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Miro Gavran's play "All About Women" had 100th performance in Bratislava Slovakia in 2015
41 world premieres from New York, Rio de Janeiro and Buenos Aires to Paris, Prague, Krakow, Warsaw, Mumbai, Zagreb, Riga, Novosibirsk, ...
Miro Gavran, distinguished Croatian writer of worldwide fame. Photo by D. Višnjić / pixell.
Kazalište iz Bratislave u Slovačkoj Divadlo v Podpalubi je 30. rujna 2015. izvelo stotu reprizu drame Mire Gavrana “Sve o ženama” u nazočnosti autora.
Prijevod drame na slovački jezik načinio je Jan Jankovič, dok je redatelj Minim F. Otzow. U glavnim ulogama nastupile su Andrea Profantova, Andrea Karnasova i Bibiana Ondrejkova.
U toj Gavranovoj drami tri glumice glume svaka po pet uloga u pet različitih priča koje se uzajamno isprepliću, a do sada je imala čak 41 premijeru diljem svijeta, od New Yorka, Rio de Janeiroa i Buenos Airesa, pa sve do Pariza, Praga, Krakova, Varšave, Mumbaia, Zagreba, Sarajeva, Ljubljane, Mostara, Rige, Novosibrirska, Hyderabada, ...
Theater Divadlo v Podpalubi from Bratislava, Slovakia had 100th performance of Miro Gavran's play "All About Women" with author attending on September 30th, 2015.
Translation into Slovak was done by Jan Jankovic while director is Minim F. Otzow. Main roles are performed by Andrea Profantova, Andrea Karnasova and Bibiana Ondrejkova.
This Gavran's play shows three actresses, each of which is performing five different roles through five different tales and so far it had 41 world premieres from New York, Rio de Janeiro and Buenos Aires to Paris, Prague, Krakow, Warsaw, Mumbai, Zagreb, Ljubljana, Mostar, Riga, Novosibirsk, Hyderabad, ...
MIRO GAVRAN is a Croatian playwright and novelist, whose works have been translated into thirty-five languages. His plays have had more than two hundred first nights worldwide and have been seen by more than two million theatregoers. He is the only living playwright in Europe to have a Theatre festival devoted to his work: the GAVRANFEST, founded in Slovakia in 2003 and is held every year.
30.9.2015., Všetko o ženách (Divadlo v podpalubí)
- úchvatná komédia jedného z najhrávanejších súčasných autorov, Chorváta Mira Gavrana (preklad J. Jankovič)
- v piatich príbehoch nazeráme do duše ženy, do jej pocitov, do sveta intríg, ľúbostných sklamaní, ale aj šteklivých tajomstiev. Skvelý herecký trojkoncert pomôže mužom odhaliť všetko, čo chceli vedieť o ženách, no báli sa opýtať
hrajú: A. Karnasová, B. Ondrejková, A. Zimányi-Profantová
Nenad Bach and Miro Gavran in Zagreb in 2008. Many thanks to Mr Gavran for the photo.
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