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Nenad Hancic created a new high quality Croatian Glagolitic font for Windows
Nenad Hančić from Germany, Duesseldorff, created a new Croatian Glagolitic font for Windows. The lower case letters of the font “Glagolica Missal DPG” are oriented on the “Missal from 1483”, the first Croatian printed book (incunabulum), while the capital letters are oriented on those of “Transit of St. Jerome”, a book printed in Croatian Glagolitic characters in the town of Senj in 1508. We owe our
University School of Croatian Language and Culture
The University School of Croatian Language and Culture offers an intensive course of the Croatian language. The School is offered to persons of Croatian background, e.g. heritage Croatian speakers, as well as to any student who want to learn (more) about the Croatian language and culture. In addition to the academic programme, students visit museums, galleries, theatre productions, see the sights of Zagreb, take a study trips, etc. T
Carmen Verlichak Vrljičak: Hrvati u Argentini - Croatians in Argentina
Carmen Verlichak is distiguished Croatian writer living in Buenos Aires, Argentina, born in Madrid, Spain, expert in the history of Croatians in South America. In 2011 her publishing house Krivodol Press seated in Buenos Aires, and named after a small Croatian village of Krivodol from which her predecessors arrive, issued an extremely interesting book Hrvati u Argentina (Croatians in Argentina), in Croatian langauge. It is closely related t
Branko Fucic 1920-1999, representative collection of conference papers published about his life and work
Sixty three conference papers from the International Scholarly Seminar on the Life and Work of Academician Branko Fučić (1920-1999) have been published in 2011 in voluminous, representative monograph comprising 844 pp. Branko Fučić was distinguished expert in Croatian Glagolitic Script, in the history of Croatian church art, in particular for the area of Istria, dr. honoris causa in theology, and recipient of Herder's prize in Vienna. The monogr
Branka Kandic-Splavski and her Croatian fairy tales as medicine - Bajka kao lijek
Branka Kandić-Splavski is a specialist in family medicine and in her soul, a fairy tales writer. In 2004 after her first book ANDREA'S SHELL had been published her personal and professional life took a new direction: one of her patients was dying of brain cancer. She was no longer able to move, or speak, she was laying motionless and communicated only with her eyes. In the process of catching the public ear and eye, informing and educ
Miro Gavran's play "All About Women" watched by theatre lovers in India
‘All About Women' was a wonderful journey in to the lives of women. The play has been written by Croatian author and playwright Miro Gavran. It starred Mumbai-based theatre artists Ratnabali Bhattacharjee, Prerna Chawla, Nimrat Kaur, Tahira Nath, Malaika Shenoy and Shivani Tanksale. It was made up of five interwoven stories of the dreams, aspirations and the unexpressed desires of women. A few minutes into the play, the stage, the lig
KAFKA'S FRIEND and FORGOTTEN SON by Miro Gavran go digital on Amazon
The most frequently translated contemporary Croatian writer, Miro Gavran, has published his novels Kafka's Friend and Forgotten Son in their English translation by Nina H. Kay-Antoljak as e-books on AMAZON, making them accessible with the Kindle electronic reader. Miro Gavran's works have been translated into 35 languages, and his books have come out in 150 different editions at home and abroad. His dramas and comedies have had
Dr. Artur R. Bagdasarov author of Croatian language manual for Russian readers
Dr. Artur R. Bagasarov, distinguished expert in Croatian language, working at the University of Moscow, published a manual for the study of basics of Croatian language for the Russian readers. The book has 256 pp, and was published in 2011 in St. Petersburg, Russia.
Blessed Easter to Mr. Gotovina, Mr. Markac, Mr. Praljak, Mr. Kordic and their families
Happy and blessed Easter to Mr. Ante Gotovina, Mr. Mladen Markac, Mr. Slobodan Praljak, Mr. Darijo Kordić, and their families from Nenad Bach, Darko Žubrinić, CROWN Team and from the readers of the CROWN. Happy and blessed Easter to all the people of good will.
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