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» Dr. Drago Štambuk one of Croatia's best loved poets + Presentación de Andrés Morales
Submitted By Nenad N. Bach | Published 06/6/2007 | People , Culture And Arts , Poetry | Unrated
Dr. Drago Stambuk is presently the Croatian ambassador to Japan and former Croatian ambassador to Great Britain, India, Egypt and six other Arab countries; he is a medical doctor and researcher; and one of Croatia's best loved poets. His selected poems are being published in a volume which will comprise approximately 600 poems.       
» A Dream - Why, far away from home?
Submitted By Radenko Fanuka | Published 05/1/2007 | Poetry | Unrated
Why, far away from home? For the very first time I slept and dreamed peacefully about life, As a tree dreams in the winter, And as a fruit tree dreams its early spring dream, and blooms and blossoms. It's a dream that a fruit dreams in the summer and fall, and it ripens. A dream, a very last dream.
» Pasionska baština u Hrvatskoj
Submitted By Prof.Dr. Darko Zubrinic | Published 12/7/2006 | Awards , Culture And Arts , Poetry | Unrated
UDRUGA PASIONSKA BAŠTINA I DRUŠTVO HRVATSKIH KNJIŽEVNIKA raspisuju natječaj za književno djelo na temu Muke Kristove, ili na temu, široko shvaćene, općeljudske muke. U ozbir dolaze do sada ne objavljena književna djela, i to: roman, veća pripovijetka, drama, poema, te zbirka stihova.  
Submitted By Ljerka Ivanković | Published 11/24/2006 | Poetry | Unrated
» New York: Nova zbirka pjesama Ivana Dobre Žirjanina "MOLITVA ŽIRAJSKI OLTARO“
Submitted By Ivan Dobra | Published 11/10/2006 | Poetry , Events , Culture And Arts | Unrated
» (H) Ivan Dobra Zirjanin
Submitted By Nenad N. Bach | Published 03/22/2006 | Poetry | Unrated
 Ivan Dobra Zirjanin     DOMOVINAZibala me kajno matidavno tamo u mom dvorui za manun vajik patiu toj zivki, na ton moru.Zove noćun i po danu,pa nju, more, rodne skolje,tu mi pismu ispivanu,sanjan, grlin s puno volje.A ona mi sapće miloda me čeka, duson voli;da odmorin svoje tilo,puno patnje, puno boli. Mati moja, Domovina,kruh je merki, tvrda – stina!Dana Gospodnjega 12. sičnja, 2005.N
» (H) Snijeg na moru
Submitted By Nenad N. Bach | Published 01/26/2006 | Poetry | Unrated
 Omis, sijecanj 2006 photo: Denis Fistanic Dragi Nenade: Mozes li vjerovati da je ovo slikano u Omisu jucer? Pozdrav Ina Zec ----------- Vec smo dva dana okovani snijegom i ledom. Treci puta u 23 godine nasega boravka u Veprincu, zaselak Falalelici. Na 245 metara nadmorske visine . Sve je u bijelom ogrtacu: jele, cempresi, ogoljeli orah, smokve, jabuke, dunje i breskve. Naravno i palme kao i bambusi koji, drhcucici i tr
» (E) Reflections on Croatia - Her Adriatic is as blue as blue can ever be
Submitted By Nenad N. Bach | Published 01/11/2006 | Poetry | Unrated
 Reflections on CroatiaBy Rusty BrooksCroatia.Why such an enigma?Her shape comes not from the stroke of a cartographer’s pen,Or the happenstance of rivers and mountains,But from history.Of a history of being an impenetrable wall to Europe.Her role was as a fence.A fence often hammered and rammed from both sides,But a good solid fence to make any farmer proud.She has served her purpose well.But she is a fence too long neglected.She needs me
» (H) Kako li je lijepa ljubav
Submitted By Nenad N. Bach | Published 01/1/2006 | Poetry | Unrated
 Kako li je lijepa ljubavRanojutarnja budjenja ili patnje starijih osobaHvala Bogu i dobrim roditeljima! Zahvaljujuci Andjelu sna koji me u ranim jutarnjim satima napusta i ostavlja bez pozdrava i ikakvoga opravdanja, obracam se jutarnjem programu radio ZGB-a. Slusajuci 'Znanja i spoznaje' saznajem zanimljive stvari kao i to, da na tom svijetu ima mnogo vecih nevolja od nesanice. Kadgod se covjek zatekne u nekoj krizi pomazu bogatstva mudrih

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