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Croatian Heroes
Croatian heros in the course of history
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» Louis Cukela recipient of USA Navy and Army Medals of Honor during WWI
Submitted By Nenad N. Bach | Published 03/16/2009 | Croatian Heroes , People , History | Unrated
Louis Cukela (Vjekoslav Lujo Čukela, 1888-1956), was awarded both the Navy and Army Medals of Honor for extraordinary heroism in France 1918 during World War I. He was the only living man to hold two such decorations for extreme bravery in a single war. Čukela was born in Split in Croatia, and emigrated to the USA in 1913.
» Dr. Drago Stambuk: Speech at the Holy Mass for Vukovar Victims, Tokyo 2008
Submitted By Prof.Dr. Darko Zubrinic | Published 11/16/2008 | Croatian Heroes , Human Rights , In Memoriam , History , Environment , Education | Unrated
Dr. Drago ©tambuk in his speech in Tokyo at the Holy Mass for Vukovar Victims, November 16th 2008, said that "... Vukovar's treatment by the Serbian forces onslaught from August to November 1991, when up to 15,000 missiles would fall daily on this beautiful baroque town, turned its citizens into martyrs and town into a waste land. The lives of the inhabitants were conducted inside cellars..."
» Croatian Heroes: Kata ©oljić legendary Croatian mother died
Submitted By Prof.Dr. Darko Zubrinic | Published 11/10/2008 | Croatian Heroes , People , In Memoriam , History | Unrated
Kata ©oljić, considered as a hero of Homeland War, lost her four sons who defended Croatia in 1990s during the Battle for Vukovar. She was seeking the remains of her children for twelve years, and the last one was found in 2003. During the Second World War she lost her four brothers. Kata ©oljić died in 2008 in Zagreb, at the age of  87.
» Croatian Heroes: Heroes of Vukovar TV serial by Eduard & Dominik Galic, part 10
Submitted By Dominik Galić, producer | Published 11/5/2008 | Croatian Heroes , Human Rights , History | Unrated
Part 10 is the last one from the Vukovar Heroes series by Eduard and Dominik Galić, entitled Blago Zadro. It will be available on Friday 07.11.2008 20.10. This episode is about legendary Blago Zadro and his influence on Vukovar's defenders.
» Croatian Heroes: Heroes of Vukovar TV serial by Eduard & Dominik Galic, part 9
Submitted By Dominik Galić, producer | Published 10/29/2008 | Croatian Heroes , Croatian Language | Unrated
Part 9 of the Vukovar Heroes series by Eduard and Dominik Galić, entitled Peyton will be available on Friday 31.10.2008, at 20.10. You'll meet Vlatko Voloder, Miro and Tomislav Josić (on the left) and a few of their friends, who fought against more than 500 enemy soldiers. The result was incredible. They won.
» Croatian Heroes: Heroes of Vukovar TV serial by Eduard & Dominik Galic, part 8
Submitted By Dominik Galić, producer | Published 10/22/2008 | Croatian Heroes , Human Rights , People , History | Unrated
Part 8 of the Vukovar Heroes series by Eduard and Dominik Galić, entitled Slavonska and Hercegovačka Street will be available on Friday 24.10.2008, at 20.10. You'll meet Mirko Brekalo senior, Nenad Gagić (on the photo), Ivan Kapular, Ivica Lukić, Dragan Luketić, Ivica Habajec.
» Croatian Heroes: Heroes of Vukovar TV serial by Eduard & Dominik Galic, part 7
Submitted By Dominik Galić, producer | Published 10/15/2008 | Croatian Heroes , Human Rights , People , History | Unrated
Part 7 of the Vukovar Heroes series by Eduard and Dominik Galić, entitled New Banijska Street will be available on Friday 17.10.2008, at 20.10. Main characters in this episode are Miroslav and Tomislav Josić, Vlatko Voloder, Ivica Banoľić, Ivan Kapula and Dragutin ©pac (on the left).
» Croatian Heroes: Vinko Gecan USA
Submitted By Dr. Ante Čuvalo | Published 10/11/2008 | Croatian Heroes , People , History | Unrated
Vinko Gecan (1862-1916) is one whose name is woven into the historical fabric of our Croatian and American people. True heroism is not something that is planned. Rather, it is something that takes place under difficult circumstances as presented by life. Heroic moments are those that for some mysterious urge within us surface out of love for others - those in danger or need.
» Croatian Heroes: Heroes of Vukovar TV serial by Eduard & Dominik Galic, part 6
Submitted By Dominik Galić, producer | Published 10/10/2008 | Croatian Heroes , Human Rights , History | Unrated
We invite you to see Part 6 of the Vukovar Heroes series by Eduard and Dominik Galić, entitled Technical building. It will be available via Croatian Television on Friday, October 10th, 2008,  at 20.10. Main characters in this episode are Marko Filković, Ivo Komąić, Zdravko Mamić, and Ivica Mikula (on the left).

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