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Croatians world champions in men’s quadruple sculls in New Zealand 2010
 | The World Rowing Championship in New Zealand in November 2010 brought the highest possible achievement for young Croatia's men's quadruple scullsteam. The new world champions won their gold medals competing with such rowing superpowers like Italy, Australia, Germany, Russia and Great Britain. The names of winners are Damir Martin, brothers Martin and Valent Sinković, and David Šain. |
Ashley Colburn and WOW Croatia seen by 10 million families in the USA
 | WOW Croatia is a documentary created in 2009 which has brought the prestigious Emmy Award in 2010 to Ashley Colburn. Here we present the second part of her series of documentaries about Croatia, and an interesting interview she gave to Goran Rotim of the Croatian TV. By the mid 2010 about 10 million families in the USA have seen WOW Croatia |
Michael McAdams 1947-2010 historian and sincere Croatian friend
 | C. Michael McAdams (1947-2010) is best known for his important monograph Hrvatska - mit i istina (Croatia Myth & Reality), published in Croatian, Swedish, Danish, Spanish (2 editions), and English (3 editions). Other translations are planned. We invite you to read an article by Croatian historian Dr. Ante Čuvalo written in memory of Michael McAdams.
Taras Belej painter from Ukraine: Croatia in my heart
 | Taras Belej, a young Ukrainian painter, had an exhibition of his works of art in Zagreb entitled "Croatia in my heart" (Galerija Mirko Virius), September 2010. As a four year old deaf child he arrived to Zagreb for rehabilitation at the SUVAG center, the world's leading center for treating deafness, where he started his systematic education, according to the verbotonal method of Croatian scientist Petar Guberina. |
Violi Calvert: Nenad Bach in China to be interviewed by China Radio International
| Violi Calvert, collaborator of the CROWN from Sydney: Hi, I wish to advise that Nenad will be interviewed by Croatian radio in Beijing, which could be streamed through the website: http://croatian.cri.cn on Monday, 18 October at 4-5pm Beijing time [10-11am Zagreb time; 4-5 am New York time; 7-8pm Sydney time]. |
Dr. Ante Cuvalo: Ph.D. dissertations dealing with Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina
| By the courtesy of Dr. Ante Čuvalo, distinguished Croatian historian, we can offer you an impressive and yet incomplete list of recent Ph. D. dissertations dealing with Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina, on various subjects, defended in the past several years throughout the world. |
Zvonimir Ranogajec preserves the story of the Croatian diaspora on film
 | This historic image of Croatians demonstrating in Washington D.C. for Croatian independence in 1991 is one of many that Zvonimir Ranogajec has captured on over 250 documentary films spanning a period of 30 years about the Croatian communities in Canada and the United States.
Srdjan Bulat wins big in Alessandria
 | Srdjan Bulat (left) won second place and the prize for youngest finalist at the Michele Pittaluga International Classic Guitar competition. This competition is one of the most important and longest running competitions for classical guitar in the world which has been held for 43 years in the Italian town of Alessandria. |
4 Miro Gavran novels in 4 languages at 2010 Frankfurt International Book Fair
 | Miro Gavran, distinguished Croatian playwright, has appeared with four novels in four languages, Chinese, German, Spanish and English, at the 62nd Frankfurt International Book Fair, October 8, 2010, at the Croatian Exhibition Stand. His books have been translated into as many as 32 languages. Miro Gavran's play "All About Women" was premiered in Warszaw, Poland in July 2010. |
The Strings International Music Festival was in Groznjan Croatia 2010
 | Strings International Music Festival students Madison Marcucci, and Michal Marcucci, USA, traveled to Grožnjan, Croatia in August 2010 to participate in the International Cultural Center of Jeunesses Musicales Croatia in Grožnjan Festival. |
Stjepan Krst rises from the ashes
 | 1992 saw the expulsion of Croats from the parish of Stjepan Krst in Eastern Herzegovina. Their homes were burned and looted, and their church leveled to the ground. None of the above has kept the local Croats from rebuilding their homes and their church. |
Croatia European waterpolo champion for 2010
 | The 29th European Water Polo Championship held in Croatia's capital Zagreb was closed on Saturday, September 11, with a magnificent final match between Croatia and Italy. LEN officials, participating teams, the press and fans all described the event in Zagreb as the best so far. Croatia has won gold medal.
