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Yoko Nishii's humanitarian concert in Zagreb during the Japanese Culture Week in March 2016
Unusual humanitarian concert for the blind in Zagreb in the presence of their guide dogs
Humanitarian concert organized in Zagreb, March 19th, 2016, in order to help the blind. Among the listerens were guide dogs as well.
His Excellency Keiji Ide, ambassador of Japan in Croatia, solemnly announced the concert of Yoko Nishii in Zagreb. The concert was held under the auspices of Mrs. Kolinda Grabar Kitarović, president of the Republic of Croatia.
The concert was organized in the main hall of the Westin Hotel in Zagreb.
Among beautiful pianistic pieces interpreted by Yoko Nishii were the works of Dora Pejačević, distinguished Croatian female composer.
The listeners, as well as the dogs, have been very attentive. The event has also been supported by the Turkish Airlines.
Japanese pianist Yoko Nishii published the first CD in the world which includes all pianistic compostions of distinguished Croatian female composer Dora Pejačević. She played the works by Johann Sebastian Bach, Franz Liszt i Ferrucci Busonij, Frédéric Chopin, Eric Satie, Dora Pejačević, Kozaburo Hirai, Kosaku Yamada i Tooru Takemitsu.
This humanitarian concert has been organized in cooperation with Croatian Society for Training Guide Dogs and for Mobility. The society promotes basic human rights and the quality of life of blind and other invalid persons, as well as of impaired children, creating conditions for their social inclusion.
The concert has been attended, among others, by Dr Drago Štambuk, former Croatian ambassador in Japan.
Japanska pijanistica Yoko Nishii objavila je prvi Cd u svijetu koji uključuje sve kompozicije za klavir hrvatske skladateljice Dore Pejačević. Izvest će djela Johanna Sebastiana Bacha, Franza Liszta i Ferruccia Busonija, Frédérica Chopina, Erica Satija, Dore Pejačević, Kozaburo Hiraia, Kosaku Yamade i Tooru Takemitsua.
Ovaj dobrotvorni koncert održan je u suradnji s Hrvatskom udrugom za školovanje pasa vodiča i mobilitet. Udruga promiče osnovna ljudska prava i kvalitetu življenja slijepih i drugih osoba s invaliditetom te djece s teškoćama u razvoju, stvarajući uvjete za njihovu socijalnu uključenost u zajednicu.
Na koncertu je među inim bio nazočan i dr. Drago Štambuk, bivši hrvatski veleposlanik u Japanu.
Congratulations from H.E. Keiji Ide immediately after the concert...
Congratulations from the president of the Croatian Guide Dog and Mobility Association, Zagreb, Mrs. Mira Katalenić.
Yoko Nishii awarded the enthusiasted listeners with a bis.
19. ožujka održan dobrotvorni koncert Yoko Nishii
Na početku koncerta, veleposlanik Ide kazao je kako se koncert održava kao potpora Hrvatskoj udruzi za školovanje pasa vodiča i mobilitet. Udruga već otprije njeguje suradnju s Japanom otkako ju je 2002. godine posjetila princeza Sayako prilikom boravka u Hrvatskoj, a Vlada Japana udruzi je 2007. godine dodijelila donaciju kroz program humanitarne pomoći za temeljne ljudske potrebe. Uz to, ovaj je koncert održan pod pokroviteljstvom predsjednice Republike Hrvatske, gđe. Kolinde Grabar Kitarović.
Yoko Nishii boravila je u Hrvatskoj tijekom studija klavira, a danas vrlo aktivno nastupa u Hrvatskoj i Japanu. Na ovom koncertu izvela je djela hrvatske skladateljice Dore Pejačević, uz djela japanskih i njemačkoh autora. U koncertu su uživali brojni posjetitelji koji su došli sa svojim psima vodičima.
Koncertu je nazočilo oko stotinjak posjetitelja koji su dali donacije u korist Hrvatske udruge za školovanje pasa vodiča i mobilitet. Prikupljena sredstva udruga će iskoristiti za organizaciju međunarodne konferencije koja će se održati ove godine u svibnju čime će udruga obilježiti 25. obljetnicu svojeg postojanja.
Ovaj koncert održan je u zagrebačkom hotelu Westin u sklopu Tjedna Japana.
Posebnu potporu ovom koncertu pružila je tvrtka Turkish Airlines.
Stranice Hrvatske udruge za školovanje pasa vodiča i mobilitet možete pogledati ovdje.
Very rich and versatile program of the Week of Japanese Culture organized in Zagreb in March 2016.
Yoko Nishii at the Japanese Corner of the Public Library on the Flower Square in Zagreb.
A view from the Upper Town to the Zagreb Cathedral and to the Šalata hill on the left.
Yoko Nishii at the Japanese Corner of the Public Library in the town of Metković on the Neretva river, near the Croatian coast. The environs of the town are known as the ornithological paradise of Europe.
A part of Japanese titles placed in the Japanese Corner in the town of Metković. The town is known as the birthplace of Fr. Ante Gabrić, Croatian missionary in Bengal, India.
Yoko Nishii, piano, playing Red Caranfil by Dora Pejačević, Vinkovci 2014. Yoko Nishii had numerous concerts throughout Croatia. She speaks Croatian language.
H.E. Mr Keiji Ide, Ambassador of Japan to Croatia
H.E. Mr. Keji Ide visited numerous Croatian towns and cities. Here, he has been hosted by Mrs. Josipa Rimac, young Mayor of the city of Knin. The city used to be the capital of the Kingdom of Croatia in the 11th century, during the reign of King Zvonimir.
Many thanks to Yoko Nishii for sending us the majority of the photos shown on this web page.
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