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Croatian Language
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» Merry Christmas and a Happy New 2016 accompanied with beautiful Croatian Christams carols
Croatia has as many as 500 traditional Christmas carols, the oldest ones dating from the 12th century, and sung also today. This number is probably greater than in the case of any other nation in the Christian world. We provide several video recordings to illustrate this important religious and musical heritage of the Republic of Croatia, which was a source of inspiration for numerous composers. On the photo a Christ
» Croatian dialects interactive atlas project directed by Dr Velimir Piskorec
Submitted By Darko Žubrinić | Published 12/19/2015 | Croatian Language , Education | Unrated
The atlas of Croatian dialects has the aim to describe the living speech heritage in various parts of the Republic of Croatia and outside of it. About seventy typical sentences have been chosen as an illustration. The project is directed by Dr Velimir Piškorec, professor at the University of Zagreb, at the Faculty of Arts and Letters. The project is far from being completed, and native speakers from various parts whe
» Miro Gavran's play "All About Women" premiered in Moscow on 27th Sep 2015
Submitted By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić | Published 10/27/2015 | Bilingual , Croatian Language , Entertainment , Education | Unrated
Croatian writer Miro Gavran will have premiere of his play "All About Women" on 27th October 2015 in famous Russian theater "Et Cetera" in Moscow. Director of Gavran's play is young and talented Viktorija Pecernikova. The play was translated from Croatian into Russian by Sergej Girin. Actors are Angela Belian Skaya, Natalija Zhitkova, Olga Belova, Elizabeta Ryzhikh, Katarina Buylova and Anastasia Kormilitsyana. Gavran's
» Miro Gavran's play "All About Women" had 100th performance in Bratislava Slovakia in 2015
Theater Divadlo v Podpalubi from Bratislava, Slovakia had 100th performance of Miro Gavran's play "All About Women" with author attending on September 30th, 2015. Translation into Slovak was done by Jan Jankovic while director is Minim F. Otzow. Main roles are performed by Andrea Profantova, Andrea Karnasova and Bibiana Ondrejkova. Miro Gavran is a Croatian playwright and novelist, whose works have been translated into t
» Mia Negovetic interpreting Croatian National Anthem on the occasion of the Victory Day on 5th August 2015
Submitted By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić | Published 08/6/2015 | Croatian Language , Entertainment , Education , Music | Unrated
Mia Negovetić is only 12 years old girl from the city of Rijeka, Croatia, who had the honor to interpret Lijepa Naša (Our Beautiful), the most beautiful national anthem, accompanied with Klapa Sv Juraj of the Croatian Military Marine, during the celebration of the 20 years of Humanitarian and Liberation Operation Storm in 1995. Mia is from the family of musicians, her favorite subject in school is mathematics, and s
» Vladimir Bubrin & Vinko Grubisic: The Glory and Fame, Croatian Renaissance Reader, NY 2015
Submitted By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić | Published 07/22/2015 | Croatian Language , Science , Poetry , Education , Culture And Arts | Unrated
Vladimir Bubrin & Vinko Grubisic (on the photo) have prepared an important and extensive book dealing with Croatian Reanaissance literature.  It has been published in 2015 by Croatian Academy of America, NY, USA. The book has 589 pages and provides the original Croatian texts from the Renaissance period (14-17th century), their translation into contemprary Croatian langague, as well as into English. Large portions of
» Miro Gavran’s play All About Women to be shown in Avignon France 4-26 July 2015
Submitted By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić | Published 06/8/2015 | Croatian Language , Entertainment , Education | Unrated
Miro Gavran's play "All About Women" that had its premiere in production of "Compagnie du soir" in Le Funambule Theatre Montmartre in Paris in June of last year and was a great success will be performed on renowned international theatre festival "OFF AVIGNON" that will be held from July 4th to 26th. Play was translated into French by Anica Falamic-Brochoire and Tsolinee Vacher. Director is Etienne Chevrel while main role
» Artur Bagdasarov and Vinicije Lupis creating a bridge of friendship between Armenia and Croatia
Submitted By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić | Published 04/25/2015 | Croatian Language , Science , History , Education , Culture And Arts , Religion | Unrated
Artur Bagdasarov (Moscow) and Vinicije Lupis (Dubrovnik) are the authors of an important book Armenija - domovina sv. Vlaha  (Armenia - Homeland of St Blaise), dealing with the history St. Blaise tradition in the city of Dubrovnik, going back to the 10th century. St. Blaise, known in Croatia as Sveti Vlaho, is an Armenian saint who lived in 3rd and 4th centuries. The monograph provides a detailed account of historic
» Hrvojka Mihanovic Salopek and her Stella Maris Croatiae project
Hrvojka Mihanović Salopek, PhD, of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, is the director of important cultural project Stella Maris Croatiae, the aim of which is to present the most important examples of the veneration of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Croatia, including noted Marian shrines and an anthological selection of Marian works from the theological, artistic and musical heritage. Dr. Mihanović Salope

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Croatian Constellation

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