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 »  Home  »  Poetry  »  Japan remembering Vladimir Devide 1925-2010 Croatian haiku poet and mathematician
 »  Home  »  In Memoriam  »  Japan remembering Vladimir Devide 1925-2010 Croatian haiku poet and mathematician
 »  Home  »  Environment  »  Japan remembering Vladimir Devide 1925-2010 Croatian haiku poet and mathematician
 »  Home  »  Education  »  Japan remembering Vladimir Devide 1925-2010 Croatian haiku poet and mathematician
 »  Home  »  Culture And Arts  »  Japan remembering Vladimir Devide 1925-2010 Croatian haiku poet and mathematician
Japan remembering Vladimir Devide 1925-2010 Croatian haiku poet and mathematician
By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić | Published  09/9/2020 | Poetry , In Memoriam , Environment , Education , Culture And Arts | Unrated
Organized by the Embassy of Japan to Croatia and the Zagreb Tourist Association

Vladimir Devide, distinguished Croatian mathematician and Japanologist

Riding a horse - behind me crawls - my frozen shadow
Matsuo Basho

Old pond - frog jumped in - sound of water
Matsuo Basho

Shining Moon! - The whole night I walked - arround the lake
Matsuo Basho

Exhibition of works of art of Mihovil Rismondo
"Remembering Vladimira Devide, 1925. - 2010"

Mihovil Rismondo, Croatian painter from the city of Split (age 71), painted twelve canvases inspired by haiku poetry, under the auspices of Japanese Embassy in Croatia and the Tourist Association of the city of Zagreb.

Vladimir Devide (1925-2010), Croatian mathematician, Japanologist and haiku poet

In this way, ten years since the death of Vladimir Devide have been marked, a well known Croatian haiku and mathematician. He was the greatest promoter of Japanese culture in Croatia. For his contributions in popularization of Japanese culture he was awarded the prestigious Japanese Order of the Sacred Treasure - Konsanto Zuihosho.

Rismondo's canvases, acompanying Japanese haiku verses, have been exhibited during the summer of 2020 on billboards in Croatia's capital Zagreb.

Mihovil Rismondo, Croatian painter, in his native city of Split
Photo from Slobodna Dalmacija

Photo by the courtesy of dr. Željko Hanjš

Mihovil Rismondo, Croatian painter, in the city of Split
Photo from Slobodna Dalmacija

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