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Nenad Bach - Editor in Chief

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Npr. salica caja kosta 3rp a to je oko 1/13 dolara ...Davor iz Delhi-a

Pasionska baština u Hrvatskoj
UDRUGA PASIONSKA BAŠTINA I DRUŠTVO HRVATSKIH KNJIŽEVNIKA raspisuju natječaj za književno djelo na temu Muke Kristove, ili na temu, široko shvaćene, općeljudske muke. U ozbir dolaze do sada ne objavljena književna djela, i to: roman, veća pripovijetka, drama, poema, te zbirka stihova.  

CROWN Croatian World Network Newsletter, December 7th, 2006

Marin Soljačić is one of the top innovators under the age of 35. Read about his innovation on wireless transfer of electricity. The whole world wrote about it. See what Jelena Vukotic, did it again. To publish in The New Yorker is an accomplishment worth your attention. Goes way beyond esthetics. Come see Ivana Kunc at Carnegie Hall this Saturday. Davor is in Delhi.

Josip Novakovich: Ruth’s Death, nonfiction (memoir)

It's hard for me to write about parents since I know more about children than about parents. That is because when I was a child, I was more interested in myself and my siblings than in my parents, and now that I am a parent, I find our children more interesting than us parents.


Come celebrate the music of Croatian composer Božidar Kunc. Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall. Saturday afternoon, December 9, 2006 at 2:00 PM

Ivana Kunc, sings Božidar Kunc. Do you remember Zinka Kunc Milanov? Come and see a new soprano, Ivana Kunc, and you won't regret it later. Come and support Croatian culture at the New York historic Carnegie Hall. This Saturday, December 9th, 2006. 2 PM. Reserve your tickets.


IGOR SUNARA, Director of Photography, H.F.S.

Education: BA, Honours in Film and TV. University of Westminster, UK. American Dream 1990 Oskar, Dir/Barbara Kopple. Music Videos (selected list) Bon Jovi, Diana Ross, Whitney Houston, Rod Stewart, Dolly Parton, Liza Minelli, Barry Manilow, Notorious BIG, Lil Kim.

Priv. Doz. Dr. med. Natalija Novak Winner of 2006: Heisenberg-Fellowship of the German Research Council

2003: Fujisawa Young Investigator Award on Achievments in the Field of Atopic Dermatitis Research2004: Karl Hansen Award DGAKI 2004 2005. Heinz Maier Leibnitz Award 2005 of the German Research Council 2005. Award on Atopic Dermatitis Research (Pro Derma Foundation) 2006: Heisenberg-Fellowship of the German Research Council


Tomislav Kuzmanović, Esq - Croatian Rising Star - “Super Lawyer” for the second time

In November 2006, Mr. Kuzmanovic was named for the second
time a "Super Lawyer" in the area of Business Litigation by
Wisconsin Super Lawyers and Rising Stars 2006 magazine. In
addition, he was profiled as the subject of "A Small Part to Play,"
an article in Super Lawyers describing his litigation practice and
his human rights work on behalf of independent Croatia.

Magnificent Christmas Concert in Astoria, New York on December 18th, 2006

RECENT CROATIAN CERAMICS at MC Gallery New York City Dec 16th 2006 - Jan 7th 2007

The exhibition Recent Croatian Ceramics will be on wiev in the Gallery MC, at 564 West 52nd Street, 8 Floor, NY, as a first group presentation of contemporary Croatian Ceramics in US, starting from December 16th 2006 till January 7th 2007.

Brian Gallagher analyzes The Trial of Domagoj Margetic

Croatian World Congress Invites You to Participate at the UN COMMISSION ON STATUS OF WOMEN

The Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) will hold its 51st session from 26 February to 9 March 2007, at United Nations Headquarters, New York. The Commission will focus on the thematic issue entitled The elimination of all forms of discrimination and violence against the girl child.


Poziv na sudjelovanje pri UN Komisiji o polozaju zena. Rok prijave 22. prosinca, 2006


The dead-sexy Tesla delivers on its promise. 100% Electric car. No more excuses

Can We Go Higher? is a web site initiated by Nenad Bach. It is an attempt to answer the question "Can We Go Higher?", raised in the title of his beautiful song. We invite you to visit his fantastic video-clips maintained at, revealing the driving force and spirituality of the artist. This video is a Christmas gift for all of us, that everybody should see and listen to.


Prof.Dr. Ante Simonić: Borba protiv zagađenja i upravljanje krizom, te održivi razvoj

Porast znanja i povećanje tehničke moći Homo sapiensa, mnoštvu ljudi ne donosi očekivani boljitak...

