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Prof. Dr. Matko Marušić

Matko Marušić, MD, PhD EDITOR IN CHIEF Department of Physiology, Zagreb University School of Medicine, Zagreb, Croatia

Dr Marušić is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of Croatian Medical Journal. He is a graduate of the Zagreb University School of Medicine (1970), where he also obtained PhD (1975), and professorship at the Department of Physiology (1980). Dr Marušić is a devoted educator of young Croatian scientists; he has trained and/or sent to international research laboratories more than 100 scientists. His research interest is immunology of bone marrow transplantation, but he also published in the fields of oncology, philosophy of science, and medical education. In 1998, his research team demonstrated the lifetime functioning of the human thymus. He was the key person in the foundation of Split University School of Medicine, and also helped the establishment of medical schools in Osijek and Mostar. He writes short stories, and two collections of his works are mandatory readings in Croatian primary schools.
Articles by this Author
» Sir Iain Chalmers medical scientist interviewed at the University of Split Croatia
By Prof. Dr. Matko Marušić | Published 07/28/2010 | Human Rights , Science , Education | Unrated
In 2010 Sir Iain Chalmers, distinguished medical expert from UK, was a guest of the School of Medicine of the University of Split, Croatia. On this occasion he gave an interesting interview dealing with his contacts with Croatian scientists, Croatian Medical Journal, and his rich medical experience. He practised as a clinician for seven years in the UK and the Gaza Strip, and then became a full time health services researcher.
» Croatian Medical Journal appreciates Your support in 2007
By Prof. Dr. Matko Marušić | Published 12/17/2007 | Science | Unrated
Croatian Medical Journal appreciates Your support and contribution in the year that is behind us. In 2007 CMJ has published 67 original scientific articles. CMJ published the thematic issue on Poverty and Human Development, together with 237 journals from 37 countries in the Global Theme Issue on Poverty and Human Development.
» Croatia's highway to Europe
By Prof. Dr. Matko Marušić | Published 12/15/2007 | Business | Unrated
The new A1 highway in Croatia winds 416km from near the capital, Zagreb, south, offering breathtaking views of the mountainous terrain and the Adriatic Sea. Built in six years, at a cost of 3 billion Euros, it has been hailed as a "national pride," a "masterpiece" and the "freeway to Europe."
» 1st U.S.-Croatian conference on the ICT, Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Industry
By Prof. Dr. Matko Marušić | Published 09/19/2007 | Science , Business | Unrated
 The Conference in Split, Croatia, October 1-4, 2007, will feature renowned experts from the U.S. and Croatia who will focus on determining opportunities and strategies that will lead to increased collaboration in several key areas that might directly influence educational and scientific exchange, investment and trade between the U.S. and Croatia in the ICT, biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry sectors.
» Forensic approach to investigation of human right violations
By Prof. Dr. Matko Marušić | Published 08/3/2007 | Human Rights , Croatians in B&H , Science | Unrated
Excavation of site in Dalmatian hinterland, near the village of Zagvozd. All remains were men, mainly middle-aged, with gunshot wounds to the head. All of the positively identified remains belonged to the Franciscan friars allegedly killed in Herzegovina and buried at the analyzed site.
» Croatian Medical Journals Receive International Recognition
By Prof. Dr. Matko Marušić | Published 07/27/2007 | Science , News | Unrated

Two Croatian medical journals, "Croatian Medical Journal" and "Lijecnicke novine", received important international recognition, which was not given much attention in Croatian media.

» Croatia founded a national body for ethics in science
By Prof. Dr. Matko Marušić | Published 07/10/2007 | Science | Unrated
By Prof. Dr. Matko Marušić | Published 11/23/2006 | Science , Community | Unrated
» Znanstvena i tehnologijska politika Republike Hrvatske - Science and Technology Policy of the Republic of Croatia
By Prof. Dr. Matko Marušić | Published 11/9/2006 | Science , Svi putevi vode u Hrvatsku | Unrated
» PRILJEV MOZGOVA - program Nacionalne zaklade za znanost, visoko školstvo i tehnologijski razvoj Republike Hrvatske
By Prof. Dr. Matko Marušić | Published 10/24/2006 | Education , Svi putevi vode u Hrvatsku | Unrated
U tekstu natjecaja jasno su objasnjeni svi uvjeti natjecaja, sto se financira, koliko i u kojem trajanju te tehnicki detalji vezano uz prijavu. Ukratko, za program Senior nije definirana dob kandidata vec se gleda trajanje nezavisne istrazivacke karijere, koja za hrvatske gradane koji su u inozemstvu mora biti u trajanju od najmanje 5 godina
Croatian Constellation

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