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» Margaret Thatcher 1925-2013: It is a great pleasure to speak to you here in the ancient capital of your beautiful country
Submitted By Darko Žubrinić | Published 04/9/2013 | Human Rights , Croatians in B&H , Politics , People , In Memoriam , History , Education | Unrated
Margaret Thatcher passed away on 8 April 2013. One of her greatest achievements came when she was no longer Prime Minister. She came out in support of recognising and arming Croatia in 1991 when Serbia had invaded and she did the same for Bosnia-Hercegovina when Belgrade turned its aggression onto that country. In so doing she helped focus international onto who was the aggressor. She played her role in combating the
» Oleh Hirnyk translated Hrvoje Kacic's monograph from Croatian into Ukrainian and published in Kyiv 2013
Submitted By Darko Žubrinić | Published 02/19/2013 | Human Rights , Politics , History , Friends , Education | Unrated
  Mr. Oleh Hirnyk translated an important monograph by Dr. Hrvoje Kačić, Serving My Country (U službi domovine), from Croatian into Ukrainian. The Ukrainian title is Hrvats'ki proriv (Croatian Break Through). The monograph has an extensive preface to the book, written by the translator, revealing many little known details from the history of relations between Croatia and Ukraine. The book has been published in 2013 in Kyiv,
» Prof.dr. Kresimir Cosic: Kako smo promijenili tijek rata Operacijom ZIMA 94
Submitted By Prof.dr. Krešimir Ćosić, Croatian general | Published 02/14/2013 | Croatians in B&H , Politics , History , Education | Unrated
Hrvatski general prof.dr. Krešimir Ćosić opisuje povijesna događanja vezana uz tzv. Prvu bihaćku krizu i njenu povezanost s operacijom “Zima ’94”, koja su gotovo su potpuno nepoznata široj javnosti. Međutim, može se reći da je Hrvatska vojska upravo tom operacijom neizravno spriječila pad Bihaća i tragediju civilnog pučanstva srebreničkih razmjera još u zimi 1994., ... Sjećanja, činjenice i izvorni dokum
» Karolina Vidovic Kristo distinguished Croatian journalist on HTV
Submitted By Darko Žubrinić | Published 12/31/2012 | Human Rights , Politics , People , Opinions , Friends In Action , Education | Unrated
  Karolina Vidović Krišto is producing an excellent program for Croatian diaspora, for which she deserves our deep gratitude. She is engaged, among others, in defending human rights of children in Croatia, and promoting deeper ties between Croatia and its diaspora. Her professionalism and honorable engagement ranks her among the leading figures on Croatian Television - Hrvatska televizija (HTV).
» Jeffrey Kuhner, The Washington Times - Croatia’s national independence finally has been secured
Submitted By Darko Žubrinić | Published 12/6/2012 | Human Rights , Politics , History , Education | Unrated
Croatia’s national independence finally has been secured. This is the real meaning of the recent ruling by the U.N. war crimes court in The Hague to overturn the conviction of Croatian Gen. Ante Gotovina. Gen. Gotovina embodies Croatia’s struggle for independence. Gen. Gotovina’s actions effectively smashed Belgrade’s campaign of mass killings and ethnic cleansing. No one - neither the European Uni
» Brian Gallagher: a historic day - the Croatian diaspora can take pride in its support of Croatian generals
Submitted By Nenad N. Bach | Published 11/26/2012 | Croatian Heroes , Human Rights , Politics , History , Friends In Action , Events , Education | Unrated
Brian Gallagher: Certainly there were those outside Croatia who also supported the generals. I will single out here the former adviser to Margaret Thatcher, Robin Harris. He helped raise the profile of the case and was forthright in support. That was quite brave; believing in the innocent of alleged war criminals is not necessarily a very popular thing to do. The Croatian diaspora can take pride in its support. Indee
» Petar Janjic - Tromblon defendor of Vukovar and Croatia in 1991 and twenty years after
Petar Janjić nicknamed Tromblon, was an active participant of the defense of Vukovar in 1991, and survived infamous concentration camps in Serbia. He is speaking about his life and about Croatian defenders in his important and unique autobiographic book about the 1991 Vukovar tragedy, entitled "Žedni krvi gladni izdaje" (Those Thirsty of Blood and Hungry of Treason). He is openly and very courageously describing some
» Ante Gotovina and Mladen Markach with their families in Croatia after seven years of grave injustice in the Hague
  We are pleased to send our cordial greetings to Mr. Ante Gotovina, Mr. Mladen Markač, Mr. Slobodan Praljak, Mr. Dario Kordić, and their families, in the name of the readers of the CROWN. They are all defenders of European values and true Croatian ambassadors in the EU. Croatian general Mr. Ante Gotovina contributed enormously to the dignity of Europe during the operation STORM in 1995, which according to distinguis
» Kenneth Merten is named new U.S. Ambassador to Croatia
Submitted By Marko Puljić | Published 11/14/2012 | Politics | Unrated
Kenneth Merten, the United States Ambassador to the Republic of Croatia, presented his credentials to President Ivo Josipović on October 30, 2012. Kenneth Merten is a career member of the senior Foreign Service; he joined the diplomatic corps in 1987 and most recently served as Ambassador to Haiti. He also served as a Deputy Executive Secretary to U.S. Secretary of State Clinton and earlier to U.S. Secretary of State Rice. He was awarded th

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