenad Bach's article World Peace in One Hour published by the Journal of Global Health
We, as the species that run the planet Earth, are at a crossroads of either self-destruction or an unimaginably progressive future as the Species of the Universe. Now is the time to make the right decision and focus our knowledge, resources, and talent towards the improvement of our lives on Mother Earth. Culture, Global Health, Education, Art, Science, Infrastructure, Environment, Music, Freedom of Expression,
How do Croatians Communicate? By David Byler 8th Generation Croatian-American
"How do Croatians Communicate" is a vital topic for many of us. Croatian musicians, poets, artists, politicians, preachers, and marketing people of all varieties, no less than those from any culture or from any ethnicity, are communicators. Our success depends on persistent and pervasive communication. A song heard only by a few birds in the forest, as pleasant and appreciative an audience as they may seem to be, is somehow unsatisfyin
Karolina Vidovic Kristo distinguished Croatian journalist on HTV
Karolina Vidović Krišto is producing an excellent program for Croatian diaspora, for which she deserves our deep gratitude. She is engaged, among others, in defending human rights of children in Croatia, and promoting deeper ties between Croatia and its diaspora. Her professionalism and honorable engagement ranks her among the leading figures on Croatian Television - Hrvatska televizija (HTV).
Open letter to Michel Platini, president of UEFA, from Ante Glibota
Modern technologies offer a perfect possibility to see the wrong action on a football ground, and to check who is playing sportingly and who is unfair. This would eliminate all possibilities of unfairness suspicion and avoid unjustified results. But you and your organization refuse this solution, to make your occult games and plays, persisting with unfairness and generating false results, as a way to give advantage t
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