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Velebit Trekking - 2007
 A 5th edition of the Velebit Ultra Trail - a two days non-stop ultra trail race for the individuals will take competitors through the Croatian mythical mountain - Velebit.

Croatia Leaps Past Turkey on Road to EU Membership
 Croatia leapt past Turkey on the road to European Union membership, opening negotiations in six EU policy areas and staying on course to join as soon as the end of the decade.

Help harness renewable energy from waves and tides
IEC, the global body for electrical energy standards, is now recruiting experts from around the world to develop international standards for wave and tidal energy technology.

Thompson snimke sa Maksmira / Thompson videos from Maksmir
On June 17, 2007, Croatian pop star Marko Perkovic - Thompson held a concert in Zagreb's Maksmir Stadium that was attended by over 50,000 of his fans.

Cultural cooperation between Croatia and Mongolia

Japanese Interested in Investing in Croatia
An overview of the Croatian economy and the possibilities of investing into Croatia were presented at a seminar in Tokyo. 

Ples konja na zagrebačkom Hipodromu

Government To Sell 20 Percent Of HT Shares

Putin in Croatia - A confirmation of Croatia's international authority
  Russian President Vladimir Putin has arrived in the Croatian capital city of Zagreb to attend the Southeast European country's Energy Summit.

Green Action Against Russian Oil in the Adriatic
Green Action thinks Croatia should not allow Russian oil to be transported through the Adriatic and ought to invest in renewable sources.  

TENNIS Croatia's Ivan Ljubicic wins the men's title at the Ordina Open 2007

TENNIS Karlovic wins Nottingham Open 2007

Ivo Karlovic claimed his second title of the season after coming from a set behind to defeat Arnaud Clement 3-6 6-4 6-4 in the Nottingham Open final. The big-serving Croatian took advantage of an increasingly weary-looking Clement to conclude his preparations for Wimbledon in style.


Michael Kaufman: Power, Values, and Reform Through the EU Accession Process

The EU's efforts to promote democratic development are at odds with the incentives created by the accession process itself, where the EU gives priority to efficiency over legitimacy, which leads to questions about the potential of the EU to export its own democratic deficit...with a specific reference to Croatia.

TENNIS Ljubičić and Karlović into two different finals June 22, 2007


Nedamo te pismo naša - Klapski pozdrav Gospi Trsatskoj 21-22 lipanj 2007

TENNIS Ljubičić and Karlović in semi finals in NETHERLANDS & ENGLAND


A 'must-have' in every woman's collection!

HNS Slavi 95 Godina Postojanja - 95th Birthday of Croatian Soccer Association

Prije 95 godina u Zagrebu je osnovan Hrvatski nogometni savez. HNS je tijekom godina rada izrastao u najbrojniji sportski savez u Hrvatskoj istaknuo je Zorislav Srebrić na konferenciji za novinare.

Croatia Today - May 2007



The Unity through Knowledge Fund for skilled Croatians from abroad
The UKF has started its Young Researchers and Professionals Program and opened two calls for grants that will attract young highly skilled Croatians from abroad. The grants will subsidy autonomous R&D projects of the future science and technology leaders. The projects should contribute to brain gain, knowledge transfer and investments into Croatia.

Miro Gavran's works translated into more than 30 languages
  Miro Gavran, the contemporary Croatian author, was born in 1961. His works have been translated into more than thirty languages, and he is the most prolific and frequently performed writer. He has published eight books of prose for adults.


The Croatian struggle against Nazism and Fascism is one which generally remains underappreciated in the English-speaking world. While the events in Croatia during World War II have been well-documented by experts in the field, especially within Croatia, this rich literature, dating from both Communist and post-Communist times, remains virtually unknown in the West.

Tanac dances from the island of Krk by Tvrtko Zebec, Ph.D.

The monograph Krčki tanci [Tanac dances on the island of Krk], by author Tvrtko Zebec is an excellent study not only for the island of Krk, but also as a model of documentation of dancing events in relation to their contemporary social contexts. (Elsie Dunin, UCLA)


CROWN Croatian World Network Newsletter, June 13, 2007

And last but not the least, I will take some semi-sabatical time off to persue my music passion. Due to many things in life, I have neglected my deepest desire to create music. I will work on my new album titled "Everything is forever" 'till the end of the year. In the meantime I ask all talented volunteers to step up for CROWN.

Dvigrad Festival 2007, June 15th-24th
Festival of Early Music, Croatia, will be held from 15th to 24th June in the mysterious town of Dvigrad in Istria, abandoned in 17th century due to the plague. The festival, organised by the Association Prosoli "Sacred Music" from Zagreb, will have international character (Croatia, Italy, France, Montenegro). Among guests is a famous Ensemble Dialogos from Paris, directed by Katarina Livljanić, and Vrbanja singers from the island of Hvar.

University of Zagreb Medical School enrollment in its 2007/2008 MD Program in English!
  The program is entirely instructed in English, and is also designed so as to meet both American (USMLE) and European Union standards with its internationally accredited exams.

NFCA Press Release -14th Annual Delegates Assembly
The National Federation of Croatian Americans (NFCA) completed a very successful 2007 Annual Assembly of Delegates held in Philadelphia at the Sheraton Society Hill Hotel.

