CROWN - Croatian World Network -
Dorat d.o.o. Company from Varazdin Croatia manufacturing social games out of paper and cardboard
By Vladimir Mihajlović
Published on 08/22/2013
The idea came from the need of familiarizing cultural, natural and historical landmarks that are recognizable for certain place, area or region to all who want to do so, especially to those who are not introduced with specific landmarks and beauty of that region or area. Some of those games are puzzles, memory, dominos and etc. Recently we developed some new products and new ideas that are interesting for the “business world”. Products are formed as souvenirs or gifts and as such they serve as promotion of landmarks, cities or regions to broad public within Croatia and abroad. The producer is DORAT d.o.o. Company from the city of Varazdin in Croatia.

Along the Traces of Heritage - Tragom baštine

Along The Traces of Heritage - Tragom Baštine


Učiti kroz igru, igrati se učeći

Ideja pod nazivom "TRAGOM BAŠTINE" javila se iz potrebe za približavanjem kulturnih, prirodnih i povijesnih znamenitosti prepoznatljivih za određeno mjesto, kraj ili područje svima koji žele o tome nešto saznati, a naročito osobama koje nisu upoznate s posebnostima tog kraja. Najbolji način da se nekom opišu te posebnosti je vizualizacija jer slika znamenitosti govori puno više od 1000 riječi, a nema boljeg medija za učenje nego kroz igru, odnosno zabavu.

Prva ideja je SLAGALICA ili PUZZLE. Glavna misao vodilja je odabrati znamenitost koja je najprepoznatljivija za mjesto, odnosno s kojim mjesto ili kraj ima najveću povezanost.

Slaganjem slike objekta, osoba se povezuje sa znamenitošću, proučava dio po dio, sve dok ne spoji cijelu sliku. Takva se slika duboko ureže u svijest i dugo tamo ostaje, a osoba je upoznala svaki djelić objekta.

Kada želimo saznati nešto o nekom kraju, najbolje je proučiti po čemu je taj kraj poznat. Kulturna baština, povijesna baština, prirodna baština. Sve je to što bi željeli pogledati, obići, okusiti. Za tu vrstu promocije odabrali smo MEMORY, igru koja može vizualno prikazati sve što je najvažnije za određeni kraj, tj. ono što želimo da se upozna. Specifičnost je u tome što kroz nastojanje da upamtimo parove, pamtimo i znamenitosti, objekte, biljke, jela, tradiciju i ostalo. Igra je naročito pogodna jer razvija memorijske sposobnosti, naročito kod djece te se u isto vrijeme, nesvjesno vrši edukacija.

Mirjana Glavaš

DORAT d.o.o.

Tvrtka DORAT d.o.o., bavi se izradom raznih društvenih igara od papira i kartona kao što su puzzle, memory, domino, i slično. Nedavno su razvili još neke nove proizvode, ideje te projekte koji su vrlo interesantni u "poslovnom svijetu".

Proizvodi tvrtke DORAT d.o.o. idejno su novi na tržištu, inovativni te vrlo zanimljivi. Neki projekti su realizirani s raznim ustanovama i tvrtkama (grad Pula, muzej Novi Vinodolski, GMV, Nacionalni Park Brijuni, Hrvatska Matica Iseljenika, grad Donji Miholjac, HAK, Croatia Osiguranje, Schiedel Hrvatska, Eko Etno, Karlovačka Pivovara… ), a dosta je projekata i pred samim završetkom realizacije. Projekti se osmišljavaju na način da budu edukativni za djecu ili odrasle (učenje odnosno dobivanje informacija kroz igru), a opet da bi pojedine tvrtke, organizacije ili udruge mogle koristiti produkte kao prezentacijski materijal i marketinški alat. (postoji mogućnost stavljanja zaštitnih boja tvrtke, logo, razne informacije, web adresa, QR code ili nešto drugo na ambalažu ili sam proizvod.)

