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(E) US Library of Congress recognizes CROATIAN language
US Library of Congress recognizes CROATIAN languageFrom: nadan.petri@morh.hr To: CroWorldNet@aol.com Just wanted to share great news with everybody, especially with allCroatian physicians at home and in the world.Thank you guys from CROWN for your support in this delicate matter.I would say that we did it!Many thanks and congratulations everybody!CDR Nadan M. Petri, MD, PhDNaval Medical Institute of
(H) Katehetski uredi
Katehetski urediKatehetski ured dubrovacke biskupijedon. Petar Palic, predstojnikPoljana Paska Milicevica 4 - pp 8520 000 DubrovnikTelefon: (020) 323 389Fax: (020) 323 393E-mail: biskupija@du.tel.hr Katehetski ured dakovacke i srijemske biskupijedr. Ivica Pažin, predstojnikTajnica: s. Lucila ZovakStrossmayerov trg 4, 31 400 ĐakovoTelefon: (031) 802 303Fax: (031) 811 974 Katehetski ured gospicko-senjske biskupijeNikola Turkalj,
(E) Croatian Professional Services in Washington DC, USA Area
CROATIAN PROFESSIONAL SERVICE PROVIDERS IN WASHINGTON DC, USA METROPOLITAN AREACONSTRUCTIONNAME: Tokic, IvicaTEL.: 301-495-7839E-MAIL: Tokic4@aol.com ABOUT THE SERVICE: Interior/Exterior PaintingMEDICALNAME: Cuk Ducic, Mariana M.D., FAAPTEL: 703-533-2222E-MAIL: mcducic@aol.comABOUT THE SERVICE:Board Certified Pediatrician. Accepting Major Insurance Plans.NAME: Ducic, Ivica M.D., Ph.D.TEL.: 410-467-5400E-MAIL: iducic@a
(E) Encyclopedia Britannica 2002 Year in Review - CROATIA
Encyclopedia Britannica 2002 Year in ReviewCROATIAby Max PrimoracArea: 56,542 sq km (21,831 sq mi)Population (2002 est.): 4,405,000Capital: ZagrebChief of state: President Stipe MesicHead of government: Prime Minister Ivica RacanIn 2002 Croatia continued to see its political landscape fragment and the broad-based ruling coalition split further amid slow economic recovery. On July 5 the five-party coalition government of Prime Minister Ivica Racan
Women from CroatiaThe purpose of this on-line lexicon is: " to introduce Internet surfers with the women from Croatia who have been active in some form of artistic expression or theory, and who have been achieving results in various fields of human activity; " to gather as many information as possible about women from the past and the present of Croatia and be an informative resource; " to prove that women's creativ
(E) The Croatian Legal system - extensive DATA
TheCroatian Legal SystemBy DunjaKuecking and Milivoje Žugić Dunja Kuecking graduated Faculty of Dentistry at the University of Zagreb in 1983. Since 1996, she has been the head of the Center for legal research and documentation, Intellectio Iuris, whose job is to analyze, systematize, and make available on the Internet a catalogue of court practices and legal articles in Croatia. Intellectio Iuris is a legal database of Croatia'
(E,H) Croatians identified in US 1930 census
National Archives and Records Administration . . . to ensure ready access to essential evidence . . .thatdocuments the rights of American citizens,the actions of federal officials, and the national experience . . . National Archives and Record Administration (NARA) had recently released microfilms containing full data about 1930 census. The microfilms are now available for viewing to the citizens se
(E) The Washington Times - DATA
DATAStaffDirectoryLetters to the Editorletters@washingtontimes.comSubmita letter to the editor. Your letter will be considered for publication, providedyou include your name, address, and a phone number where we can reach you.Newsand EditorialTheWashington Times3600 New York Ave., N.E.,Washington, DC 20002Tel: 202/636-3000Fax: 202/269-3419NewsExecutivesEditorin ChiefWesley PrudenManaging EditorFrancis B. Coombs Jr.E-mail: fcoombs@washingtontimes.
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