BRYAN ADAMS: "You crazy Croatians! Bravo! Thank you!" AN EXCITING EVENT IN OSIJEK, CROATIA

After performing his well known song "Somebody", Bryan has started his concert in Osijek, Croatia, with simple words: "Hello. I'm Bryan !" .

Ivan Hrvatska Partying to the Top
Outside of Vancouver, Ivan Hrvatska may not be a household name, but his music is starting to get him noticed. So who is Ivan Hrvatska, and why is he attracting a devoted following?   

BEYOND THE CALL theatrical opening, Chicago Nov. 24th San Francisco Dec. 1, 06

Landmark Theaters is premiering BEYOND THE CALL It's playing for a week in each city. The opening weekend success in both cities are very important, because it will determine how wide Landmark will distribute the film around the US in theaters. Please, send this out to as many people as you can, including news letters, blogs, websites, radio,TV, etc. BEYOND THE CALL resonates with a very broad cross-section of the US population,

Fulbright Science and Technology Award Winners Announced - Croatia among winners

Ten best places in Croatia

Skup Hrvata i njihovih prijatelja zakazan za 9. i 10. prosinca 2006. u Las Vegasu


Kiwi u Slavoniji

Razgovor: dr. Radoslav Marić
  Dr. Radoslav Marić, autor knjige "Moja polnoćka" (urednik knjige prof. dr. Ivan Biondić, naklada "Kamen" Publishing LLC.), rođen je g. 1938 u Hercegovini, školu je polazio u Širokom Brijegu i Mostaru, medicinski fakultet završio u Zagrebu, a porodništvo i ginekologiju specijalizirao je u Petrovoj bolnici. Zbog političkih pritisaka šezdesetih godina odlazi sa ženom i djecom u Kanadu. Jedan je od utemeljitelja i član Upravnog odbora Udruge američkih Hrvata "Croatian American Association" (CAA).

Never doubt that a small, group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.

Dr. Franjo Topić gostuje u New Yorku u srijedu 22. studenog 2006

Dr. Frano Topić, predsjednik Hrvatskog kulturnog drustva (HKD) Napredak gostovat ce u New Yorku u srijedu, 22. studenog, 2006 u maloj dvorani Hrvatskog centra na Manhattanu. Sastanak i susret s Dr. Topićem pocinje u 19 sati. Pozivaju se svi clanovi i prijatelji Napretka da prisustvuju ovom sastanku!

Adolph Lomb Medal 2005 Marin Soljacic

Adolph Lomb was OSA's treasurer from its founding until his death in 1932. In recognition of his devotion to OSA and the advancement of optics, the Adolph Lomb Medal, established in 1940, is presented to a person who has made a noteworthy contribution to optics at an early age. The candidate cannot be older than the age of 35.

Prof. Dr. Marin Soljačić one of the top innovators under the age of 35


 Prof. Marin Soljačić was born in Zagreb, Croatia on  February 7th, 1974. An expert in photonic crystals and nonlinear optics. Co-authored more than 60 scientific articles, a co-inventor on 12 patents (10 more pending), given more than 40 invited talks around the world. In 2005 awared Adolph Lomb Medal of the Optical Society of America. In 2006, chosen by Technology Review to be one of the "TR35": top 35 innovators under the age of 35.

DR. TOMISLAV SUNIĆ - The Political Cesspool travels to Croatia Live Radio Nov 17th, 2006

Jelena Vukotić again in The New Yorker

Check a current issue of The New Yorker. Born in Pula, Croatia. Jelena's photographs have been published in The New Yorker, The New York Times, Forbes's Four Seasons Magazine, Prague Business Journal and others. Her work was exhibited at solo and group shows in Czech Republic, Croatia, France, Germany, Slovenia and USA.


BBC: Physics promises wireless power - Dr. Marin Soljačić

"There are so many autonomous devices such as cell phones and laptops that have emerged in the last few years," said Assistant Professor Marin Soljacic from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and one of the researchers behind the work. "We started thinking, 'it would be really convenient if you didn't have to recharge these things'.

America’s Oldest Croatian Church Could Be Sold To Italians

Despite efforts of Pittsburgh Croatians to buy the closed church and convert it into a shrine. St. Nicholas Croatian Catholic Church, built in 1901 and worshipped in until it was closed in 2004, could soon be bought by the Follieri Group.