Pokažite što volite

Ideja koja ima dobre temelje, ima edukativno-zabavni karakter, pokazuje ono na što ste ponosni. Želite li i Vi da drugi nešto nauče o onome što volite? Jedan od sigurno najispravnijih načina je da podržite našu ideju i pokažete što to volite.

Proizvodi su zabavno-edukativnog karaktera te se na taj način vrši promidžba znamenitosti grada i okolice.

Proizvodi su osmišljeni kao suvenir, odnosno poklon te je na taj način osigurano da se znamenitosti i sam grad predstave širokom krugu ljudi, kako unutar granica Hrvatske, tako i u inozemstvu.


DORAT d.o.o.
A.B. Šimića 16
Telefon: +385 99 214 9927,
+385 95 900 7425

Tragom Bastine

Learn thru play, play to learn!

Idea under the name “
Tragom Baštine” came from the need of familiarizing cultural, natural and historical landmarks that are recognizable for certain place, area or region to all who want to do so, especially to those who are not introduced with specific landmarks and beauty of that region or area. The best way to introduce or describe those landmarks is thru visualization, because the picture of the landmark is saying more than 1000 words; and the best way to learn is thru play and fun!

First idea for play to learn is puzzle. The main thought is to pick most recognizable landmark for the specific place, area or region and make a puzzle out of that specific landmark.

With arranging those landmarks into a puzzle the person is connecting the picture of the same in his or her mind; piece by piece until the whole picture is not connected. That picture that person arranges into a puzzle stays in the mind of the person that connected those puzzles.
When we want to learn more about some region the best way to do so is to find out what is that region known for or specific landmark that is within the same region. That could be cultural, natural or historical heritage. All those landmarks are something that we would like to visit, see or taste. For that kind of promotion of heritage we have MEMORY, game that will visually show all those landmarks and sights that are most specific for that particular region that we want to get familiar with. Specific thing about Memory is when we try to memorize the pairs we are memorizing the landmarks, buildings, plants, meals, tradition and etc. Game is specific because it developing memory strength, especially with the kids and at the same time learning.

Marijana Glavaš

Dorat d.o.o.

Dorat D.o.o. Company is manufacturing different types of social games out of paper and cardboard. Some of those games are puzzles, memory, dominos and etc. Recently we developed some new products and new ideas that are interesting for the “business world”.

Our products and our ideas are fresh on the market but they are very interesting to wide range of businesses. Some of our projects are realized with different institutions and companies (ex. City of Pula, Novi Vinodolski Musuem, GMV , Briuni national park , Croatian Heritage Fundation, city of Donji Miholjac, HAK , Croatia Osiguranje , Schiedel Croatia, Eko Etno, Karlovacka pivovara etc.) and there are projects that are going to be realized in near future.  All of our projects are based on education, either for kids or mature people with focused on learning thru play. Thru these projects companies, organizations or institutions can use these games as presentational material or marketing tool (putting company’s trademarks, colors, logos, different information, web addresses, and QR codes on the package or on the games directly).

Show what you love

This idea has great foundation, education and fun put together and it shows what you are proud of.

Do you want others to learn about what you love and what you are proud of? One of the best ways to do so is to support our idea and show what you love and what you are proud of. Our products are educational and fun and thru that it promotes landmarks of your city and surroundings.

Products are formed as souvenirs or gifts and as such they serve as promotion of landmarks, cities or regions to broad public within Croatia and abroad.

DORAT d.o.o.
A.B. Šimića 16
Telefon: +385 99 214 9927,
+385 95 900 7425

U san mi dođu tambure (K. S. Bogutovac/H. Bogutovac/K. Dražić)
Hrvatski tamburaški orkestar - Šokačka rapsodija 2012., Koncertna dvorana Vatroslava Lisinskog 18. ožujka 2012.
vokalni solisti: Krunoslav Dražić i Željko Jelić, dirigent: Damir Butković

Vrgorac - tragom baštine

Bosutski Bećari: Želim te noćaš

Formated for CROWN by Darko Žubrinić
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