Croatia has experienced a very dramatic drop in the abortion rate from 1989 when the nation's 51,289 abortions were nearly equal to the number of live births. The latest statistics, from 2005, indicate there were 4,563 abortions - a drop of nearly 90% since 1989. Significantly the law on abortion has not changed.
From 1 to 12 October 2007 Croatia will be the scene of Noble Midas 07, the largest and most important international military manoeuvre to be held in Croatia since its independence.
The Pyramid is a unique combination of talk show and game show. Europroducciones has already optioned the format for Spain, Italy and Portugal, as has Gestion Avanti Cine Video for French speaking Canada. (photo) Dubravko Merlic and Zeljka Ogresta
Two Croatian medical journals, "Croatian Medical Journal" and "Lijecnicke novine", received important international recognition, which was not given much attention in Croatian media.
Molimo da se ne zatvori Ambasada BiH u Buenos Airesu. We petition for the Embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Buenos Aires to remain open. Pedimos que no se cierre la Embajada de Bosnia y Herzegovina en Buenos Aires.
Europapress Holding has plans to launch "the New Medium" a revolutionary news project that will integrate a daily newspaper, a web portal, television shows, and mobile communications.