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Yoko Nishii and Snjezana Bozic connection via Easter Eggs tradition
By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić | Published  04/2/2021 | Entertainment , Education , Culture And Arts | Unrated
Easter Eggs decorated in Croatia and in Japan

Yoko Nishii (pianist) in the home of Snježana Božić (painter) in Croatia in 2018

Summary. Yoko Nishii, Japanese pianist, has published two nice videos describing in detail a technique for creating beautiful Easter Eggs, with elements of Croatian and Japanese culture. Her informer was Snježana Božić from Croatia, who learned this decorative art from her father Dragutin, of Slovak roots (his mother is Marija Božić born Galko). Decorations include interlace patterns and Croatian Glagolitic Script, as well as elements of traditional Japanese art. Yoko Nishii had as many as 50 soloist concerts in 24 Croatian cities.

Yoko Nishii, Snježana Božić and DŽ in Botanical Garden in Croatia's capital Zagreb

Videos prepared by Yoko Nishii, in which she describes a traditional art that she has learned from Snježana Božić.
Yoko is fluent in Croatian language - descriptions are in Croatian.

Torii (gate) of Grand Ise Shrine, Japan

Dragutin Božić (ima 91 godinu), otac Snježane Božić

Yoko Nishii with her portrait completed by Snježana Božić

Yoko surrounded with Snježana's works of art in Zagreb

Yoko Nishii with Professor Balthazar and with an oil-on-glass painted by Snježana Božić.

Both Yoko Nishii and Snježana Božić are members of the
Society of the Friends of the Glagolitic Script (Društvo prijatelja glagoljice - DPG) in Zagreb.

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