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» Dr. Slobodan Lang and his concept of the Challenge of Goodness
Submitted By Prof.Dr. Darko Zubrinic | Published 01/29/2011 | Croatian Heroes , Human Rights , Croatians in B&H , Science , Politics , People , Education | Unrated
Dr. Slobodan Lang, professor of medical ethics at the University of Zagreb and at Harvard, is best known for his tireless work on humanitarian issues, without precedent in contemporary history. He initiated the concept of „Challenge of Goodness“ and proposed and presented prevention of hate and genocide, protection of hospitals, prisoners of war and refugees, as well as responsibility for goodness by human beings during conflict
» James J. Sadkovich's monograph "Tudjman, the first political biography"
Submitted By Julienne Busic | Published 12/11/2010 | Science , Politics , History | Unrated
James Sadkovich is the author of the monograph Tudjman: prva politicka biografija, his first political biography, in 2010, Zagreb (in Croatian). He is an independent scholar who holds a Ph.D. in history from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.  Dr. Sadkovich completed the initial research for this monograph  while a Public Policy Scholar at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. We provide an interview by Julienne Eden Buš
» NFCA Leaders Meet With US State Department and National Security Council
Submitted By Joe Foley | Published 11/21/2010 | Politics , Community | Unrated
A delegation of members of the National Federation of Croatian Americans Cultural Foundation (NFCA) met with the White House’s National Security Council staff and several US State Department policy officials earlier this month to discuss the current status of relations between the United States and Croatia and to express their concerns about the ongoing problems faced by Croats in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH).
» Tom Rukavina Croatian-American running for Minnesota governor
Submitted By Marko Puljić | Published 04/5/2010 | Politics , People | Unrated
Tom Rukavina, from northern Minnesota is in the running for governor of Minnesota as a member of the Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party. He has a reputation as a straight talking, hard working and passionate advocate for what's best for Minnesota.
» Dr. Ante Cuvalo: Croatia at the crossroads 1990
Submitted By Prof.Dr. Darko Zubrinic | Published 03/18/2010 | Bilingual , Politics , History | Unrated
The following is an article written in June of 1990 by dr. Ante Čuvalo, distinguished Croatian historian, after the first free elections in Croatia.  It was published in the then émigré publication, Hrvatska revija [Croatian Review], No. 3, September, 1990, pp. 601-605. We provide it as a parallel Croatian and English text.
» 17th Annual NFCA Cultural Foundation Convention to be held May 15, 2010
Submitted By Marko Puljić | Published 03/5/2010 | Community , Politics | Unrated
The National Federation of Croatian Americans (NFCA) Cultural Foundation 2010 Assembly of Delegates will take place in Monroeville, Pennsylvania within the Greater Pittsburgh area, the weekend of May 14-16.
» Steve Rukavina met Barack Obama at the White House
Submitted By Marko Puljić | Published 02/22/2010 | Politics , People , Community | Unrated
National Federation of Croatian Americans President Steve Rukavina (left) and his wife Diane met with President Barack Obama and the First Lady Michelle Obama at a December holiday party at The White House. The NFCA President was thrilled to meet the President and to extend well wishes from the Croatian American community.
» Miroslav Tudjman kandidat za predsjednika Republike Hrvatske
Submitted By Nenad N. Bach | Published 12/23/2009 | Politics | Unrated
Prof.dr. Miroslav Tuđman: politički i gospodarski uspješna Hrvatska nije moguća bez zajedništva domovinske i iseljene Hrvatske. Iseljena je Hrvatska zaslužna za stvaranje hrvatske države, ali je i šansa za naš brži oporavak i gospodarski razvoj. I sada je priljev sredstava od dijaspore veći od 3% BDP-a.
» NFCA Fall 2009 newsletter is now available
Submitted By Marko Puljić | Published 12/17/2009 | Politics | Unrated
The Fall issue of the Croatian American Advocate, published by the National Federation of Croatian Americans is now available. Read about NFCA efforts in Washington, D.C. and what you can do to support this organization and their work.

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