Albert Einstein's protest against the murder of Milan Sufflay in Zagreb in 1931

75 years since an appeal of Albert Einstein and Heinrich Mann to the League of Nations against the murder of Croatian scholar Dr Milan Sufflay in Croatian captial Zagreb in 1931 at the age of 52


Tesla Motors - Electric Car

 With the Tesla Roadster, you get great acceleration and the highest energy efficiency at the same time. All while requiring no special driving skills to enjoy it. This makes the Tesla Roadster six times as efficient as the best sports cars while producing one-tenth of the pollution.  

Plitvice Lakes National Park, Croatia

In Croatia's rugged interior, a stone's throw from the Bosnian border, hides one of Europe's most exotic hikes: through Plitvice (PLEET-veet-seh) Lakes National Park. There's nothing like this lush valley of 16 terraced lakes, laced together by waterfalls and miles of pleasant plank walks. Years ago, after a dozen or so visits, I thought I really knew Europe. Then I discovered Plitvice, and realized you can never exhaust Europe of its surprises.


Ed Bradley, the award-winning television journalist died Thursday Nov 9th 2006

Ed Bradley, the award-winning television journalist who broke racial barriers at CBS News and created a distinctive, powerful body of work during his 26 years on "60 Minutes," died Thursday. He was 65. Ed Bradley interviewed Nenad Bach for CBS in 1991, during the Croatian War for Independence.


Croatian heavyweight boxer, 22-year-old "Super Mario" Preskar, blitzed his way to 11th win keeping his undefeated record last Saturday, November 4, 2006 in Phoenix, Arizona. Preskar, knocked out Gene Valdez with a powerful left right combination in the first minute 

Znanstvena i tehnologijska politika Republike Hrvatske - Science and Technology Policy of the Republic of Croatia

Full-time Bioethics Research Position for Pre Post Doctoral Research Assistant

Launching of the National Fellowships “For Women in Science”

 It is with particular pleasure that we would like to announce the launching of the National Fellowships "For Women in Science" organized by L'Oreal Adria and the Croatian Commission for UNESCO, Ministry of Culture, with the purpose of awarding young women scientists from the Republic of Croatia.


Brain cells come and brain cells go, but fat cells live forever

CROWN Croatian World Network Newsletter, November 7th, 2006

Prof.Dr. Ante Simonić: Rastrošnost budi nemir

 U današnje doba su evidentne fascinantne mogućnosti proizvodnje, relativno velika platežna moć kupaca u razvijenim zemljama, visoko organizirana dostupnost raznovrsnih proizvoda, učinkovita marketinška aktivnost, svjetonazor koji potiče trošenje...


Helen Merrill: 60 Years of Warm Sweet Songs
  One of the most distinctive jazz singers ever, Helen Merrill started singing professionally sixty years ago when her warm voice paired with the Reggie Childs Orchestra in 1946. But that was just the start of a long and vivid story which would lead the talented young daughter of Croatian immigrants to make history in jazz by recording with [trumpeter] Clifford Brown and [arranger/bandleader] Gil Evans in the 1950s.

Croatian lace

The annual exhbition of Croatian lace in the town of Lepoglava near Zagreb, showed amazing skills of our women in knitting, using subtle patterns of breathtaking beauty. The 10th International Lace Festival - Lepoglava 2006 has been very successfuly organized. The oldest testimony of lace making in Croatia is from the 15th century, mentioned in the minutes of the Dubrovnik Senat.


Ivana Kunc - Solo Concert at Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall on December 9th, 2006


Come celebrate the music of Croatian composer Božidar Kunc. Ivana Kunc - Soprano, Daniel Ragone - Pianist. Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall Saturday afternoon, December 9, 2006 at 2:00 PM Tickets can be purchased at CarnegieCharge at (212)247-7800 or The Carnegie Hall Box Office at 57th Street and 7th Avenue

Rainbow over the city of Zagreb, October 20th 2006 @ 7 AM Just before sunrise

An attempt to explain the double rainbow can be found in Isaac Newton's book "The Optics", on p 147. No surprise. But the surprise is that on that page Newton cites a Croatian Jesuit, humanist and scientist Marc Antun Dominis (1560-1624). He spent six years in London, being invited by the English King James I. He lived at the Court of the Archbishop of Canterbury and was appointed to be the Windsor Dean and the King's chancellor.



THE BANJA LUKA DIOCESE IN WORD AND PICUTRE FROM 1881 TO 2006, on the occasion of 125 years since founding the Diocese, a monumental and important book written by Franjo Maric and Anto Orlovic


Total number of featured articles: 2531
Total number of all articles: 7025 - List of All articles
Croatian Constellation

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