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 »  Home  »  Culture And Arts  »  Yoko Nishii Japanese pianist has six concerts in Croatia in Sep 2016
Yoko Nishii Japanese pianist has six concerts in Croatia in Sep 2016
By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić | Published  09/6/2016 | Music , People , Education , Culture And Arts | Unrated
Yoko Nishii meeting her numerous colleagues and friends in Croatia

Yoko Nishii, Japanese pianist, with Vjeko Martinko in his Oraj paradise.
Oraj is a nice village above the town of Lovran with spectacular view to the sea.
Yoko is fluent in Croatian language.

Yoko Nishii preparing her piano program for her friends in Villa Astra in the town of Lovran.

Yoko Nishii met her numeours friends in Hotel Villa Astra in the town of Lovran, where she completed her
graduate piano studies at the Ino Mirković High Music School in 2000.
In the first row, Natasha and Volodimir Balyk, distinguished musicians living in the town of Lovran.
Her host was Vjeko Martinko, director of Villa Astra (standing behind the table).

The neighboring table with Yoko's friends from Opatija and Lovran. On the left is Mr. Drago Banović from Vukovar (with his wife Slavica),
who was the first person that she met in Croatia.

Yoko Nishii's piano concerts in Croatia in September 2016

Rovinj - četvrtak 8. rujna u 20.30 sati
Crkva sv. Franje
Organizator: Ljetni festival Rovinj

Sisak - srijeda 14. rujna u 19:30 sati
Dvorana glazbene škole Fran Lhotka
Organizator: Lyons club Sisak

Vinkovci - subota 17. rujna u 20 sati
Dvorana Ogranka Matice hrvatske (J. Dalmatinca 22, Vinkovci)
Organizator: Ogranak Matice hrvatske u Vinkovcima

Cavtat - utorak 20. rujna u 20:30 sati
Organizator: 10. Epidaurus Festival (

Kotor (Crna Gora) - četvrtak 22. rujna u 20 sati
Koncertna dvorana Crkve Svetog Duha
Organizator: Muzička škola “Vida Matjan” Kotor

Budimpešta (Mađarska) - utorak 27. rujna u 19 sati
ZenetĂśrtĂŠneti MĂşzeum, BartĂłk terem (Museum of Music History, BartĂłk Hall)
Organizator: Embassy of Croatia in Hungary / Embassy of Japan in Hungary

Ludbreg - četvrtak, 29. rujna u 19 sati
Svečana dvorana dvorca Batthyany, Ludbreg
Organizator: Pučko otvoreno učilište D. Novak, Ludbreg

Zaprešić - subota 1. listopada
Organizator: Pučko otvoreno učilište Zaprešić

Program A €‘Rovinj

Robert Schumann (1810-56): Kreisleriana Op.16
Franz Liszt (1811-1886): Liebestraume No.3
Schumann=Liszt: Widmung
Dora Pejačević(1885-1923): Rose (“Flowers’ Life” Op.19-5)
BlĂźtenwirbel/Cvjetni vrtlog/A Whirl of Blossoms
Sergei Rachmaninoff (1873-1943): 3 Preludes
Op.23-5 in G Minor
Op.32-5 in G Major
Op.23-2 in B Flat Major

Program B

Dora Pejačević (1885-1923): Rose
BlĂźtenwirbel/Cvjetni vrtlog/A Whirl of Blossoms
Piano Sonata in A Flat Major Op.57 (in one Movement)
Hisatada Otaka (1911-1951): Cradle Song (from “Japanese Suite”)
Franz Liszt (1811-1886): Liebestraume No.3
Schumann = Liszt: Widmung
Sergei Rachmaninoff (1873-1943): 3 Preludes
Op. 23-5 in G Minor
Op. 32-5 in G Major
Op. 23-2 in B Flat Major


YOKO NISHII, glasovir
Yoko Nishii rođena je u gradu Ise u Japanu i već od četvrte godine života pohađa privatne satove glasovira kod Mitsuko Tomio. Od 1986. učenje nastavlja u klasi Naofumija Kaneshigea, od 1991. u klasi Kyoko Ogawe, a od 1996. u klasi Hitoshija Kobayashija. Paralelno studira i završava studij francuskog jezika i književnosti na privatnom Sveučilištu Keio u Tokiju (1998.). Iste godine odlazi u Hrvatsku gdje, zahvaljujući stipendiji u trajanju od dvije godine, pohađa Visoku školu za glazbenu umjetnost "Ino Mirković"€ u Lovranu.

