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Prof.Dr. Slaven Letica

Articles by this Author
» Umro je Dr. Slobodan Lang: smrt koja nas moralno obvezuje na gradnju mira i činjenje dobra
Umro je ... hrvatski domoljub i nacionalist, Židov i Hrvat, štovatelj i sljedbenik ideja i vjere Isusa Krista, hrabar čovjek u ratu, spasitelj brojnih ljudskih života, idejni začetnik humanitarnih konvoja "Libertas" (uz Branku Šeparović) i "Bijeli put" (s Hermanom Vukušićem), odan suprug i brižan i nježan otac i djed, sin velikog znanstvenika i plemenitog čovjeka dr. Rikarda Langa ... Ništa od onog što je bio Slobodan Lang nije nikada prešutio i zatajio i zato bi nas njegova smrt mogla potaknuti na gradnju mira i činjenje dobra. (Prof.dr. Slaven Letica)
» Croatia Coming Soon at Jimmy Choo
By Prof.Dr. Slaven Letica | Published 02/13/2009 | Culture And Arts , Media Watch | Unrated
 These 35mm wedge sandals have an embroidered decorative pannel and  are pefect for laid back summer chic.
» Galesnjak - Croatian Isle of Love - on ABC and HRT TV becoming a world sensation
By Prof.Dr. Slaven Letica | Published 01/13/2009 | Trivia , News , Media Watch , Environment | Unrated
 Croatian Island of Love is becoming a world sensation. Hrvatski otok Galesnjak postaje svjetska senzacija.
» Reflections on the final report of the Genocide Prevention Task Force
By Prof.Dr. Slaven Letica | Published 01/2/2009 | Politics , Human Rights | Unrated
 “Preventing Genocide: A Blueprint for U.S. Policymakers” is an extremely important political and cultural event, not only for the American government but also for the countries and nations which have recently suffered tragic genocidal experiences (Rwanda and Bosnia) or are experiencing them right now (Darfur and Congo).
» Croatian Natural Heart found by Google Earth on Island Galesnjak near Zadar
By Prof.Dr. Slaven Letica | Published 12/31/2008 | Tourism , Media Watch , Environment , Entertainment , Trivia | Unrated
On the coast of Croatia, is this gorgeous heart shaped island, lined on every side with golden sands. Honeymoon location anyone? Croatia has 1185 islands, and 66 among them inhabited.
» Dr. Slaven Letica: If Streets Could Talk. Kad bi ulice imale dar govora.
By Prof.Dr. Slaven Letica | Published 11/29/2008 | Ideas , History , Education , Data , Culture And Arts | Unrated

If Croatian streets and squares could talk, what a thrilling story they could tell about the meaning of all the name changes, and the dramatic, bloody, and tragic history that lies beneath. In my book, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, I decided to "freeze history", at least for a brief moment. I gambled on posthumous recognition for my efforts, fully aware that any such appreciation in Croatia is always fleeting, and never long-lasting.
» Dr. Slaven Letica: Vukovar ili hrvatska knjiga postanka. Gdje zlo ne otima NADU.
By Prof.Dr. Slaven Letica | Published 11/17/2008 | In Memoriam , History | Unrated

Ovo je osvrt dr. Slavena Letice na pad Vukovara kroz dva članka, jedan iz 1991. i drugi iz 2008. Naslovi članaka su "Vukovar ili hrvatska knjiga postanka" i "Vukovarski poučak ili Odvažnost hrvatske nade".
Croatian Constellation

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