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Croatian Heroes: Heroes of Vukovar TV serial by Eduard & Dominik Galic, part 6
By Dominik Galić, producer | Published  10/10/2008 | Croatian Heroes , Human Rights , History | Unrated
6. Technical building Friday 10.10.2008 20.10 on Croatian Television

Mr Ivica Mikula describing events during the 1991 Serbian siege of the city of Vukovar.

6. Technical building - Friday 10.10.2008 20.10

Technical building along with Banijska road was the most out posted position to Borovo Selo and Serbia. If the Technical building fell the water-supply of Vukovar would be in danger, and that would be a catastrophe for defense of Borovo Naselje and whole of Vukovar. Shelter "Obučara" with 3000 civilians and Borovo Commerce as spare hospital would also be in danger. One of the most furious attacks was led by Arkan, infamous Serbian war criminal. In this episode, we also talk about the massacre of policemen in Borovo village, where everything actually started. They thought it would only be routine action in which they would successfully release their two captured policemen with minimum force. But they were ambushed by chetniks from Borovo Selo and Serbia, mercenaries from Romania, soldiers of Vojislav Seselj and "White Eagles". Some of them were lucky and managed to save themselves, but some of them weren't. Main characters in this episode are

Marko Filković, Ivo Komąić, Zdravko Mamić, Ivica Mikula...

Mr Andrija Brnjetić, Croatian defender in Vukovar in 1991.

One of memorial tablets in Vukovar, with names of Croatian defenders that lost their lives in 1991.

Formated for CROWN by prof.dr. Darko ®ubrinić
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