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Ivana Marija Vidovic and Vesna Miletic had a piano concert in Krakow, Poland, 2019
By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić | Published  10/29/2019 | Music , Education | Unrated
The Polish debut of the two distinguished Dubrovnik artists

Ivana Marija Vidović and Vesna Miletić, Croatian pianist duo in Krakow, Poland
Photos by the International Royal Festival in Krakow


Hrvatske pijanistice iz Dubrovnika, Ivana Marija Vidović i uz nju četveroručno u Klavirskom duu Fantazija Vesna Miletić održale su veoma uspješan koncert proteklog tjedna u Krakowu. Bio je to debi dviju uglednih Dubrovkinja u Poljskoj a popraćen ovacijama uz prisustvo brojne znatiželjne publike te pod honorarnim pokroviteljstvom hrvatskog veleposlanika u Poljskoj Tomislava Vidoševića. U sklopu XI. Međunarodnog Kraljevskog klavirskog festivala u Krakowu u dvorani kulturnog centra Centruma Kultury Dworek Bialopradnicki, klavirski duo Fantazija briljirao je s djelima Mendelssohna, Schuberta i Debussyija.

Večer je započela s Andanteom iz 3. simfonije Luke Sorkočevića, da bi recital završile s cvjetovima iz Života cvijeća op.19 najpoznatije hrvatske skladateljice Dore Pejačević, čija je djela za klavir četveroručno ekskluzivno za ovaj duo priredila dubrovačka glazbenica Nena Ćorak.

U prekrasnom jesenjskom ozračju Krakova i u potpuno ispunjenoj dvorani centra Biaoprdnicki u ime hrvatskog veleposlanika Tomislava Vidoševića nazočnima se obratio i čestitao umjetnicama počasni hrvatski konzul u Krakowu Pavel Wlodarczyk a umjetnice su na burni aplauz brojne publike prisutne nagradile i s nekoliko dodataka.

Fotografije: Međunarodni Kraljevski Piano Festival Krakow


Croatian pianists from Dubrovnik Ivana Marija Vidovic and Vesna Miletic held a very successful concert last week in Krakow. It was the Polish debut of the two distinguished Dubrovnik artists, accompanied by a standing ovation in the presence of numerous audiences and under the auspices of the Croatian Ambassador to Poland Tomislav Vidosevic. The Piano duo Fantasia, Vidović and Miletić performed at the XIth International Royal Piano Festival in Krakow in the Hall of the Cultural Centrum Dworek Bialopradnicki. The piano duo Fantasy performed splendidly works by Mendelssohn, Schubert and Debussy.

The evening began with Andante from Luka Sorkočević's 3rd symphony. Croatian most famous woman composer Dora Pejačević, whose piano works were arranged exclusively for this duo by Dubrovnik musician Nena Ćorak, shone in the end.

In the beautiful autumn atmosphere of Krakow and in the fully filled hall of the Bialopradnicki Center, on behalf of Croatian Ambassador Tomislav Vidosevic, the honorary Croatian Consul in Krakow, Pavel Wlodarczyk addressed a few words to the audience and the artists received a long and warm applause after which they rewarded them with a few apposite encores.

Photos by the Krakow International Royal Piano Festival

Four magic hands of The piano Duo Fantasia
Anna Miernik, Polish pianist, Ivana Marija Vidović, Paweł Włodarczyk (honorary consul of the Republic of Croatia in Krakow), Vesna Miletić
Ivana Marija Vidović in front of a painting of a street in Krakow

Cultural Center in Krakow, in which Ivana M. Vidović and Vesna Miletić had a concert

Ivana Marija Vidović is a former student of Vesna Miletić at the Music School in Dubrovnik.
It is nice to see them playing together.

Ivana Marija Vidović addressing to the audience. On the left Anna Miernik, Polish pianist, and on the right Vesna Miletić.

Ivana Marija Vidović and Vesna Miletić with Paweł Włodarczyk,
honorary consul of the Republic of Croatia in Krakow.

Croatian pianists have dedicated the roses to Frederic Chopin, since,
by strange coincidence, that day was the anniversary of his death.
A selfie representing Croatian pianists Ivana Marija Vidović, Vesna Miletić,
as well as the Polish Airlines.

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