On Morton Street in the West Village lives a small poodle nearly the same color as the pavement upon which he takes his seven-times daily constitutional. He may very well be the oldest dog on the planet. But he may not live long enough to wear his crown. According to a long string of people who have owned the little canine, he is at least 22 years old, possibly 24. Chichi in Zadar, Croatia (photo).
Dennis Kucinich is from the West Side of Cleveland, half Croat, half Irish. He was dirt poor and knew it. He now not only sits in the House of Representatives, with a big fancy office in the Rayburn Building in Washington, D.C., but also believes that he will be elected president in 2008.
Ms. Kunc's comportment and grace on stage, and the depth of emotion that she conveyed through her father's direct and passionate vocal style, all connected with her audience, the cumulative result garnering an even deeper respect for this unique family legacy.