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The Canon of Croatian Poetry, 1450-2000: Over 200 Croatian Poems with English Translations
Translated, edited and annotated by Ivo and Vinka Soljan, this work offers a panorama of Croatian poetry written over the last five centuries. Touching on the different subjects and shifting fashions of poetic creativity throughout Croatia’s turbulent history, this poetry reveals the spirit of its people. The poems are clustered chronologically into chapters representing seven literary periods. The Renaissance, The Baroque,
Vladimir Bubrin & Vinko Grubisic: The Glory and Fame, Croatian Renaissance Reader, NY 2015
Vladimir Bubrin & Vinko Grubisic (on the photo) have prepared an important and extensive book dealing with Croatian Reanaissance literature. It has been published in 2015 by Croatian Academy of America, NY, USA. The book has 589 pages and provides the original Croatian texts from the Renaissance period (14-17th century), their translation into contemprary Croatian langague, as well as into English. Large portions of
"Caught Between Darkness and Light" is a new collection of poetry by Walter Mirkovic
Croatian-American author Walter Mirkovic has published his first book of poetry. The book titled "Caught Between Darkness and Light" is a collection of poetry highlighting observations of the world through spontaneous workings of the mind and personal experience. The book is illustrated by his niece Adriana Starcic.
Miro Gavran's interviews and plays to be shown in Poland, the Czech Republic and in Belgium in June 2013
Miro Gavran, the greatest contemporary Croatin playwright, will soon have several appearances with his plays and interviews in Poland, the Czech Republic, and in Belgium. His works have been translated into 35 languages worldwide, including Chinese. His play Hotel Babilon is in some way very special: it is a monodrama in which his wife Mladena Gavran (on the photo) plays as many as ELEVEN different roles.
Radoslav Lorkovic Croatian-American musician ranging from classical and jazz styles to blues, country and soul
Drawing from a multitude of influences ranging from elegant classical and jazz styles to the rawest, most basic blues, country and soul, Radoslav Lorkovic has taken on an unusually broad musical spectrum and refined it into his distinctive piano style. His tenure on the R&B and folk circuits has culminated in five critically acclaimed solo recordings and numerous appearances on the recordings of and performances with
Concert broadcast of Nenad Bach Band and Friends in Croatia Feb 17th at 0.15 am & 6:15 pm EST on HTV2
Respected Croatian musician and world promoter or Croatian culture, Nenad Bach and Friends, entertained us all with his charity concert in Zagreb for the abandoned children of Nazor street, November 2012. They say Nenad is an artist with a Croatian soul and an American passport. The footage of the Zagreb concert will be shown on February 17th 2013 on HTV2 at 0.15 a.m. in Croatia and 6:15 p.m. EST on HTV2.
Nenad Bach Band in Zagreb at the Vatroslav Lisinski Concert Hall on Friday 30 November 2012 20pm
We are pleased to announce the forthcoming concert of Nenad Bach and the Nenad Bach Band in Croatia's capital Zagreb, on Friday 30th November 2012, 20 pm. His special guests will be distinguished Croatian musicians Arsen Dedić, Klapa Sinj, Radojka Šverko, Miroslav Škoro, and Marko Tolja. It is for the first time that Nenad Bach has a soloist concert in his native city of Zagreb, after about thirty years of very successful
Drago Stambuk a samurai poet connecting Japan and Croatia
Dr. Drago Štambuk, Croatian ambassador to Japan until 2011, is an expert in medical sciences, and a haiku poet of international reputation. His book From Nowhere has been published in Japan in 2011, prepared by Mr. Shokan Tadashi Kono, in three languages: original Croatian, Japanese and English. The book was published in time when the earthquake, followed by disastrous tsunami, shook Japan.
Sasa Casic young Croatian winemaking prodigy of Pakrac and his teacher Ivan Enjingi
Saša Ćasić is 28 year old professional wine maker from the town of Pakrac on Croatian north. He has been awarded as the most successful young entrepreneur in 2012 by the Ministry of Enterpreneurship and Crafts of the Republic of Croatia. This is a result of ten years of hard work and advices of his older colleague, another distinguished Croatian wine-maker Mr. Ivan Enjingi.
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