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» Konvoj Libertas plovi prema hrvatsko-slovenskoj granici 7. studenog 2009.
Submitted By Branka Šeparović | Published 11/3/2009 | Human Rights , Politics , Opinions , Media Watch , Events | Unrated
Znameniti Konvoj Libertas plovi prema hrvatsko-slovenskoj granici 7. studenog 2009. Priključite se! Kontakt: Zvonimir Šeparović, na e-mail  adresu (u zaglavlje staviti Konvoj Libertas). Ugroženi su hrvatski nacionalni interesi. A famous convoy Libertas sails to the Croatian-Slovenian border on November 7th, 2009. Join! Croatian national interests are in danger.
» Davorin Rudolf's appeal to Croatian Parliament to reject humiliating dictates
Submitted By Academician Davorin Rudolf | Published 10/31/2009 | Bilingual , Politics | Unrated
Academician Davorin Rudolf's open letter to Croatian Parliament on the new Croatian-Slovenian arbitration agreement dealing with the common state border:  ... We invite and appeal to the representatives of Croatian Parliament to ... unanimously reject the dictates and blackmails that humiliate us ... 
» NFCA Delegation Meets U.S. Ambassador to Croatia James Foley
Submitted By Nenad N. Bach | Published 09/8/2009 | Politics | Unrated
A National Federation of Croatian Americans (NFCA) delegation of Steve Rukavina, Zvonko Labas, Joe Foley, and NFCA Fellow Jelena Rudela met with the newly approved U.S. Ambassador to Croatia, James Foley, at the U.S. State Department in Washington, D.C. on Tuesday September 1st. Cathy Westley, the State Department’s Croatian Desk Officer, also met with the NFCA delegation.
» James B. Foley is new U.S. Ambassador to Croatia
Submitted By Nenad N. Bach | Published 07/4/2009 | News , Politics | Unrated
US President Barack Obama will nominate James B. Foley (left) as new US ambassador to Croatia. Foley's nomination must be approved by the US Senate. Foley, a career member of the Senior Foreign Service, will succeed Robert Bradtke, who is leaving in July. Bradtke has been ambassador since 2006.
» Julienne Eden Busic: Your Blood and Mine, waiting for Zvonko for 32 years
Julienne Eden Bušić's speech at the book promotion, "Your Blood and Mine", held in an overcrowded hall of the Mimara Palace in Zagreb, May 21, 2009, in the presence of her husband Zvonko, both on the photo from 1970s. They met each other again in 2008 after 32 years of separation.
» NFCA 2009 Assembly of Delegates formalize new agenda
Submitted By Marko Puljić | Published 06/15/2009 | Politics | Unrated
The National Federation of Croatian Americans (NFCA) just completed its 16th Annual Assembly of Delegates this past weekend. The delegates came to Washington to discuss and formalize the NFCA's new agenda in this promising era of full NATO membership for the Republic of Croatia and a new political environment for Croatia and the Croatian American community.
» The Vukovar Hospital 1991, important monograph about its tragedy
Submitted By Prof.Dr. Darko Zubrinic | Published 04/13/2009 | Croatian Heroes , Human Rights , Politics , History , Education | Unrated
The English edition of the monograph The Vukovar Hospital 1991 has been published in 2008 by the Vukovar Hospital and "Society of the Croatian doctors and volunteers in 1990-1991". Its Organizer council consists of Dr.  Vesna Bosanac, Dr. Juraj Njavro, and Dr. Štefan Biro. Especially important is an article by professor Andrija Hebrang, entitled: Silence of the International humanitarian organizations about the tragedy of the Vukovar Hospi
» Croatia in NATO on April 3, 2009. NFCA newsletter.
Submitted By Edward Andrus | Published 04/3/2009 | Politics , Events | Unrated
Republic of Croatia is scheduled to formally join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) together with Albania at a summit marking the bloc's 60th anniversary during April 3-4. 2009. The NFCA is pleased to have contributed over the years to this great accomplishment for the Old Homeland. May Croatia long enjoy the peace and prosperity that is a by-product of NATO membership.
» Brian Gallagher interviewed Croatian American filmmaker Jack Baric
Submitted By Brian Gallagher | Published 03/21/2009 | Croatian Heroes , Croatians in B&H , Politics , Media Watch , History , Education | Unrated
Exclusive interview with American Croatian filmmaker Jack Baric, the director of the new film, 'Searching for a Storm', published by Croatian Herald (Australia) 13 March 2009. New documentary about 'Operation Storm' which liberated the occupied parts of Croatia in 1995, and saved the city of Bihać in BiH from tragedy. Interviewer: Brian Gallagher, London; Jack Baric on the photo.

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