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Croatian Language
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» Dr. Borislav Arapović: A Remarkable Address Given by a Croatian Minister to Those Going to War 1778
Submitted By Darko Žubrinić | Published 10/7/2012 | Bilingual , Croatian spirituality , Croatian Language , Human Rights , History , Education , Religion | Unrated
An amazing anti-war, pacifist sermon was given in 1778 by an anonymous Croatian preacher to Croatian soldiers, immediately before the battle between Austrian and Prussian troops in Bohemia. While the Croatian original is still unknown, that same year eight translations were published in German in 1778, Dutch in 1778 (in the Hague (sic!), Amsterdam, and Leeuwarden), in Swedish in 1778 and 1779, and in Latvian in 1804 and 1
» Learn Croatian – in person or over Skype!
Submitted By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić | Published 08/21/2012 | Education , Entertainment , Croatian Language | Unrated
Many Croats speak English, German, or other languages well enough to make guests feel comfortable. But for those wanting a closer connection to the country - travelers, rather than tourists; professionals with business in the country; second- or third-generation overseas Croats with family ties; or new residents, for example - learning Croatian is the key to feeling at home. New students are invited to witness the benefit
» Miro Gavran's comedy to be premiered in Hyderabad in India August 19th 2012
Submitted By Darko Žubrinić | Published 08/12/2012 | Bilingual , Croatian Language , Entertainment , Culture And Arts | Unrated
The Croatian writer Miro Gavran's comedy, My Wife's Husband, will be premiered in the SIFAR Theatre's production in the Indian city of Hyderabad on August 19th 2012, 7:30 pm. The play has been translated into the Hindi language by Feroze Ahmed, and the leading roles will be played by Prakash Phadnis and Feroze Ahmed. The city of Hyderabad is cultural and political centre of the focal Indian federal state of Andhra Pradesh
» Livio Marijan & Ivica Dundovic of Zadar Croatia won gold medal at the European Folklore Festival in Bulgaria
Submitted By Prof.Dr. Darko Zubrinic | Published 07/23/2012 | Music , Croatian Language , Education , Culture And Arts | Unrated
Ivica Dundović and Livio Marijan are winners of a prestitigious European Folklore Festival organized from 10th to 20th July 2012 in Bargas in Bulgaria, under the auspices of UNESCO. Besides the gold medal they also won the black orpheus, a prize of the public, the recommendation for the World Folklore Festival, and are recipients of a special diploma "Revelation of the Festival". They were singing old, almost forgotton Cr
» Nenad Bach & Miro Gavran hosted by Branimir Bilic on Croatian TV 2010
Submitted By Prof.Dr. Darko Zubrinic | Published 04/22/2012 | Croatian Language , Humor And Wisdom , Education , Culture And Arts | Unrated
Nenad Bach, distinguished Croatian-American musician, and Miro Gavran, distinguished Croatian writer, both of worldwide reputation, were guests on the Croatian Television show Lica nacije (Faces of the Nation) hosted by Branimir Bilić on the photo and directed by Željko Musić. This very interesting interview discussed strategic issues of the global promotion of Croatian culture, as well as fundamental huma
» Miro Gavran's comedy "My Wife's Husband" will be premiered in Mumbai, India 28 April 2012
Submitted By Prof.Dr. Darko Zubrinic | Published 04/22/2012 | Croatian Language , Humor And Wisdom , Entertainment , Culture And Arts | Unrated
On April 28 Miro Gavran's comedy, "My Wife's Husband" will be premiered in Mumbai, India in the Hindi language.  The Performers Theatre Group and the National Centre for Performing Arts in Mumbai are handling the production side. The play has been translated into Hindi and is being directed by Munish Sharma, while the main roles are being played by Aditi Pohanker, Munish Sharma and Abhimanyu Pandey.
» Dr. Artur Bagdasarov congratulates all Croatians the Holiday of Croatian Language 11-17 March
Submitted By Prof.Dr. Darko Zubrinic | Published 03/11/2012 | Croatian Language , Education , Culture And Arts | Unrated
Dr. Artur Bagdasarov is distinguished expert in Croatian language working in Moscow, of Armenian origin. He published nine books dealing with various aspects of Croatian language. Here is his message, written in Croatian: Dragi Hrvati! Svima vama u domovini Hrvatskoj, svima vama raseljenima diljem svijeta, mojim kolegama hrvatskoga jezika čestitam blagdan Hrvatskoga jezika! U Hrvatskoj se svake godine, od 11. do 17.
» Professor Artur Bagdasarov published a "Short Croatian Grammar" in Russian language in Moscow 2012
Submitted By Prof.Dr. Darko Zubrinic | Published 03/4/2012 | Croatian Language , Science , Education | Unrated
Prof. Dr. Artur Bagadsarov is a well known Russian expert in Croatian language. He was the first one to have published a Croatian-Russian Dictionary and several scientific books about Croatian literary language for the Russian readers. The "Short Croatian Grammar" is his ninth book dealing with various aspects of Croatian language, and is intended for a broad audience. The book is printed on 96 pp in 3000 copies. Our
» Katarina Livljanic presenting Judith by Marko Marulic a famous Croatian Renaissance writer from 15-16th ct.
Submitted By Prof.Dr. Darko Zubrinic | Published 02/4/2012 | Croatian spirituality , Croatian Language , Education , Culture And Arts | Unrated
Ms. Katarina Livljanic enacted the ancient drama with splendidly pure singing in Croatian, urgent narration, a penetrating gaze and expressive hands. (...) What makes “Judith” seem almost startlingly modern and metaphysical at times is Ms. Livljanic’s incorporation of other 16th-century texts dealing with inner dialogues at climactic moments in the story. The New York Times, USA. Marko Marulić 1450-1

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