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 »  Home  »  Croatian Heroes  »  Croatian Heroes: Heroes of Vukovar TV serial by Eduard & Dominik Galic
Croatian Heroes: Heroes of Vukovar TV serial by Eduard & Dominik Galic
By Dominik Galić, producer | Published  08/25/2008 | Human Rights , History , Education , Croatian Heroes | Unrated
Blago Zadro, Marko Babić ... Vukovar Heroes, part 2

Vukovar Heroes Marko Babić and Andrija Marić in 1991, in front of destroyed enemy tank.

Marko Babić with Stipe Majić-Pipe, another Vukovar Hero.

Serbian tanks near Vukovar in 1991. In fact, these tanks have been bought for ex-Yugoslavia before 1990. Croatia being economically the strongst Republic in the unhappy former state, was financing these tanks with enormous amount of money. The same tanks served the Serbian (Yugoslav) army in 1990s to destroy Croatian towns and villages.

Enemy tanks in Vukovar in 1991. Yugoslav (Serbian) Army at that time was the fourth best equiped military power in Europe.

Bust of Blago Zadro in Vukovar. There is also the street of Blago Zadro in the city.

Junaci Domovinskog rata - Vukovar (Blago Zadro) 1.DIO

Formated for CROWN by prof.dr. Darko ®ubrinić
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  • Comment #1 (Posted by unknown)

    oni su po meni bili najveci heroji,hrabri,protiv mnogo jaceg neprijatelja(JNA,beli orlovi,knindze,arkanovci,SÈP),dok su ostali bjezali oni su svoje branili,....po meni vukovar je bio i ostao herojski grad.
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