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Ivana Marija Vidović from Dubrovnik in the prestigious jury in France, Provence 2024
By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić | Published  05/1/2024 | Music , Culture And Arts | Unrated
Saint Paul Trois-Chteaux International Piano Competition ended with great winners from Japan.

Members of the Jury (Ivana Marija Vidović on the left), with the winners of the first three prizes (all of them from Japan!).
On Ivana's right is French pianist Pierre Laurent Boucharlat, director of the Festival.

Ivana Marija Vidović, Croatia 2nd from the right), with other members of the Jury:
Sabrina Dente (Italy), Christoph Ewers (England), and Marc Moncusi (Catalonia, Spain).

Shoin Ota, Japan, the winner of the competition

Ivana Marija Vidović from Dubrovnik in the prestigious jury in France

Saint Paul Trois-Chteaux International Piano Competition
ended with great winners from Japan

May 1st, 2024

Last week, the Dubrovnik pianist Ivana Marija Vidović was a member of the prestigious expert jury of the International Piano Competition Saint Paul Trois-Chateaux. Vidović was in the jury alongside maestro Marc Moncus from Barcelona, pianist Sabrina Dente from Italy, pianist and organist Christoph Ewers from Germany, and pianist and director Pierre-Laurent Boucharlat from France. Throughout the week, there were excellent and brilliant interpretations in the Masters category, and in one day, the commission listened to Juniors, Teenagers and those in the 'Challengers' category.

The most difficult task was in the finals, when three great young Japanese pianists were on stage with the Amplitude Orchestra from Paris, each of them interpreting the Piano Concertos by E. Grieg, F. Chopin (no. 1 in E minor) and the Third Concerto by L. van Beethoven each of them in their own superb way.

In the end, the jury chose the interpretation of Edward Grieg's Piano Concerto in A minor and with that also chose the winner among the three stars, twenty-four-year-old Shion Ota.

Ivana Marija Vidović with Saya Ota, Japan, winner of the third prize.

The second prize went to the superb and sublime performance of the First Concerto in E minor for Piano and Orchestra by F. Chopin Nagino Maruyama (25th), and the interpretation of Beethoven's Third Concerto went to Saya Ota (30th) for the third place.

In an ancient town dating back to the time of the Roman Empire with the remains of the Three Castles (Trikastium), piano delicacies were heard, and Vidović became the first Dubrovnik and Croatian pianist who had the honor of deciding the winners who are probably just at the beginning of good careers and will most probably achieve more success all over the world.

Photos: Private album

Međunarodno pijanističko natjecanje Saint Paul Trois-Chateaux
okončano sjajnim pobjednicama iz Japana

1. svibnja 2024.

U proteklom je tjednu dubrovačka pijanistica Ivana Marija Vidović bila članicom uglednog stručnog žirija Međunarodnog pijanističkog natjecanja Saint Paul Trois-Châteaux. Vidović se našla u žiriju uz bok maestra Marc MoncusĂŹja iz Barcelone, pijanistice Sabrine Dente iz Italije, pijanista i orguljaša Christopha Ewersa iz Njemačke te pijaniste i dirigenta Pierre-Laurenta Boucharlata iz Francuske. Nizale su se tijekom cijeloga tjedna i odlične i briljantne interpretacije u kategoriji Mastersa, a u jednom danu komisija je preslušala i Juniorse, Tinejdžere te one koji su u kategoriji 'Challengers'. Najteža zadaća bila je u samom finalu kad su se na pozornici uz Orkestar Amplitude iz Pariza našle tri sjajne japanske pijanistice koje su svaka na svoj vrhunski način interpretirale Klavirske koncerte E. Griega, F. Chopina (broj 1 u e- molu) te Treći koncert L. van Beethovena.

Christoph Ewers, pianist with PhD in Medical Sciences

Žiri je na kraju odabrao interpretaciju Klavirskog koncerta Edwarda Griega u a molu te s time odabrao i pobjednicu među trima zzvijezdama, dvadesetčetverogodišnju Shion Otu. Druga nagrada pripala je vrhunskoj i sublimnoj izvedbi Prvog koncerta u e molu za Klavir i orkestar F. Chopina Nagino Maruyama (25.) a interpretacija Beethovenovog Trećeg koncerta pripala je Saya Oti (30.) za treće mjesto.

Ivana Marija Vidović with maestro Marc Moncusi, Catalonian conductor

U drevnom gradiću koji seže u doba Rimskog carstva s ostacima na Tri dvorca (Trikastium) orile su se klavirske delicije a Vidović je postala prva Dubrovačka i Hrvatska pijanistica koja je imala čast odlučivanja pobjednica koje su tek na početku vjerojatno dobrih karijera i koje će još dugo briljirati i nizati uspjehe diljem svijeta.

Fotografije: Privatni album

Ivana Marija Vidović with a member of the organizing committee.

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