Simone Young Australian conductor of Croatian mother and Irish father
 | Australian-born Simone Young, of Croatian mother and Irish father, is a conductor who has succeeded in a highly competitive, male-dominated field. Her career as a conductor was launched at the Sydney Opera House in 1985. In 2001 she took up a position as musical director of the Australian Opera and in 2005 she was appointed general director of the Hamburg State Opera.
Julienne Eden Busic's second book "Your Blood and Mine" available in English
 | In her best-selling autobiography, "Lovers and Madmen", Julienne Eden Busic wrote about the events leading up to her participation, in the 1976 political hijacking of an American TWA plane. Thirteen years later, the author shares in her acclaimed second book, "Your Blood and Mine", an intimate glimpse into the meaning of suffering, commitment, and waiting. |
Mile Bogovic opened the Church of Croatian Martyrs in Udbina 2010
 | A dream of dr. Mile Bogović, Gospić-Senj archbishop on the left, and the whole of Croatia has been realized. The beautiful Church of Croatian Martyrs has been solemnly opened in Udbina, a town in the heart of Croatian region of Lika, on a spot with breathtaking view to the legendary Krbava field and surrounding mountains. |
Marijana Hajdarhodzic and The Penny Black Remedy band from London
 | Marijana Hajdarhodžić, born in Croatia, classically trained flute player, singer and percussionist, and The Penny Black Remedy band in London are positively brimming with excitement, as they prepare to play their first ever live shows in Norway and Croatia. In her native Dubrovnik, Croatia, they will be playing in the gorgeous and historical venue, Lazareti, on Saturday, August 21st, 2010. |
Ljerka Ocic prominent Croatian organist and proponent of organ playing
 | Ljerka Očić is teaching organ and chamber music at the Academy of Music in Zagreb. She is a jury member at the international organ contests and gives master courses in interpretation. Professor Očić is the president of the "Franjo Dugan Organ Music Promotion Society" in Zagreb, named after distinguished Croatian organ player and composer Franjo Dugan. She is the author of a series of five 30 min classical music films, shown in Croatia and Italy.
Eight perfect days for Croatians in Perth Australia
 | The Consulate of the Republic of Croatia and the Croatian Community of Western Australia are coordinating the participation of Croatia at this year’s fair Perth Royal Show. The goal is to showcase Croatia’s tourism and commerce as well as the trade and commerce of the Croatian community. The Elie Eaton pavilion the size of 1000 m2 was assigned to Croatia by the organizers. Hrvoje Petrušić, the consul general of the Republic of Croatia in Perth, wrote the article.
Marko Brešković 1942-2010 a founder of Dubravacki trubaduri
 | After a long and difficult illness, Marko Brešković passed on August 29th, 2010 at the age of 69. Together with Đelo Jusić, Luciano Capurso, Hamo Hajdarhodžić, Bobo Berdović and Ladislav Padjen, he helped form the legendary group Dubrovački trubaduri. He will be buried on September 1, 2010 at Bonino cemetery in Dubrovnik. |
Renata Pokupić makes her LA Opera debut as Cherubino in Le Nozze di Figaro
 | Renata Pokupić (left) makes her LA Opera debut as Cherubino in Le Nozze di Figaro (September 2010). The Croatian mezzo-soprano is known internationally through her acclaimed performances of baroque, classical and other coloratura-mezzo repertoire as well as solo songs. |
Pete Radovich has 18 Emmys
 | "Friends" won 11, "Sienfeld" won 10, "South Park" won 3 but Croatian-American Pete Radovich (left) has 18 Emmys! This award winning producer is the Creative Director on CBS sports and has produced sports events ranging from the NBA to the Olympics. |
Izumi Yamaguchi Japan singing Cetiri Staduna in Croatian
| Izumi Yamaguchi, Japanese pop and jazz singer, surprized us all with her beautiful interpretation of a popular Croatian song Četiri stađuna (Four Seasons), which she sings in Croatian language. The song is orginally performed by Meri Cetinić, composed by Zdenko Runjić, and the lyrics written by Tomislav Zuppa.
