Dne 17. svibnja 2011. na dražbi "Europsko kiparstvo 19. i 20. stoljeća” (Sale: L11230, 19th and 20th Century European Sculpture) u kući Sotheby’s u Londonu sa velikim je uspjehom prodano još jedno djelo Ivana Meštrovića (1883. – 1962.). Mali drveni reljef “Krist na križu” (86 X 31.5 cm) postigao je jako visoku cijenu (54,000 EU; 77,000 USD). Reljef je izrađen vjerojatno 1912. od slavonskog hrasta.
This portrait of Slavan Vidović, son of Croatian painter Ivan Vidović is the first major marble by distinguished Croatian sculptor Ivan Meštrović to appear at auction at Sotheby's in 2010. The portrait was modelled during Meštrović's stay in Split in 1906.
Ivan Meštrović (1883-1962), a famous Croatian sculptor, is probably best known for his Chicago Indians, prepared in Craatia in the course of two years. His another famous sculpture carved in wood is The Descent from the Cross, exhibited with undprecedented success at Albert Museum in London in 1915. It has recently been sold for 250,000 EU at Sotheby's in London.