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 »  Home  »  Bilingual  »  Ivana Marija Vidovic translated into Croatian the verses written in 1876 in honor of Franjo Krezma in Verona
 »  Home  »  Music  »  Ivana Marija Vidovic translated into Croatian the verses written in 1876 in honor of Franjo Krezma in Verona
 »  Home  »  Croatian Language  »  Ivana Marija Vidovic translated into Croatian the verses written in 1876 in honor of Franjo Krezma in Verona
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Ivana Marija Vidovic translated into Croatian the verses written in 1876 in honor of Franjo Krezma in Verona
By Ivana Marija Vidović | Published  05/16/2018 | Bilingual , Music , Croatian Language , Poetry , Education , Culture And Arts | Unrated
S Vašim čarobnim gudalom / dovodite nas do suza i do osmijeha / duše nam ispunjate s radošću rajskih zvukova.

Franjo Krežma (1862-1881), young Croatian violinist.
He earned his diploma at the Conservatory of Vienna at the age of 13!
He died very young, at the age of 19.

Franjo Krežma; artefact from the Šenoa House in Zagreb.
Many thanks to Mrs. Jasmina Reis.

Announcement of three consecutive concerts of Franjo Krežma in Verona in 1876. Kept in Šenoa House in Zagreb.
Translated into Croatian by Ivana Marija Vidović, pianist and poet, in 2018; see below.

Četrnaestogodišnjem koncertantnom violinisti
Francescu Franju Krežmi

prilikom njegovih triju koncerata u kazalištu Ristori u Veroni
U večerima 2.,3. i 4. prosinca, 1876. godine

Krežma dragi,
iako ste još toliko mladi
svijet Vas već veliča pljeskom i
kad bude vrijeme i kad još sazrijete
dostojna kruna dal će okrunit Vaše zasluge?
Toliko je vrijednosti u Vašemu biću
da li su Vas nebu oteli?
S Vašim čarobnim gudalom
dovodite nas do suza i do osmijeha
duše nam ispunjate s radošću rajskih zvukova.

Letite posvuda uz aplauze i salve
na krilima slave!

Nek Vas ovo veliko priznanje u Veroni
prati, časti i blagosliva.

U znak divljenja,
Verona, 1876.

S Talijanskog prevela pijanistica Ivana Marija Vidović
U Dubrovniku, 1. svibnja, 2018.

Ivana Marija Vidović reading selected parts of her latest book The Life of Flowers, bilingual Italian - Croatian edition. Source.
She is the founder and director of the Epidaurus Festival - Cavtat.

Franjo Krežma (1862-1881)

Formated for CROWN by Darko Žubrinić
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