Show draws more than 10,000 dogs in Zagreb, Croatia
  More than 10,000 dogs from around the world participated in this year's Euro Dog Show in several categories, including that for Europe's top beauty.

Sacramento festival celebrates all things Croatian
The festival, now held at the Croatian American Cultural Center, marked its 25th anniversary. More than 5,000 people attended from throughout the region and the Bay Area.  

Suddenly, the bees are simply vanishing
 The puzzling phenomenon, known as Colony Collapse Disorder, or CCD, has been reported in 35 states, five Canadian provinces and several European countries.

Umro Andjelko Vuckovic, alkarska legenda

Croatian - American Dennis Kucinich runs to be the USA president in 2008


Undefeated Croatian Heavyweight Super - Mario Preskar wins with TKO in Poland

Dvadesettrogodišnji Preskar u svojoj 14. profesionalnoj borbi pobijedio je u poljskim Katowicama 37-godišnjeg Amerikanca Carla Gathrighta, koji mu je predao meč zbog ozljede, uoči početka četvrte runde. Croatian website in English that shows up daily on Google search for news

The portal is also available in English, which allows us to reach out to users who speak other languages as well as to foreign citizens residing in Croatia.


Ivo Miche Borovina: MINI-PHOTO EXHIBIT: “Big City Blues”

It sounds unlikely, but there is certain gracefulness about them, nevertheless the strongest was the feeling of melancholy... In today's society, we seem to be obsessed and addicted to materialistic nature of all the 'stuff' that we think we so desperately need and want..


Prof.Dr. Marin Soljacic: Wireless technology used to power light bulb

Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology made a 60 watt light bulb glow by sending it energy wirelessly - from a device 7 feet away - potentially heralding a future in which cellphones and other gadgets get their juice without having to be plugged in.


Mario Preskar, Golota fight live on MSG, Saturday, June 9 @ 3:30 pm !

Undefeated Croatian Heavyweight Mario Preskar (12-0-1, 7 KOs) attempting to improve his record against Carl Gathright (6-9-1, 2 KOs), from Niles, Ill. Preskar last fough January 20, 2007 in Basel, Switzerland where he defeated Italian Champion Paolo Ferrara.


Neugodna istina na DVD-u
 Bit će skoro propast svijeta. Neka, neka, no Al Goreu ipak smeta. Zato je i snimio hit dokumentarac o globalnom zagrijavanju, samo da nas sve trgne.

Job Openings - Foreign Service Institute

A major link exchange with The Mac Tutor History of Mathematics Archive
The Mac Tutor History of Mathematics Archive is the leading web site dealing with the History of Mathematics. It contains also biographies of three outstanding Croatian mathematicians: Ruđer Bošković, Marin Getaldić, and William Feller. In May 2007 the Mac Tutor included a link to a Croatian source dealing with Feller.

Croatian School of Outward Bound
 An interview with Dr. Stanimir Vuk-Pavlovic, who has launched a Croatian branch of the Outward Bound Schools, whose mission is to inspire character development and self-discovery in people of all ages.

Dr. Drago Štambuk one of Croatia's best loved poets + Presentación de Andrés Morales

Dr. Drago Stambuk is presently the Croatian ambassador to Japan and former Croatian ambassador to Great Britain, India, Egypt and six other Arab countries; he is a medical doctor and researcher; and one of Croatia's best loved poets. His selected poems are being published in a volume which will comprise approximately 600 poems.


Denis Licul at Clay Art Center Exhibition
Croatian artist Denis Licul is being featured at an exhibition featuring utilitarian dinnerware and objects at the Clay Art Center starting June 8 and going through June 16.

Honey Bees Being Trained to Find Landmines
An interesting new way of detecting lands mines has been developed in Croatia. This the new method uses regular honeybees to search out dangerous land mines.

Women's chorus to visit Croatia
Voices from the Heart will leave for Croatia in July, where they hope to raise more money to help clear minefields.  

First Indoor-Soccer School in Croatia
 Croatian indoor-soccer squad players Korab and Kujtim Morina established the first Indoor-soccer academy in Croatia in September last year.

Međimurske popevke, Nedelišće 2007.

Međimurje folk songs from the NW of Croatia are a true jewel of our culture. It is estimated that there are about 6000 Međimurje folk songs, many of them of great musical value, exploited by composers of classical music and jazz musicians. The recent 2007 Nedelišće Festival, 23rd in order, showed us a part of that magic musical heritage.

Heritage and genealogy of Croatia tour hosted by Robert Jerin, October 4 - 17, 2007
Join Robert Jerin, for this exploration of Croatia's history and heritage. Meet with local professionals working in genealogy while cruising the coastline and tour this country rich in culture.  

Objavljena Knjiga Emila Čića "Eseji O Glazbi"
 Knjigu o glazbenom utjecaju na društvo, crkvenoj glazbi te nepoznatoj hrvatskoj glazbenoj tradiciji "Eseji o glazbi - bit glazbe, glazba u vremenu" objavio je u vlastitoj nakladi muzikolog Emil Čić.

Total number of featured articles: 2515
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Croatian Constellation

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