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CROWN Croatian World Network Newsletter, December 25th, 2006
By Nenad N. Bach | Published  12/26/2006 | Editorials | Unrated

CROWN Croatian World Network                                          krowteN dlroW naitaorC NWORC



Dear All,
    It is Christmas Day, which is a very significant day even for CROWN. This Internet webpage began on Christmas day 2001, and was launched on December 31st. It has been seven years since I started to email others like a chain letter, named Task Force, but five years since it became CROWN. So five years later, we have 20,000 hits a day (5000 visits). Some people asked me how did we get there from zero. I said: "work seven years every day on anything and you will see results". Even with that in mind it is surprising even for an optimist like me. I thank you for your continuous support and readership.
    In today's newsletter we have a number of interesting events. On December 27th, check your local listings for WGN TV to see Dino Zonić accepting the Karma Award for 2006. After the show you will be able to bid on for original paintings of famous artist. If you wanted to have Berber at home, maybe this is a good opportunity. Artists who gave their work for a good cause (Unity through Music) are: Mersad Berber, Frank Licsko, Ivan Tomicic, Velimir Trnski, Hamo Ibrulj, Ulla Darni, Edourad Pail and Michael Jerome Bashaw. Despite its rich natural resources, Croatia remains one of the world's top food importers. The Croatian government is aware of the problem, but efforts to address it have been ineffective. Let me guess why...hmm. Somebody in the same government is getting paid for imports and does not want to change the existing status? Gosh, I don't know.  So, everybody knows about that. People talk about it all the time and NOTHING is being done. Shameless, to say the least. The trust that people put in the hands of elected, and not so, officials is being abused all over the world, by very those ones who should be honored to SERVE, regardless of the geography or political system. Besides lack of integrity and higher conscience, of those who abuse the position, it is us who allow this to happen. If there were 200,000 people in front of the White House after Enron happened, things would be changed, not in a day, but in few hours. The same goes for Markov Trg in Zagreb. One of the major ecumenical organizations in the world Taizé Pilgrimage stops in Zagreb from December 28-Jan. 1. 2007. I was with them in Paris, France in 1984 and I do remember brother Roger very well. Great musical program they have. They expect 40,000 people in Zagreb. One of the messages is: "Do not let yourselves be caught up by today's discouragement." Interestingly enough a workshop to examine potentials and opportunities for Vietnam - Croatia economic co-operation was held in Zagreb. I wonder if CROWN's Vietnamese friend Hieu had to do something with it. I guess he is a student, but you never know. Joke put side, it is nice to see co-operations.
    Read about a triumph at Carnegie Hall: Ivana Kunc makes Her Smashing Debut on Dec. 9th, 2006. Written by Michael Spudić. Night At The Museum is a new movie starring Ben Stiller, Robin Williams and Dick Van Dyke. It is based on a book by Croatian artist Milan Trenc. He lived in New York for more than 10 years and then moved to Zagreb. Congratulations Milan. Check out Thanks to Admiral Lunney, we found that Croatian Christmas Traditions by James Monti was published in The Magnificat Advent 2006. Amazing. How do you teach or transfer the knowledge of science, education and technology? Professor. Dr. Simonić has a lot of ideas. Boduli and ODE Collaboration at Chicago's Martyrs'. The American Legion, with 2.5 million circulation, printed a story about Croatian American Hero Peter Tomich. Story titled "A hero's mystery" was written by Thomas O'Brien. (Admiral Lunney in action again). When will the Croatian government realize the value of Honorary Croatians? When? Do we need another 100 years of development, or few smart, honest and talented people on the top, who could progress the nation in a few months, a year or two, tops.
    We have a great follow up story on Australian handball player Bevan Calvert, a Croatian friend. Little humor with The Husband Store. Amazing essay from Professor Dr. Darko Žubrinić about William Feller, outstanding Croatian-American mathematician. update is even more amazing on the same subject. This page became a major source of Croatian culture. Thanks to Darko and his selfless work. Story about William Feller is basicaly unknown to the world till now. Oscar nominated filmmaker Adrian Belić was showing his film Beyond the Call at the Jakarta International Film Festival. Look at the pictures. That smile disarms anybody. On and off the horse.  Croatian director Dalibor Matanic presented his film *I Love You* in New York City as a part of the Doors-Art series. Reclaiming the lost harmony of the world: CROWN goes behind Golden Karma Awards, with winner Dino Zonić. Pasionska baština u Hrvatskoj . Read another one from Darko. Koncert U Dvorcu Sveti Križ Začretje . Concert in a castle... more about the castle soon. Osijek is getting it together. World famous Russian Tsar's ballet performed Swan lake in Osijek, Croatia Dec 8, 2006. Two performances sold out. How much is a cup of tea in New Delhi? Read the letter from Prof.Dr. Davor Pavuna.
    If you want to know more about domestic issues in Croatia read Ivica Grgic's page After Hague closed it, it's opened again. Like they have no other things to do...something like catch Karadzic and Mladic? Interesting how these issues are not on a table of NATO for our neighbors, but were  the main issue for us. That is because we didn't know how to position ourselves to start with. That is why War Reparations of $300 billion that should come to Croatia is questionable with this constellation of power. I say it is possible and inevitable. Our neighbors and the world community who supported genocide against my people owe us. They will not volunteer for this, we have to take it. Take it easy, but take it. Therefore we can not be blackmailed about fishing zones etc.
     Al Gore's film An Inconvenient Truth has been played simultaneously in 2000 American homes. I am proud to say that one of those homes was ours. Global Warming is not just a word (more to follow).  Croatian Chronicle and America HRT have sweepstakes. Chronicle, or how we say it Kronika is becoming a newspaper for Croatian Americans. Congratulations on all what you do. Newly opened Udruga webpage is getting better. West coast is getting organized. Support our communication tools. Last month, on a frosty night in Zagreb, Croatia, they draped the shimmering cape on the shoulders of James Brown for the last time.  I thank CROWN's sponsors for 2006. My dear snowflakes, (pahuljice)  I thank you for thousands of letters I received in the last ten days wishing me and CROWN all the best wishes. It will take me well into January even to open all of them, but I promise, I will. I wish you a Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Happy Holidays and... slow down, you move to fast! You should be feeling groovy. May 2007 be your best year ever. Peace and wealth.
Svako dobro, All the best,
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  • Comment #1 (Posted by Marko Puljic)


    Great job with this week's newsletter!

    I also saw an "Inconvenient Truth" and I loved it. Even though Al Gore hints at what could come if we continue to live the way we do, a great book by Jared Diamond entitled "Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed" demonstrates how some societies collapsed because of the environment, while others that should have collapsed did not because they made a change in the way that they line.

    This is a book that needs to be translated into Croatian. I hope someone with foresight has begun translating this book into Croatian.
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