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» Croatian Ambassador to USA Joško Paro leads campaign to reduce dependance upon Russian Energy
Submitted By David Byler | Published 03/8/2014 | News | Unrated
For more than a year Croatians and Americans have been proposing that Croatia be an entry point of U.S. natural gas into the European market. The recent crises in the Ukraine has brought the matter to the forefront as it becomes more and more evident that dependency on Russian energy supplies places Europe at a marked disadvantage in negotiations with Russia.
» Joško Paro in Houston for the United Nations Remembrance Day 2014
Submitted By David Byler | Published 02/2/2014 | News , History , Croatian Life Stories | Unrated
His Excellency, Mr. Joško Paro, Croatian Ambassador to the United States (left) was in Texas on January 27, 2014 to make a presentation to the Houston Holocaust Museum. This was part of the United Nations Remembrance Day commemorations. There was also recognition of the Croatian "Righteous Among Nations".
» NFCACF Elects New President Paul Tonšetić-Kunder
Submitted By Marko Puljić | Published 07/1/2013 | News , Culture And Arts , Community | Unrated
The National Federation of Croatian Americans Cultural Foundation (NFCACF) has elected a new President, Mr. Paul Tonšetić-Kunder, to succeed Mr. Bill Vergot who is retiring after serving two terms as President since 2011. Mr. Tonšetić-Kunder of Coral Springs, Florida is a third generation Croatian American originally born and raised in Pittsburgh, PA. Both maternal and fraternal grandparents came from Croatia
» Mobilne aplikacije Vatrenih - Mobile applications of Croatian soccer team on iPhone, Android and Blackberry
Submitted By Nenad N. Bach | Published 06/9/2012 | Sports , News , Community | Unrated
  Mobilne aplikacije Vatrenih. Sada je moguće sve informacije o Hrvatskoj nogometnoj reprezentaciji saznati i u pokretu! Trenutno je moguće instalirati aplikacije na mobilne uređaje koje proizvode iPhone, Android i Blackberry. Škljocnite na logo kako biste odmah instalirali aplikaciju na svoj uređaj i pristupali cijeloj statistici, povijesti, kolumnama i najsvježijim vijestima nogometne reprezentacije., Android aplikacija zah
» 4 Croatians in Super Bowl XLVI 2012 Bill Belichick, Robert Ninkovich, David Diehl & Anthony Lucas
Submitted By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić | Published 02/5/2012 | Sports , News | Unrated
I did not check the history of Super Bowls, but the fact that three Croatian Americans are playing today in a single game on the Lucas Stadium which is named after the fourth Croatian is a day to celebrate. Belichick & Diehl Two Croatian-Americans face off at Super Bowl for the second time. First time was in 2008. Since they play for opposite teams, Croatians will cheer all the way to the end. Super Bo
» Nenad Hancic created a new high quality Croatian Glagolitic font for Windows
Submitted By Prof.Dr. Darko Zubrinic | Published 08/28/2011 | Croatian Language , Science , People , News , Education , Culture And Arts | Unrated
Nenad Hančić from Germany, Duesseldorff, created a new Croatian Glagolitic font for Windows. The lower case letters of the font “Glagolica Missal DPG” are oriented on the “Missal from 1483”, the first Croatian printed book (incunabulum), while the capital letters are oriented on those of “Transit of St. Jerome”, a book printed in Croatian Glagolitic characters in the town of Senj in 1508. We owe our
» Pope Benedict XVI in Croatia's capital Zagreb 4 and 5 June 2011
Submitted By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić | Published 06/4/2011 | Croatian spirituality , News , Education , Culture And Arts , Religion | Unrated
“I offer my most cordial greetings to the beloved land of Croatia!” Here I would like to introduce the main topic of my brief reflection: the theme of conscience. This cuts across all the different fields in which you are engaged and it is fundamental for a free and just society, both at national and supranational levels. Truly, the great achievements of the modern age – the recogniti
» Vlada usvojila Strategiju odnosa Republike Hrvatske prema Hrvatima izvan Domovine
Vlada Republike Hrvatske usvojila Strategiju odnosa Republike Hrvatske prema Hrvatima izvan Republike Hrvatske. Predvidjeno je i donosenje Zakona (kao instrumenta provedbe Strategije), Savjeta Vlade i Ureda Vlade za Hrvate izvan RH (operativnog tijela), izvjescuje za CROWN Dr. Ivan Bagarić (lijevo), Predsjednik Odbora Za Hrvate Izvan Republike Hrvatske. Strategy for the relations between the Republic of Croatia and the Croatians outside th
» Ivan Dragicevic Returns to Australia with Medjugorje’s Message
Submitted By Violi Calvert | Published 02/23/2011 | Croatian spirituality , News , Community | Unrated
In June 1981, six children witnessed the apparition of the Virgin Mary on  Podbrdo Hill, in the parish of Medjugorje in western Herzegovina. Ivan Dragicevic (left) was one of these children; he was 16 years old then. Years after coming to terms with the holy role that has unwittingly evolved for him, Ivan has been traveling to the four corners of the world to share his experience and spread the messages from the Virgin Mary.

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