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» Lady Jadranka Beresford-Peirse a Member of the Order of the British Empire (MBE) since 2024
By Brian Gallagher | Published 06/15/2024 | Education , Culture And Arts | Unrated
Lady Jadranka Beresford-Peirse has been made a Member of the Order of the British Empire (MBE) as part of the King's birthday honours list. This is an important moment for UK-Croatia relations, as Lady Jadranka has worked tirelessly for Croatia, and demonstrates how far we have come since the early 90s. An MBE is given for: 'Achievement or service in and to the community which is outstanding in its field and has delivered sustained and real impact which stands out as an example to others.'
» Brian Gallagher interviewed Croatian American filmmaker Jack Baric
By Brian Gallagher | Published 03/21/2009 | Croatian Heroes , Croatians in B&H , Politics , Media Watch , History , Education | Unrated
Exclusive interview with American Croatian filmmaker Jack Baric, the director of the new film, 'Searching for a Storm', published by Croatian Herald (Australia) 13 March 2009. New documentary about 'Operation Storm' which liberated the occupied parts of Croatia in 1995, and saved the city of Bihać in BiH from tragedy. Interviewer: Brian Gallagher, London; Jack Baric on the photo.
» The West and the UN were complicit in the genocide in Bosnia
By Brian Gallagher | Published 12/12/2007 | Politics , Opinions | Unrated

Marko Attila Hoare (left) writes that the Western powers and the UN were undoubtedly complicit in the genocide in Bosnia, and nothing that they have done since 1995 has delivered justice to the victims.

» The biggest known post-WWII execution site in Europe
By Brian Gallagher | Published 08/17/2007 | In Memoriam , History | Unrated
In 1995, Serbian troops massacred 8,000 Muslims at Srebrenica in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Tezno grave in Slovenia (near Maribor) was found in 1999 during highway construction, with the number of post-WWII victims exceeding even that of Srebrenica.
» How The UN Violated Human Rights In Bosnia And Herzegovina
By Brian Gallagher | Published 02/21/2007 | Human Rights , Politics | Unrated

How the UN violated human rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and why nothing has been done to correct it. A series of reports compiled by CROWN's Brian Gallagher.

» Brian Gallagher analyzes The Trial of Domagoj Margetic
By Brian Gallagher | Published 12/5/2006 | Letters to the Editors , Media Watch , News , Politics | Unrated
» Croatians in London Newsletter No. 24 October 2006
By Brian Gallagher | Published 10/21/2006 | Community , Culture And Arts | Unrated

Ivan Klapez is a renowned sculptor living in London. His work is to be featured at the London Art Fair and a new book, 'Destination Art' will also cover his sculptures. I intend to make a sculpture of Alojzije Stepinac [Croatian Cardinal imprisoned by communists] and Julius Nyerere. The reason I chose Stepinac is that he is a historical character from the Croatian church and Croatian national history.

» (E) EU/British politics and how it impacts on Croatia
By Brian Gallagher | Published 03/13/2002 | Politics | Unrated
Ok, important links re EU/UK for Croatia 
First: EU tells candidate countries (not Croatia) that they will get less subsidy than W Europe. Reality is asserting itself. Believe me, when croatia - as part of "Western Balkans" - ever gets anywhere near joining the EU they will get zip. 
Secondly: Tory leader Ian Duncan Smith (IDS) gives a speech about "realism" in foreign policy as opposed to Blairs nonsense. This could be good or bad news. IDS was anti-Serb in the past. HDZ (as tories sister party) would do well to approach him over the SAA. EU empire building etc. Tories are VERY suspicious of EU especially any foreign policy. But do the HDZ have the wit to see the opportunity to make the SAA an issue? Doubtful. 
Full speech: 
A popular myth is Britain is anti-croat cause because Brits don't like catholics (IRA, CofE etc etc). Fundamental misunderstanding which has cost Croatia a lot. Britain is secular. Sure, there are one or two nutters out there but they are the exception. Croat bashing tends to have secular reasons; socialist ones, fear of German influence etc. Hence you see those who support the IRA also supporting Serbia. 
France is Catholic but that's not been much help, again secularism, not religion. 
The following article on the CofE should convince doubters about religion in the UK; just read the first couple of paragraphs.§ion=current&issue=2002-02-02&id=1539 
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Croatian Constellation

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