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(E) Find your Croatian roots in the world
Find your Croatian relative in the world Preiss, Preskar, Prijatelj, Skebe, Volf, Ozbolt, Princip, Psenicnik, Stupac, Puharic, Puljevic, Buljevic, Jelena Puz. Andro Ruzic, Pusic, MihaljevicThis site was created on 10th January 2000 and is dedicated to the memory of Omica ... ... my grandmother Olga Gersy, who died eleven years ago on this day - 10th January 1989, aged 94 - after a lifetime of giving and lovinghttp://www.appleby.net/gen
(E) Croatian into English into Croatian
Croatian into English into Croatian into EnglishWord Translator for Windows (English to Croatian) 5.3Word Translator for Windows is a bilingual dictionary and translation program.Shareware from Translation Experts Ltd.,Report out of date resulthttp://www.downseek.com/download/11792.asp http://www.downseek.com http://www.downseek.com/download/11792.asp http://www.downseek.com/search/?f=Croatian Language Extender: Croatian 2.0.72Languag
(E) Facts about Croatia
Facts about CroatiaASSOCIATED PRESS Nov. 22 — CAPITAL: Zagreb, population 1 million. GEOGRAPHY: Bordered by Slovenia, Hungary, Serbia-Montenegro and Bosnia, Croatia is slightly smaller than Ireland. It has a varied landscape, ranging from lush valleys and fields in the east to forests in its interior and a long Adriatic Sea coastline dotted with hundreds of islands. PEOPLE: 4.5 million. Main ethnic minorities are Serbs, Italians and H
(E) Key facts on Croatia's general election 2003
Key facts on Croatia's general election ZAGREB, Nov. 23. 2003 — Following are key facts about Croatia's parliamentary election on Sunday. POLLING STATIONS: 6,974 in 12 electoral units. Croatia is divided into 10 electoral units, plus one for the Diaspora and one for ethnic minorities. VOTING HOURS: 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. (0600-1800 GMT). NUMBER OF VOTERS: 3.97 million in Croatia plus 400,000 in the diaspora, mainly in Bosnia-Herzegovina. PR
(E,H) Time Zones, Vremenske Zone u Svijetu
Customized World ClockYou do not need to guess any more. Just click and find what is the time in ...Zagreb, Buenos Aires etc. Ne morate vise nagadjati koje je vrijeme u Zagrebu, Sydneyu..etc.http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/custom.html?sort=1 Currently sorted by city name. Change: Sort by Country | Sort by Time Zone Set your preferred time and date formats - e.g. 12 hour am/pm or 24 hour
(E) Environmental Data in and for Croatia
Environmental DataH.E. Mr. Ivo BANACMinister of Environmental Protection and Physical PlanningUlica Republike Austrije 20, Zagreb, CROATIATel +385 1 3782 444Tel +385 1 3782 143Fax +385 1 3772 555ured@predsjednik.hr premijer@vlada.hr H.E. Mr. Bozo KOVACEVICMinister of Environmental Protection and Physical PlanningUlica Republike Austrije 20, Zagreb, CROATIATel +385 1 3782 444Tel +385 1 3782 143Fax +385 1 3772 555Ivana MijatovicState Director
(E) The New York Times
The New York TimesTO WRITE THE PUBLISHER OR PRESIDENT Arthur Sulzberger Jr., Chairman & Publisher: publisher@nytimes.com. Janet L. Robinson, President & General Manager: president@nytimes.com. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR E-mail to letters@nytimes.com. OP-ED/EDITORIAL For information on Op-Ed submissions, call (212) 556-1831 or send article tooped@nytimes.com. To write to the editorial page editor, send to editorial@
(E) PR Web i European Languages
Access to the MediaPR Web: http://www.prweb.comOur MissionOur mission is to ensure that every organization has access to the media, regardless of size. We accomplish this through our free, member supported, online press release distribution service. We insist that the quality of this service rivals that of similar fee-based services, delivering quality press releases to members of the press and to our subscribers-at-large through the effici
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