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CROWN Croatian World Network Newsletter, May 11, 2007
By Nenad N. Bach | Published  05/11/2007 | Editorials | Unrated


C R O A T I A . O R G

CROWN Croatian World Network

                                                                                                                                                                                          photo by Risha

Dear All,
This will be a short one, since I am traveling today. Biggest news for me is , a calendar that will be launched in it's experimental faze on May 15th 2007 at the Croatian Heritage Foundation This will be the place where we will be able to see at the moment what is happening around the globe in Croatian communities. To become better friends to each other and to record our activities for the future generations. So far your response even yet unpublished was fantastic. Microphone is yours. Use it. That is one reason why CROWN wasn't updated more. The other reason is publication of two new SACDs of Klapa Navalia and Klapa Luka. Peak preview of the front cover for you and more when I come back to New York. Croatia wins water polo gold in Melbourne 2007. We are world champions. No comment. Brigham Young University is seeking contributions of digital Croatian historical documents. See whether you can help spreading facts about Croatia. This is an important University and if they have an interest, we should do too. Croatian-born Radovan Vlatkovic, virtuoso hornist, makes it sound easy. A great review for our known horn player. Read a compelling story about Colonel Mark Cook and the Lipik Orphanage prepared by prof. Zubrinic.Ivo Karlovic blasts way to first career ATP title. Another day another title. Very interesting article about 100 Years of Tamburitza Music in Carinthia by Ms. Tepesh. Croatian American Cultural Center - Slavonic MBS in San Francisco has a great program. Go and see if you are in SF. Voices from the Heart coming to Croatia . 140 women coming to Croatia to sing and help de-mine Our Beautiful. Can't ask for more. Ana Vidovic touring as usual with a great response from the critics and audience. John Kruth and Marilyn Cvitanic organized a Homage to Tin Ujević, the Bard of Croatia @ The Bowery Poetry Club. Way to go. Legendary Stanley Clarke in Zagreb. FC Sydney inks Croatia-born Culina as coach. The National Federation of Croatian Americans (NFCA) will be holding its 14th annual Assembly of Delegates in the 'City of Brotherly Love' from Friday, June 1, through Sunday, June 3, 2007. See details on Croatian World Calendar. A proposal for building a geothermal power plant in Bjelovar, Croatia. Finaly, Croatia Ratifies Kyoto Protocol. Shimon Peres visits Croatia. Croatia and Israel are entering a new age. 40th Anniversary of the Declaration on the Name of the Croatian Literary Language celebrated in Zagreb. Croatia's former prime minister Ivica Racan has died. He was 63. Radenko Fanuka: A Dream - Why, far away from home? 91% Of Croatian Citizens Say Croatia Should Sue Serbia. Klapa Dišpet wins first place at festival for choral singing in Verona. Dr. Ivan Bagaric kaze: Nema mjesta malodušju - okupiti drago kamenje. Croatia's Stipe Drews World Champion - wins WBA title belt. Another day another title. Bleiburg. May 13th 5 AM Zagreb Bus Station. Free transportation. Mijo Juric, promotion of his book on May 24th. Read in calendar. Coming soon: Why are we not flying direct from USA? Coming soon: Jana exclusively in Madison Square Garden, New York. Thank you Marko Puljic for your help on CROWN. Thank you all who read this and spread the word. SUPPORT ! Croatians are doing very well all over the globe.
Slow down Croatians !
Svako dobro,

New York, May / svibanj 11, 2007.

p.s. There are cca 1000 letters that need to be published, but there is no time for few volunteers to accomplish all of this. With your support only, after we could employ one person to do it a full time job, then we will be able to fulfill the need that you are asking for.

Never doubt that a small, group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world.
Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.

                            Segment of the proposed flag in 1990, by Boris Ljubicic

Formated for CROWN by Nenad Bach
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