Filip Cvitic created Epistula Croatica font for Croatian Glagolitic Script
 | Epistula Croatica is the project initiated by Filip Cvitić, aiming to spread information about the Croatian Glagolitic Script. The script, which is an important part of Croatian cultural heritage, is being researched in terms of design. The logo of the CROWN, that you can see at the top of this web page, has been created using this typeface, according to the initial idea of Nenad Bach. |
Tomislav Raukar laureate of the Anton Gindely Prize in Vienna Austria 2009
 | Tomislav Raukar, distinguished professor of Croatian Middle Age History at the University of Zagreb and a member of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, is a laureate of the prestigious Anton Gindly Prize in Vienna, Austria, for 2009, conferred to him by the Institute for Danube Area and Middle Europe in Vienna. It is a state prize in Austria established about 30 years ago. |
Zvonimir Atletic photographs inspired by Mother Teresa
 | On the occasion of 100 years since the birth of Mother Teresa, Croatian photographer Zvonimir Atletić has an exhibition of photographs inspired by her missionary work. The exibition will take place in The Memorial House of Mother Teresa in Skopje, capital of Macedonia, August 26, 2010, at 8.00 pm. Photo of Mother Teresa on the left by Zvonimir Atletić, Zagreb, Croatia. |
Ivano Balic voted the best handball player in history
 | According to votes of 11,000 readers of web pages of International Handball Federation IHF, Ivano Balić is the best handball player in history. Ivano Balić is a standard member of Croatian handball representation, winner of gold medals at the World Championship in Portugal in 2003, at the Summer Olympic Games in Greece in 2004, and many other competitions. He was born in the city of Split in 1979, and is still an active player.
Dr. Borislav Arapovic elected member of the Russian Academy of Sciences 2010
 | Dr. Borislav Arapović, Croatian philologist, founder of the Institute for Bible Translation in Stockholm, was elected the foreign member of the famous Russian Academy of Sciences, in 1999 for his work on organizing the translation of the Bible into about 80 non-Slavic languages of the former SU. About eight million copies of the Bible have been issued till now. Founding the Institute for Bible Translation in Moscow in 1997 has been blessed by late Patriarch Alexij II. |
Nenad Bach Band new CD "All I Want Is Freedom" 2010
 | Nenad Bach has a dream. A dream nurtured through wartime and expatriation, a dream informed by his quest for universal justice and deep longing for world peace. The result: All I Want Is Freedom, a passionate cri de coeur and the latest CD in the artist’s prolific body of work. Playing live on Sunday, August 22 7:30 pm – 11:00 pm Nenad Bach Band Live at Lucy's 446 Bedford Rd., Pleasantville, NY USA. New CD available on iTunes, CDBaby and Amazon.
Marija Miletic Dail and her animated film PIXELTOWN
 | Marija Miletić Dail created a very interesting animated film PIXELTOWN. It is based on her book Pixletown - The World Found, issued by PublishAmerica in 2005. Pixletown is where a whole world existed, and even thrived, undiscovered for eons, until this last century, when the vehicle had been invented to bring it to our attention. That vehicle was the computer. Marija was born in Zagreb, Croatia, where her animation carreer had started.
George Jure Prpic 1920-2009 Croatian-American historian
 | Dr. Jure Prpić, Professor Emeritus of History, John Carroll University, Cleveland USA, authored numerous books, booklets and articles. He wrote many articles in various Croatian immigrant publications., and deserves a special place in the history of the Association for Croatian Studies. Besides being one of its founders (1977), for quite a long time he was its main pillar and promoter. He was truly a gentle soul, a genuinely good person.