U samo dvije godine završava četverogodišnji studij (2000.), potom postiže stupanj magistra  glazbene umjetnosti (srpanj 2001.), te nastavlja usavršavanje na poslijediplomskom studiju na Muzičkoj akademiji u Zagrebu kao stipendistica japanske Vlade (2005. – 2007.) – sve u klasi Jevgenija Zarafiantsa, kojemu je bila i asistentica na Visokoj školi "€œIno Mirković" (2001. - 2003.). Sada predaje na Umjetničkoj akademiji u Aichiju u Japanu. Pobjednica je i finalistica brojnih međunarodnih natjecanja. U Hrvatskoj je održala brojne zapažene solističke recitale, a nastupala je i u Italiji, Sloveniji te u Japanu. Ustrajno radi na istraživanju i promociji skladatelja i glazbe iz Hrvatske.

U veljači 2015. objavila je prvi CD u svijetu s cjelovitim glasovirskim opusom Dore Pejačević u izdanju japanskih diskografskih kuća "Herb Classics"€ i u rujnu 2015. je održala 11 koncertnih turneja u Hrvatskoj u povodu 130. godišnjice rođenja Dore Pejačević.

Yoko Nishii was born in Ise, Japan. After graduating from "Keio University" in Tokyo for studies of French literature in 1998, she entered Music Academy "€œIno Mirković" situated in Lovran, Croatia, with full scholarship for 2 years.

She completed the academic program in only 2 years of studies (normally it lasts 4 years) and graduated with excellent grades under prof. Evgeny Zarafiants in 2000. In July 2001, she got Master of Music Art€ degree. From 2001 to 2003 she worked as assistant in the piano class of prof. E. Zarafiants in the same academy. From 2005 to 2007 she did advanced study at Zagreb Music Academy as the fellowship under the Japanese Government Overseas Program for Artists. Until now she studied with prof. Mitsuko Tomio, prof. Naofumi Kaneshige, prof. Kyoko Ogawa, prof. Hitoshi Kobayashi and prof. Evgeny Zarafiants. Currently she is a part-time lecturer at Aichi University of the Arts in Japan.

Winner and finalist at numerous international competitions. She has given numerous solo recitals and various concerts as soloist, accompanist and chamber music player in Croatia, Slovenia, Italy and Japan. She also works hard on research and dissemination of Croatian composers and music. In February 2015 she has published the first CD in the world which includes the complete solo piano works of Dora Pejačević from Japanese CD label "Herb Classics" and in September 2015 she held 11 concerts-tour in Croatia on the 130th birth anniversary of Dora Pejačević.


Yoko Nishii playing Rose in the Dora Pejačević memorial room of the Pejačević Palace in the town of Našice, on Dora's piano.

Dora Pejačević in the music saloon of the Pejačević Palace in Našice, Croatia.
Photo by Elizabeta Drašković, 1912. Source

Dora Pejačević (10 September 1885 -- 5 March 1923): Walzer-Capricen, Suite for Piano, Op. 28, written in 1910. Performed by Yoko Nishii in 2013 (live)
These excellent inventive little piano pieces, in the form of a piano suite, are a high-point in the solo-piano oeuvre of Pejačević.
They are full of imagination; a listener will be surprised by how different of character they are,
even though most of them don't exceed 1-2 minutes in length.

Yoko Nishii playing piano in Villa Astra in the town of Lovran.

Delicate origami work for Lidija and Nataša under the guidance of Yoko Nishii

Yoko taught us origami: how to construct crane birds out of a small square piece of paper.

Yoko Nishii with her dear friends in Villa Astra. Many thanks to Vjeko Martinko for organizing this wonderful meeting.

Croatia - Japan

Announcement of Yoko Nishii's concert in Rovinj.

Rovinj, Croatia. Photo by Yoko Nishii, Japan.


Announcement of Yoko Nishii's concert in the town of Sisak near Zagreb

Yoko Nishii in the town of Sisak near Zagreb, in the local synagogue.

Yoko-san near the Kupa river in Sisak

Yoko-san in a restaurant in Sisak: smuđ (perch fish) for four people. Behind her Mr. Milan Lavrnja and his wife Marina.

Announcement of Yoko Nishii's concert in Vinkovci

Immediately after the concert in Vinkovci

Yoko Nishii in Vinkovci, among swans.

Yoko Nishii in the town of Cavtat near Dubrovnik, participating at the Epidaurus Festival. Paintings by Luce Đuraš.

Cavtat and its breathtaking surroundings

Ivana Marija Vidović, the founder and director of the Epidaurus Festival in Cavtat, Croatia, with Yoko Nishii of Japan,
both wonderful pianists and great interpretors of pianistic oeuvre of Dora Pejačević, the first significant Croatian woman composer.

From right to left: Yoko, Ivana Marija, her mother Franica Vidović-Kramups and Luce Đuraš (painter) in good spirits, immediately after Yoko's concert in Cavtat.

The City of Dubrovnik, one of the most beautiful cities on the Mediterranean. Photo by Yoko Nishii.

Two islets, Sv. Juraj and Gospa od Škrpjela, in front of the town of Perast, in the Kotor bay, Boka kotorska. Photo by Yoko Nishii.
Gospa od Škrpjela (Lady of the Rock) is an artificial islet with a Catholic church on it, containing valuable works of art of
distinguished Croatian painter Tripo Kokolja (1661-1713).

