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Miro Gavran's book published in Chinese language
By Prof.Dr. Darko Zubrinic | Published  10/22/2009 | Croatian Language , Culture And Arts | Unrated
Three Miro Gavran books published in Croatian, English and Chinese languages

Miro Gavran's plays have been translated from Croatian into more than 30 languages, including Chinese.

The English edition of Miro Gavran's play now available also in Chinese:

Many thanks to Mr. Miro Gavran for the photo.


Miro Gavran's novel The Only Witness to Beauty was published by MOSAIC BOOKS from Zagreb. The editor was Zoran Maljković.  

The Only Witness to Beauty is an intriguing love story that unfolds in an identifiable Zagreb setting, with
short episodes set on the exotic island of Malta. The hero is a forty-year-old in love with a mysterious young woman.

A collection of Miro Gavran's plays in English, Parallel Worlds & Other Plays, was published by the Croatian Writers' Association. Nikola Djuretić was the editor and the plays were translated into English by Nina Kay-Antoljak and Ellen Elias-Bursać. There are four of Gavran's plays in the book:  Parallel Worlds, Chekhov Says Good-Bye to Tolstoy, George Washington's Loves and Laughter Prohibited.
Miro Gavran's novel How We Broke Our Legs is published in Beijing, PR of China by World Affairs Press. The translation into Chinese has been done by Kewein Yan. The prefaces to the novel have been written by Chen Haosu and Ante Simonić. To date, this novel has come out in five editions in Croatian.

Prestigeous Polish Grand Prix to Miro Gavran's comedy "All about Men"


Jučer je na "Internacionalnom  festivalu komedije" u Tarnovu u Poljskoj GRAND PRIX za najbolju predstavu festivala osvojila komedija hrvatskog autora Mire Gavrana "Sve o muškarcima" u izvedbi Teatra LUDOWY iz Krakova, a u režiji Tomasza Obare.

Gavranovu komediju na poljski jezik je prevela Anna Tuszynska, a svoju poljsku premijeru imala je  7. svibnja ove godine u Krakovu. Do sada su poljska kazališta premijerno uprizorila četrnaest Gavranovih drama i komedija.

Djela našega autora prevedena su na trideset i dva jezika, imao je preko dvjetsto kazališnih premijera širom svijeta koje je vidjelo više od dva milijuna gledatelja.

U komediji "Sve o muškarcima" tri glumca igraju svaki po pet različitih uloga u pet priča u kojima se na dinamičan način razotkriva muški svijet. Radnja se odvija u Zagrebu ovih godina. Ta komedija je do sada imala deset premijernih izvedbi, a svjetska praizvedba je bila  listopada 2006. u Teatru JANA PALARIKA u Trnavi u Slovačkoj, na TREĆEM GAVRANFESTU, dok je hrvatsko uprizorenje  tri tjedna potom izveo Teatar GAVRAN iz Zagreba.

Formated for CROWN by prof.dr. Darko Žubrinić
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