Hrvatski Običaj of Kansas City to release first CD
 | The commitment, dedication, desire, sheer joy and passion each of us holds in our hearts is what connects us forever in this journey. As this CD was a labor of love we hope that you enjoy it, continue to support our endeavors and may you carry the spirit of Croatia all around the world with you as you listen to our music! |
Brenda Brkusic and Jack Baric won Los Angeles Area Emmy® Award
 | Bloody Thursday, a revealing documentary about the struggle of the West coast dockworkers during the Great Depression, produced by Brenda Brkušić on the photo and Jack Barić, has won a Los Angeles Area Emmy Award. The onehour film that debuted on KOCE public television was one of three nominees in the category of Arts, Culture and History. |
Croatian Cooking & Brenda Brkusic on KOCE-TV
 | Brenda Brkušić shows us how to make delicious, healthy, traditional dinner from the Coastal region of Croatia, like Brudet, Blitva and Polenta. Croatia is known for its pristine island beaches, crystal clear waters and picturesque architecture, but we learn in this episode of Cooking for Health and Pleasure that it is also known for great food!
Sandra Perkovic won gold for Croatia in discus throw in Barcelona 2010
 | A new star has appeared on Croatia’s athletics horizon - discus thrower Sandra Perkovic - only 19 years old and yet ready to climb the podium at this year’s most important event, the European Athletics Championships Barcelona 2010. She created history in becoming not only the youngest ever winner of discus throw gold medal, but also the first ever Croatian to win European Championship gold. |
Ashley Colburn and WOW Croatia won an 2010 Emmy Award

| American television journalist and producer Ashley Colburn has won a prestigious Emmy Award for her documentary "WOW Croatia," which was filmed in October last year in our country, supported by Croatian National Tourist Board. From the historical walls of Dubrovnik to the markets and ties of Zagreb - get ready for a first class exploration of this amazing country. |
Sir Iain Chalmers medical scientist interviewed at the University of Split Croatia
 | In 2010 Sir Iain Chalmers, distinguished medical expert from UK, was a guest of the School of Medicine of the University of Split, Croatia. On this occasion he gave an interesting interview dealing with his contacts with Croatian scientists, Croatian Medical Journal, and his rich medical experience. He practised as a clinician for seven years in the UK and the Gaza Strip, and then became a full time health services researcher. |
Preservation of music tradition in Moslavina Croatia
 | Lana on the left and her mother Slavica Moslavac, prof., are distinguished popularizers of Croatian music and ethnographic tradition of the region of Moslavina west of Zagreb. Collecting and publishing materials on the music heritage of Moslavina and Croatian Posavina is not sheer romantic revival of the folklore past. It is a point of positive attitude towards the own folklore heritage. |
Chichi may be the oldest dog in the world and vacationing in Croatia
| On Morton Street in the West Village lives a small poodle nearly the same color as the pavement upon which he takes his seven-times daily constitutional. He may very well be the oldest dog on the planet. But he may not live long enough to wear his crown. According to a long string of people who have owned the little canine, he is at least 22 years old, possibly 24. Chichi in Zadar, Croatia (photo).