Yoko Nishii in Budapest, with a gift from Dr. Gordan Grlić Radman, Ambassador of the Republic of Croatia to Hungary: Croatian - Hungarian Dictionary.
The concert hall was stuffed with attendants including many Croatians living in Hungary.

Japanska pijanistica Yoko Nishii izvela djela Dore Pejačević u Budimpešti

Na inicijativu Veleposlanstva RH u Budimpešti, a u suradnji s Veleposlanstvom Japana u Budimpešti, u dvorani mađarskog Muzeja glazbene povijesti, održan je 27. rujna 2016. solistički koncert japanske pijanistice Yoko Nishii. Kuriozitet ovog kulturnog projekta, kako su to istaknuli i domaćini, vlp. Gordan Grlić Radman i njegov japanski kolega Junichi Kosuge u svom obraćanju nazočnima, jest činjenica da on predstavlja svojevrsnu poveznicu triju država: hrvatske, japanske i mađarske. Pijanistički koncert Yoko Nishii, ovom prigodom, obuhvatio je kompozicije hrvatske skladateljice Dore Pejačević, japanskog Hisatada Otaka, nezaobilaznog Ferenca Liszta  te čuvene preludije Sergeija Rachmaninoffa.

Inscription on the building of Croatian kindergarten, primary school,
gymnasium and Collegium in Budapest, Hungary, where Yoko Nishii was lodged.

Yoko Nishii rođena je u Iseu, u Japanu, a nakon što je diplomirala na sveučilištu u Tokiju francusku književnost, 1998. upisala je Muzičku akademiju Ino Mirković u Lovranu. Od 2005.-2007. polaznica je naprednog studija na Muzičkoj akademiji u Zagrebu. Trenutačno podučava na umjetničkoj akademiji u Japanu. Održala je brojne solo recitale i dobitnica je više nagrada, i to u Hrvatskoj, Sloveniji, Italiji te dakako Japanu. Aktivno radi na istraživanju i upoznavanju hrvatskih skladatelja i njihove glazbe. U veljači 2015. objavila je prvi japanski CD u svijetu pod naslovom "Herb Classics", a koji uključuje kompletna solo klavirska djela Dore Pejačević. U rujnu 2015. održala je turneju od 11 koncerata diljem Hrvatske, u povodu 130. rođendana Dore Pejačević.

Nakon koncerta, dva su veleposlanstva, hrvatsko i japansko, priredili domjenak na kojemu se služilo japanski sake i hrvatsko vino te pršut, sir i masline. Svoju potporu dalo je i predstavništvo „Mlinar“ u Mađarskoj ponudom asortimana svojih pekarskih proizvoda. Na taj je način kulturni događaj dobio i zamjetnu dimenziju gastronomske promocije Republike Hrvatske.

Yoko Nishii with Marin Skenderović, the head of the
Croatian National Tourist Board in Hungary


Yoko Nishii with Marina Šikora, the first secretary of Croatian ambassador,
by an Easter egg in front of Croatian Embassy in Budapest.

Yoko Nishii with (left to right) H.E. Mr. Junichi Kosuge, Japanese Ambassador to Hungary, H.E. Dr. Ralph Scheide, Austrian Ambassador to Hungary,
H.E. Dr. Gordan Grlić Radman, Croatian Ambassador to Hungary.

In front of the Embassy of the Republic of Croatia in Budapest.
Photo by the courtesy of Yoko Nishii.

Announcement of Yoko Nishii's concert in Ludbreg.

Drawing of Ludbreg from 1895

Announcement of Yoko Nishii's concert in Zaprešić near Zagreb.

Yoko Nishii in Zaprešić

Dr. Zvonimir Marić (former Croatian diplomat in Hungary and Slovakia; [PDF]), a Catholic priest, Yoko Nishii, Dr. Andjelko Mijatović (Croatian historian),
at the Chapel of the Queen of Croatians on the mount Medvednica near Zagreb

The ceiling of the chapel is decorated with Coats of Arms of various Croatian regions, cities and towns

Yoko Nishii with Alemka Hazler, organist at the chapel (and literary translator), in a friendly chat in Japanese!
The chapel, very popular among montaineers, has been completed in 1933.
On the upper left corner, a shield representing Croatian Coat of Arms.

Details from Croatian history exhibited on the walls of the chapel.

Beautiful decorations inspired by Croatian pre-Romanesque art from the end of 8th to 11th centuries.

Yoko Nishii, Japanese pianist, Dr. Zvonimir Marić (former Croatian diplomat) and Dr. Anđelko Mijatović (Croatian historian),
in the parish hall of the Chapel of the Queen of Croatians.

Croatia - Japan

Formated for CROWN by Darko Žubrinić
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