481 foreign volunteers from 35 countries defended Croatia in 1991-1995
 | Sons of Croatia! 72 were killed in action (15 from England, 14 from Germany, 8 from France,...), and 88 wounded in action. Present in every front-line brigade, volunteers could be found on all of Croatia's five fronts. They were an enormous boost to civilian morale and their presence in battered front-line towns brought resolve to exhausted defenders. Jean-Michel Nicollier from France on the photo is one of the victims, assasinated in Ovčara near Vukovar. |
Unforgettable Croatian songs of 1990s
 | Late Tomislav Ivčić on the photo composed his unforgettable Stop the War in Croatia. We include excellent appearances at the Eurovision Song Contents of the Put (Path) with Don't ever cry, the duo of Lidija Dunjko and Danijela Martinović with Nostalgija, and Maja Blagdan with Vječna ljubav (Eternal Love). We include Tereza Kesovija with Srebrena Bosna (Silver Bosnia), and last, but not least, Nenad Bach with Can We Go Higher?. |
Fifty three Croatian wines awarded at the Decanter World Wine Awards 2010
 | Fifty three Croatian wines have won awards at the Decanter World Wine Awards 2010, one of the most prestigious and acclaimed competitions in the industry. In 2009 Croatia has been hailed as a major force in the wine world after the country won more gold medals than established rivals including the US, New Zealand and Portugal at a leading tasting competition. |
The Korea Times: Croatia – ‘Miss World’ of the Mediterranean
 | Mr. Lee Chang-sup, The Korea Times correspondent, wrote a very nice article about Croatia. Writing about Plitvice Lakes, Mr. Lee expressed his opinion that Croatians may feel their pride hurt when this national park is compared with the Niagara Falls in the U.S. and the Iguazu Falls near the border of Brazil and Argentina, at least in natural beauty. |
CroExpress newspaper for Croatians in Germany, Austria and Switzerland
 | In 2009 a team of Croatian and German journalists jointly produced a concept for the CroExpress, the new newspaper for Croatians in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, directed by Marina Stojak on the photo. This monthly describes the life of Croatians living in Europe and on the other side of the Atlantic to promote Croatian language, old-Croatian tradition and culture. It is a free newspaper. |
Drago Stambuk Croatian ambassador in Japan writes about a beautiful friendship
 | This year a wonderful example of “friendship building” has been set in motion between our two countries, Japan and Croatia. Accumulated efforts of Japanese and Croatian people have resulted in the project of “Japan - Croatia Friendship House” in Tokamachi, Niigata. Written by Dr. Drago Štambuk, ambassador of Croatia in Japan. |
Emil Milihram Croatian canoeist wins the World Cup 2010 in Austria
 | Croatian canoeist Emil Milihram is the overall winner of the Wildwater World Cup for 2010 after he won a classic race in Lofer, Austria. In the overall standings, Milihram is at the first place. He is followed by Yann Claudepierre of France and Norman Weber of Germany. Emil is already for three consecutive years the World Champion in canoeing! |
Srdjan Bulat wins in Almeria
 | Srdjan Bulat (left) a fifth year student at the Musical Academy in Split, under the tutelage of Professor Darko Petrinjak was the winner at the 11th annual Julian Arcas guitar competition, which was held from June 23-26 , 2010 in the Spanish town of Almeria. |
Nicholas B. Daddazio's Cravat Sculpture as icon and symbol of Western Culture
 | Cravat Sculpture as icon and symbol of Western Culture is an unending subject of interest for Nicholas B. Daddazio to explore. In 1991, his search for a new and surprisingly unusual, offbeat, out of the ordinary, and unexpected subject for his art led him to the ubiquitous cravat. The cravat originated in Croatia during the 1600's. Even the name of cravat is derived from Croatian name.
Croatian town Lipik needs help to rebuild Kursalon
 | The Kursalon, the neo-Renaissance style cafe in the town Lipik, Croatia, was constructed in 1893, with concert and a dance halls, a movie theater, restaurants, a piano bar, casino etc. It was the central point of the social and cultural life of the town until 1991, when it was destroyed and burned during the Serbian aggression on Croatia. This is an appeal to rebuild one of the trademarks of the town of Lipik. On the photo Nenad Bach and Ivan Pušćenik in Lipik. |
Studia Croatica founded in Buenos Aires Argentina celebrates 50 years
 | Studia Croatica is an important Croatian quaterly in Spanish founded in 1960 in Buenos Aires. It has published thosands of pages devoted to various historical, cultural and political issues dealing with Croatia and Croatians. The past directors were Ivo Bogdan, Franjo Nevistić, Radovan Latković, and Joza Vrljičak (photo), who established its internet versional at www.studiacroatica.org, capital achievement in preserving the history of Croatians.
Dvigrad International Festival of Early Music in Croatia 2010
 | Indefatigable professor Alojzije Prosoli, founder of Sacred Music association in Zagreb, Croatia, organized the new Dvigrad International Festival of Early Music, 26 June - 18 July. Dvigrad is a mediaeval town in the heart of Istrian peninsula in Croatia, which has been abandoned already in the 17th century due to plague. The partner country of the 2010 Dvigrad Festival is France. |
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